A Channer update:
o summarize: m00t wasn't around for very long. /b/ has done a fast-food flood, a box flood (now between 10K to 15K boxes have been sent), lots of feminine products and depends, several dozen religious texts, got Jennifer Petkov fired from her job almost definitely, and has called the CPS and the IRS on the Petkovs several times.
They have also supposedly sent strippers and escorts of both sexes (though no pics to confirm), and have started spamming her classmates.com page full of messages. Oh, and to put icing on the cake, there is talk of "Operaton: Send in the Clowns", where /b/ is going to try and get a bunch of Juggalos to show up Saturday night at 1am because they were told there was a party going to happen there. I can't post links, because I think that's what got my last update post deleted.
The box flood may be the point where Jennifer Petkov caves and actually apologizes, since that many boxes would surely bring around camera crews again. /b/ kind of wants to send the message that the crazy will only stop when she apologizes on camera. There was talk of sending a /b/scout over to personally relay the message to her, but a few minutes ago it got trashed as a bad idea, since everybody is supposed to by Anonymous.
Outside of that the home was egged and the entire city has rallied around the young girl and her family.
Update: Scott Petkov said the fallout of the Sept. 30 photo postings on a Facebook page his wife created in retaliation resulted Friday in his suspension with pay from his job as a forklift repairman in Warren. He said his employer is considering firing him. The eldest of the Petkovs' four children was sent home from school after getting into an argument with a classmate who confronted him about the Internet photos, said the couple.