[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Don't feel bad gargoyle_eva, I knew about the bugs/glitches, but still did it the old fashioned way.


Staff member
The current map is now up on the server (apparently they did it at 3 am central US time last night), I've made an easy-to-self-restore backup of its state on the server, and the server is up and running (albeit still in ALPHA mode). The guys at hMod say they are "close" to having it working... if you absolutely can't wait to play, here are big scary techie advanced instructions on how to roll back your clients to the last alpha client.


Me too. Cheating takes more fun out of the game than playing on peaceful, for me.

Not sure I would dub it "cheating", some people treat it like a big "Lego" sandbox, and that's perfectly fine. I just play it with the original intention in mind.
I'm one of those that likes to treat it like a big lego box....with the addition of high explosives :)

Seriously I just go there to build, poke around, help others if they need a hand, that kind of things...its one part social ,one part play, and one part exploring....the perfect time-waster for me.
Grow tree. Place dirt block on top. Plant tree, wash rinse repeat.
I did basically the same thing with my tower. The only difference is that after the sapling "grew" into a full tree, I replaced the base dirt block with obsidian for the look.

One other thing to do is to place TWO dirt blocks next to each other on top of the old tree, and have the one directly above the trunk make the tree, and the one to the "side" have a torch on it. Then you KNOW it'll grow eventually. Then when it grows, take out the extra dirt you don't need (technically you don't need ANY dirt).
So Notch has fixed most of the major (performance and item dupe) glitches and holy crap, Minecraft runs smoother than ever before for me.


Staff member
soooo... any chance the server will be up and running (and not alpha) anytime soon?
That's entirely up to the hMod development staff at this point. Bear in mind, too, that just because Wahad is playing smoothly in single player doesn't mean multiplayer won't be buggy :p

hey0 (the head of hMod development) won't be back to update until the 24th, but he's got some other people on his team apparently who are telling multiplay (our host) that they're getting close.

The server has to have hey0 enabled, I'm guessing due to their particular virtualization process causing map corruptions on shutdown/restart without it.


Staff member
I used the durability reset glitch, and used the dupe glitch to replace items that the glitchy inventory ate, but I haven't spawned any blocks. So, my work is semi-legit. I spent a lot of time in single player doing things the legit way, so I was glad to have a little reprieve in multi-player.

If I do make a hedge maze, I will be using mod-spawned leaf blocks to make it. It's just not practical to try and do that legit. Unless... Ni! Ni! Notch, bring us a shrubbery!
I used the durability reset glitch, and used the dupe glitch to replace items that the glitchy inventory ate, but I haven't spawned any blocks. So, my work is semi-legit. I spent a lot of time in single player doing things the legit way, so I was glad to have a little reprieve in multi-player.

If I do make a hedge maze, I will be using mod-spawned leaf blocks to make it. It's just not practical to try and do that legit. Unless... Ni! Ni! Notch, bring us a shrubbery!
What you could also do if you really want to do it legit is spawn trees one square below ground*, let them grow, trim the leaves and put torches or ladders or whatever on them so they won't grow further.

*Something like this:

____  _____  ___
    |x|    |x|
where x is a sapling.


Staff member
Uhm... Oddly enough... the pub Fnordbear built near the post office is currently ablaze. I have no explanation.


Staff member
What you could also do if you really want to do it legit is spawn trees one square below ground*, let them grow, trim the leaves and put torches or ladders or whatever on them so they won't grow further.

*Something like this:

____  _____  ___
    |x|    |x|
where x is a sapling.
You'd have to put the trees deeper down if you wanted just leaves aboveground, and you'd still risk trees that grew much taller than you wanted. It'd be a very hit or miss operation, with a lot of waiting and replanting. Tree growth isn't a gradual thing, they grow all at once. Full height, instantly.


Staff member
the new server supports /home, /sethome, and /spawn.

This means you can /sethome to determine where /home teleports you, and still be teleported to the spawn point with /spawn.
I think Wahad's idea might work, you just need to put a block of dirt or something 5 blocks above the ground where the sapling is planted to act as a growth cap. Might need to place torches to ensure growth, though.


Staff member
I think Wahad's idea might work, you just need to put a block of dirt or something 5 blocks above the ground where the sapling is planted to act as a growth cap. Might need to place torches to ensure growth, though.
I don't think that short trees have more than one leaf block at their top, do they? I need to check on that. Even then, would the tree grow right up to the growth cap, limiting the leaf production at the top where it's wanted?


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Oh, and I guess I can put the ventrilo server information here too.

Ventrilo, for those who want to use it:


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No. As stated before, that one will be going away in February. I got this one with the Minecraft server and it will be replacing the current HF one.


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I've upgraded all the gasbandia-related tram stations to use the minecart mania system and ohhh god is it nice.


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As Gas can attest (he was on there when I was) I was going SPLAT all the time after I rolled back. Well, Splat as in "crash" every 5 or so minutes. Very odd, as that's been RARE usually.

But the minecarts are cool.
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