I liked Kringus when he was just Scratch in a tree. Even when he first went toe-to-toe with that mall Santa, demanding that Santa give over his teleportation technology, I liked him. When all this junk about Christmas prophecy and "forbidden Christmas magic" started flying around, that's when I, personally, lost interest. Kringus was funny because it was about a cat in a Christmas tree with delusions of grandeur. Him being a serious villain to Santa... not so funny.
LoLBat... well, he was funny once or twice, with the introduction and the fight with silly villains. Nothing too grand, but good for a few laughs. I do, however, dislike him being an alter ego of Butler, a character I truly and thoroughly enjoyed in the past; a prim and proper British gentleman's gentleman, whose gentleman happens to be a suddenly-rich beer and vigeo games connoisseur (i.e. a couch potato). Somehow Butler having a secret life as a leotard-wearing, meme-spouting superhero doesn't fit. Granted, it's a nice reference to Batman's Alfred, but it's a bit too much. I'd like some deeper character to Butler's persona, but slapping him together with LoLBat... well, that just sounds like lazy writing. Like Scott couldn't be damned to make some manner of history for both characters, so he just decided they're one and the same.
My 1/50 of a dollar on the matter.