[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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so i just lost everything to a glitch, I fell into a missing chunk, and rebooted the game, i then proceeded to explode when I logged back in. lost MY THIRD SET OF DIAMOND TOOLS TODAY! plus the gold and netherak blocks that tabasco gave me....grrr totally discouraging...
I was fooling around in single player for a half hour yesterday and it crashed. When I loaded up my word... half of the fort I had built was there and the other half was untouched wilderness again (like a line was drawn down the middle of it and one side was reverted to the original map... weird).

Anyone else ever experienced something like this?
Yes. It has happened to Kati and to another friend of mine. I think it has to do with quitting quitting the game before the 'saving chunks...' message is allowed to go away. I haven't had it happen to me yet, but my biggest world is pretty small (less than 10MB).



Staff member
Hrm, I've tried it from 3 different locations, one of which is in canada... and they all loaded. Try it again maybe?


Staff member
Well, thankfully we won't be seeing anything like that here - that kinect thing requires a map editor. And frankly, I'm not all that impressed by it. I've seen clearer ascii images.
You mean the same top down cartograph that noaxark posted before? No.

From the same one you recently posted? Yes, if you would be so kind.
It's no giant flaming skull, but I'm pretty happy with how my latest stuff turned out, so I'm going to inflict screenshots upon you

For comparison's sake, a screenshot of the first castle I built, which ended up being a little too small.

And the second one:

In keeping with the Japanese theme, a shrine complex, in various stages of completion

Bird's eye view of the grounds.


Staff member
Odd how NOW the spoiler tag works, but it breaks image tags inside it.

Heh, yeah I stumbled upon your shrine last week drifter - it's very impressive... there is a great attention to detail and the layout is precise. I put my wish on the wish board :p
Yeah! I just logged in, like, 30min ago after finally getting my last damaged computer back online and there was no update. Glad I backed up my worlds!



Staff member
From Multiplay:
Minecraft Beta 1.2 Update & Multiplay Servers
Jan 13 2011 17:14:10 by liv3d
As I'm sure many of you are aware, the 1.2 Update for Minecraft is about to be released.

Multiplay's services rely on the use of hMod to be able to control the server and provide you with all of the features you find in Clanforge, in particular world management and Live Control/RCON.

We've also experienced in the past that fresh updates of Minecraft are very unstable and any addons you have on your server will break. Basically, a great deal of disruption which can be avoided by not upgrading until key addons have been updated and any base server code bugs can be fixed by Notch.

Because of these reason we'll be doing the same we did with the last major Minecraft update, and keeping our servers running 1.1 until the release becomes more stable and a hMod/Bukkit version compatible with the new update is released.

To continue playing on your server you'll need to make sure you have the correct version of the client still installed on your machine.

We'll be adding a download that contains the correct files and instructions on how best to use it very soon, so watch this space!
I anticipated exactly this happening, so a few days ago I backed up my bin files.

Here is a rar of the 1.1 beta bin files you need to play.

To get it working,

First, patch minecraft to the latest version. Then download the above rar if you haven't already.

open "My Computer," then in the address bar type %appdata%

go into the ".minecraft" folder

go into the "bin" folder

delete everything EXCEPT the file called "version."

extract the contents of the rar into the bin folder.

That's it. Then you can play on our server again.

Once the server is updated, to 1.2 (probably in a few days), go back into the bin folder as above and delete the "version" file. Then you can close out of everything and open minecraft. it will re-patch to the latest version and you'll be good to go.

Edit: I forgot my bins also include a minimap mod... you might need this file to make it work right - sorry: mods.rar

go into the .minecraft folder as above and extract the contents of mods.rar there (NOT into bin).
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