The OFFICIAL DC Universe Online Thread (was Beta)

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heh.. Fry's in our area was selling the code for 5$ a pop (i.e. pre-order boxes) I think they might be out now :(
Side Track

Have ya'll been using the DCUO facebook app? Use it once a week and it gives a code to redeem in the store for a trinket. So far I have Catwoman's Claws and a penguin Umbrella Gun. This week's trinket that unlocks in 2 days in Harley's mallet.
The US servers will be coming down at 4AM PT for a brief hotfix to address a few outstanding issues. Downtime is anticipated to be approximately less than 90 minutes. Players may notice the following changes:
  • Abilities: Psychic Empowerment now properly restores power.
  • Abilities: Performing a dodge roll will no longer dodge healing abilities.
  • Challenges: Power Girl now drops loot in the level 30 Challenge Mode for Storming the Ivory Tower.
  • Faction Rewards: Villain faction rewards now only require Marks of Allegiance and no longer require an unavailable badge type.
  • Feats: Any feat that requires a specific number of PvP wins should now be granted properly after the correct number of wins.
  • Trait Resets: If you reset traits while in a different shape change form you will no longer remain stuck in that form.
  • Trait Resets: All buffs cast by the player character from abilities granted by traits will now be removed when resetting traits.
  • Trait Resets: Resetting traits with a weapon type equipped that was earned by a trait (i.e. not the weapon type chosen at character create) will no longer continue to give the stats of the equipped weapon with no basic abilities.
o Now all stats will be removed from equipped weapons for which you do not have the required trait.
o In this situation, you should have the same basic punching abilities that you get if you unequip your weapon.
o Purchasing the trait to grant access to that weapon type again will now restore those stats.
Ok, it's official. Acrobatics is the best movement power. It's just so damn fun, you get some decent powerups from it, and starting at level 9 you can fly with it, as well as zipline from wall to wall and grapple-hook straight to the top of a building.

Flying is kinda boring, but still convenient since you don't need a building to get high altitude.

Speedster sucks total ass. Seriously... fuck.


Ravenpoe: hehe.. I know Superspeed kinda sucks IMO. I haven't gotten any character to 9 to really see the difference (like Acrobatic and Flying) I might built a chara later and test it out :)

My chara next to fnord is Miaka Yuki :) that is my miko.
Meh... I don't know if there was a change or patch that went live today, or if it's because I updated microsoft security essentials, but the game won't launch for me again.
Probably the security thing. Try disabling your security stuf and launching, if it works you need to setup exceptions for it. The frontloader for the game is a wierd hybrid of java and flash. It makes Windows nuts about security.
Well, it's not a security problem, as my other computer, which I did not do any updates to, also cannot get the game to launch. Looks like the launcher was updated last night, the support forum is full of people complaining about the same thing.

The joys of playing an MMO at launch.


Damn... this is looking better and better. I love the fact that there is actual loot.


This is what I am hoping for in WoW. I can keep my looks AND use loot (what is use and display can be two different things) It is one of the many draws I have for DCUO.
This is what I am hoping for in WoW. I can keep my looks AND use loot (what is use and display can be two different things) It is one of the many draws I have for DCUO.
Some of the WoW devs said awhile back it will never happen. The official reason to at-a-glance gear check (BS) the unofficial reason being the art team are whiny bitches that dont want to see people not using their shiny new creations.


Some of the WoW devs said awhile back it will never happen. The official reason to at-a-glance gear check (BS) the unofficial reason being the art team are whiny bitches that dont want to see people not using their shiny new creations.
Well, if their shiny new creation is good (to some it is awesome) then people will show that off, but I like to have a personal flair with my outfit.


Not to mention how gaudy it gets to see 9 of 25 people in the raid looking like exact clones of each other. Hate it.


Staff member
I kind of like the idea that you're limited to one power set. It's kind of more in keeping with both the DC and Marvel Universes.
Between the two power trees in each set, the iconic powers, your weapons, and your movement mode power you can get a surprising variety going on.
Joined an RP league on my main (Fnord) called the Loreseekers. They seem to have an interesting RP story and as such I wrote Fnord a nice little bit of fiction which I will share here:

Civilian Name: Bear Fitzpatrick
Hero Name: Fnord
Age: 31
Power/movement set: Sorcery, Flight
Origin: Magical


Fnord started as your typical nerdy, overweight, fantasy/comic/anime/sci-fi geek. After a failed and childless marriage he absorbed himself in escapism and his work as a network technician for a local TV station in South Carolina. A few years of this life lead some friends to convince him to travel to Metropolis for the Metropolis 2011 Comicon. He expected to go there, ogle some pretty cosplayers, and maybe meet Booster Gold. What he didn't count on was the Brainiac invasion and waking up on a collector ship.

On awakening he found his body transformed by the exo-bytes...gone was his fat and out of shape body and in it's place was one large and well-muscled. Fighting his way out of the ship in a blind panic, he found other changes as well. He was stronger, faster, and could call on arcane powers to defend himself. He could alter his appearance and even grow wings to fly.

After a harrowing escape with a large group of other similarly powered individuals he wandered to Chinatown to see if he could find out what was going on with him. There he met Zatanna who was engaged in a battle with Felix Faust's magents. Without thinking he called on his powers and formed a weapon (at the time a nail-board) and waded in to the fray.

After a fierce running battle that ended in the Mannheim Chinese Theater, Zatanna, Fnord, and a group of other exo-byte empowered heroes defeated Faust in a fierce fight. Heady and high from his victory, Fnord took Faust's helmet as a trophy and still wears it to this day.

Some weeks passed and Zatanna spent time with Fnord and the other new arcane heros them to harness thier powers. He does not understand them fully yet and he has been told by Zatanna that his magic is special. No exo-byte gave it to him, it is something natural to him and that all the exo-byte did was grant him the greater health he now enjoys.

Confused and disturbed by being a natural sorcerer, Fnord now patrols Metropolis trying to find answers.


Before his empowerment Fnord was a manic depressive geek who thought little of himself but thought the world of his friends and family. Now he is slowly gaining confidence in his abilities. Thought he does not speak of it, Fnord is deeply spiritual. His beliefs are a mix of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Animism. He is tolerant and accepting of people and their flaws. He is easily distracted and engaged in topics relating to pop culture, science fiction, anime, and gaming, almost to the point he can forget his other duties.

Fnord wears a mask of air-headedness, a defense mechanism from his previous life. While he may seem innocent and child-like on the surface, deep down is a core of passion that can assert itself in the form of righteous rage when those he calls friend are hurt or threatened. Fnord is slow to anger and quick to trust, however he is not naive. Those who betray his trust or conflict with his moral compass will find themselves with am implacable foe.


The exo-byte that empowered Fnord corrected numerous health issues he previously possessed. In it's place it left him with a body in peak physical condition (just like Captain America as he likes to say).

Further, according to testing by Zatanna and Doctor Fate Fnord is a natural sorcerer who's powers expressed due to the emotional trauma of the invasion. It is speculated he may have some inter-dimensional ancestry somewhere in his family line. Indeed he does know that he is descended from Irish Pagans. He is also starting to suspect some power may come from his father's side as all he knows of him is, in his mother's words, "He is an evil man."

Fnord has, in addition to traditional magical abilities, shown a talent for creating magical construct from the aether. These typically take the form of weapons he wields with great skill though he has no formal training. Indeed, Doctor Fate tested Fnord with practice weapons similar to the ones he creates and found that his skills were lacking to put it mildly. To date in addition to the traditional magical blasts most sorcerers can channel, he is able to form various swords and bludgeoning instruments, various staves and scythes, and additionally has recently expressed an ability to call forth a pair of alchemically powered pistols firing orichalium bullets.

Known Associates:

Zatanna and Doctor Fate: Advisers and teachers.
Gayle Fitzpatrick: Mother
Blinky: A floating eyeball that seems to act as a familiar to him.
Praefectus Vigilum: A Gotham beat cop who is similarly empowered. He seems to have developed a bit of affection for her and is often seen working with her as a team.
The Loreseeks: A group of exo-byte empowered heroes who specialize in blending magic and technology in to a choesive crime-fighting force.


Loving it so far:

Smooth talking, Deadpool style rifle/gadgetman in Gotham. Looking to fill the streets of Gotham with bullet ridden henchmen of the Scarecrow.

Hoping to specialize in some kind of Sniper Rifle style in the future.
Looking good!

I'm dual pistols/gadgets/acrobatics, and it's still the favorite of all the characters I've made. If you're on Virtue and Vice, add Green 13 to your friend list, I'll help you capture the scarecrow sometime.
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