The OFFICIAL DC Universe Online Thread (was Beta)

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Dual Pistols is my favorite weapon. It's also the most mobile weapon set, with you dodging and shooting all over the place. Hand blasters is very stationary, with pulse beam rooting you in place while you do lightning hands of doom.
I love Hand Blasters on my healer. Constant stuns/roots and in groups, I'm too focus on lifebars to give a shit.
Pistols + Autofire are -the- combo for lazy healers. Just hold down your win....I mean autofire button to refill your energy and sorta contribute some DPS while you heal.
As a dedicated pistol user who also has a handblaster healer, I can tell you that pulse beam refills mana way faster than full auto. Also, full auto does terrible damage unless you're gadgets with INTIMIDATE. Then it because awesomesauce.


Finally figured out how to use my Flamethrower. It was a typo that was screwing me up. The tooltip says Mouse2 + Back Button but it's really Mouse2 + Front Button. Also I wish they'd have distance modifiers in the tooltip because you do have to be close up to activate it.
Finally figured out how to use my Flamethrower. It was a typo that was screwing me up. The tooltip says Mouse2 + Back Button but it's really Mouse2 + Front Button. Also I wish they'd have distance modifiers in the tooltip because you do have to be close up to activate it.

Yeah there are a bunch of tooltips with borked instructions.
Bougth and Installing :) I'll see you guys soon.


I need to DL almost 3gb in patches.... Guess it will take a while longer.

-2nd update-

Im in and LOVING it. Playing a Gadget Staff user named Dawnstrike on Virtue and Vice.
Add me guys once your online.
Just a reminder that today is patch day. Expect 2-4 hours of downtime once the patch goes live and likely a largish download.

Looking forward to the auction house and catwoman stuff!

Side note: After weds I wont be on much this week due to a friend visiting from out of town. Would love to try to get a all-fourmite adventure planned out though for next week.


I can't wait to try out the new stuff. Chara name I'm working on is Miaka Yuki. She has 5 tier one pieces now (woo!) and almost my first tier 2 piece. (she is sorcery heal spec with bow and arrow)
Note: auto pistol + dps mode + intimidate for gadget = win! it is nasty stuff. but if you trying to restore power/mana it is best to attack since max combo (so far) with auto pistol is x25 and it is slow. I can attack upto x40 combo within the same time (I think every 2 hits with auto = x1)

Once you hit 30, it is better to start thinking what you want to concentrate on (dps or your role) and choose your bonus accordingly :)
If you need help finding your investigation and briefing check this site out.

p.s. I will try to be on tonight (Tuesday) afterwork, but Wednesday and Thursday I have class so won't be back until 10pm cst.
Oh, one thing about full auto that isn't shown in the tooltip. When you have an enemy targeted and use full auto, you'll point both guns at it and fire, damaging it and anything in a cone shape around it.

If you then use your movement keys, you can point your other gun somewhere else, and lay down fire on two groups at once.

Plus it looks pretty badass.


Just hit level 10 tonight, can someone run down what these Legends and Alert things are?

I'm guessing Alerts are "Instances" that you can que for the run with a group when it fills?

What are these special "Legends" items I got in my backpack?

Been having fun with my new "Rocket Glide" for Acrobatics too heh.
Alerts are indeed instances. Queue up for them and you'll run them with a group. They're sorta like wow dungeons, but tend to be more open.

"Legends" are a type of pvp where you play as an iconic DC hero. You should have gotten a legend chip in the mail, use it to add that legend character to your list of choosable characters. If you're a hero, it'll be robin. If you're a villain, it'll be harley. All other legend characters have to be purchased using the game's version of honor points.

One thing to note about legends pvp. No matter what level you are, the iconic character you take control of will be max level. So your own gear and abilities don't matter in legends. You will need to practice with your chosen character's abilities though, since they each have their own loadouts already pre-chosen.

Also, at level 10, you get the ability to change stances. You've been in DPS stance the entire game. Now you can switch into whatever stance your class has. Tank mode for tanks, healer mode for healers, or controller mode for, well, controllers! You'll do less damage (especially if you're healer) but you'll be better at your other role.

If you're a controller, I highly recommend giving controller stance a try. Controllers don't get a damage penalty like the other classes (though you'll still do less damage because you won't have the damage bonuses of dps stance) -but- controller mode gives you a ton of power regen. A TON OF IT. You'll be so full of power you won't know what to do with it.


But you PVP against other people using their iconic characters as well I'm guessing?
But you PVP against other people using their iconic characters as well I'm guessing?

If you want to pvp as your own character, against other people as their own characters, then you want the Arenas, which should open up for you soon.


Hm interesting, any benefits to the PVE game by doing Legends or regular Arenas?


PvP gears are pretty cool. You can save them and spend on any PvP vendors. Some of the nicer stuff are on the War of the Rings vendor. It is in metropolis near the Daily Planet building. You collect these icons and place them around your hero until he is up and running.

alerts - These are instances that you can join. If you have a team put together (4) and start to queue usually you start the instance immediately. Now if you have a team of 4, you can do any type you like, but if you just queue up yourself, the game will try to put at least ONE of each (1 healer, 1 tank and 1 controller and one dps) I recommend you check box the role if you want in. Controllers are rare cause I think people don't know how to use them properly. I always see people looking for controller.

At Level 30 you gain access to Hard Alert (Halert) these are tougher requires 4 people (or 3 REALLY good gear) to clear them. You get Marks which you can buy tier 1 stuff.

Duo - are also instance. these are fun with just two people (it can be solo if you are good enough)

At level 30 you gain raid access. These are 8 person team and they are pretty tough. (There are 2 currently soon to be 3 after today's patch)

Legends are pretty fun. There is an exploit right now on the villain side so queuing up takes some time. I hope this will be address BUT at least you will earn point anyways
I might actually try some PVP today, or at least see about taking care of some of these piling up wanted missions.

Controller form, eh? I might have to give that a shot too.


Controller actually sounds pretty interesting to me, I've always loved "CC" and "Mind Control/Enchanter" types, what type of build am I looking at for that role?
I think Gadget users are controllers. Right now I'm gadgets/handblasters/acrobatics and enjoying the hell out of it. I did the questline where I took done Brother Blood with Zatanna, Raven, and Fate, and I felt like an awesome Ironman!


Well I'm pretty sure Jiarn is Gadgets, but what would I do to get into a "controller" spec?


The key is to press "T" to switch between DPS (anyone can be one) and into your spec.

What is cool about gadget controller is when you have dual pistol + intimidate + auto attack + your domination is high enough = you can pretty much control/fear the whole bunch of people and do damage. It is insane!!!! :)

now what stats are important? If you look around here are some of the consensus.
Healer = Restoration, Healing crit chance, healing crit effect (and one other but it is debatable*) healing magnitude.
Controller = Vitalization and domination
Tank = Defense and health
DPS = might, attack critical effect and attack critical chance (I think that is right)

Here is a good thread to see all the breakdown


I guess what I'm asking is what's the major differences in "switching spec"? New abilities? Different options? Not sure what I should be doing differently.


Lets say you are a controller (Gadget/blaster)
As DPS mode = you do more damage (naturally)
as Controller mode = some of the SAME power will react differently. If you read the power description (some are incorrect) your powers will restore POWER for you and your allies. this is a key. You become a mana battery for your team and if you are good at managing your power and restoring, people will LOVE YOU. (As a healer, I burn power/mana like water cause some tanks are just stupid)

As controller, your powers will last longer (i.e the holds last longer than DPS mode) you do get bonus to domination (I think it is 100 in controller mode)

That is same for healers = they get better healing rates and powers last longer like the bubble shield (not the actual name but I forgot what it is)

Tanks get better defense and damage mitigation.


I'm really going to look into this controller business, because that's something I desperately miss from my EQ days. CC was fun, engrossing, and a complete change from the basic tank/healer/dps roles.

I think I'm going to make a new hero, Magic based and really go to town with this idea and be a permanent ALERT controller.
Just rememebr gadgets and mental are the only controller power sets.

Also dont see many mental controllers. So maybe a good choice there to stand out a bit.
I'm playing a Staff wielding Tech User. Its a lot of fun,since most staff combos induce stun.And I love juggling enemies in the air.
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