[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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so I had an accident today, found a sheep on top of my lab in the wood grove, lit it on fire(like an idiot), it proceeded to light me entire place on fire, which then spread to eriols place. I contained the fire, and managed to save as much of eriols place as I could. lets just say I have learned that fire is bad. sorry man, never imagined it would spiral out like that.


Staff member
It is important to note that you DO NOT SET ANIMALS ON FIRE... what you actually do is set the GROUND on fire and that ignites the animal

Given how much of playa is built of cloth and wood, I've a good mind to ban fire and lava of all sorts there.
Do we need to introduce UL standards here? Making your foundation and buildings out of flammable material is just asking for it you know.


Staff member
I saw on the Penny Arcade forums that someone was experimenting with TNT as a fire break. They said it worked for stopping tree fires, I wonder if putting some under the road at regular intervals would stop fire from spreading.


Staff member
Ok, what I've done is I've enabled a mod called WorldGuard and set it to not allow fire to spread. you can still set things on fire with a lighter but it should only burn that one block from now on.

If there's any wierdness (like you find yourself not allowed to do something you should be able to do) let me know so I can tinker with it.
Hey GasBandit, nice song choice for your doorbell, although I had to listen a couple times before I figured out what it was. Better work on that timing


Staff member
Hey GasBandit, nice song choice for your doorbell, although I had to listen a couple times before I figured out what it was. Better work on that timing :p
Yeah, because of lag the first time the button is pressed it doesn't work right. But usually by the second press, it's functioning correctly.

I'm hoping by using delay blocks I can make it more reliable in 1.3.


Staff member
Oh, and BTW folks, I wouldn't recommend building fancy fire sculptures or anything on flammable materials... because you never know when the addon protecting us from fire might inadvertently stop working (such as the process of updating to 1.3).

It's just an emergency safety measure... not a building feature.
Btw, I just wanted to say publicly that the damage to my house isn't that bad. Shouldn't be more than an hour or two to fix. Really just most of my roof gone.
yeah really sorry man, I did what I could to stem the fire from burning it to the ground by dumping water from high up and it spread like crazy keeping the fire contained.


I'm working on updating the google map to include the new beach town and whatnot. I decided to abandon Overviewer due to a lack of updates, however, and now I'm trying to get the settings right in the new renderer (Tectonicus). Since I have to re-render the whole thing every time I try something new, this takes a ridiculously long time. But the end result will be worth it!

Other settings aside, these renderers are very limited in their compression options. JPG seems to work best, but I can't set the quality within the renderer. My solution to this is to use a batch scrip to render the map as lossless PNG, run ImageMagick to convert the end result to JPG and lastly change the file extensions back to PNG so the file paths match the originals. Sure, it's not an elegant solution, but it should give us the a much better size/quality ratio, and lord knows we need it for this behemoth of a map.
Ok, what I've done is I've enabled a mod called WorldGuard and set it to not allow fire to spread. you can still set things on fire with a lighter but it should only burn that one block from now on.

If there's any wierdness (like you find yourself not allowed to do something you should be able to do) let me know so I can tinker with it.
I dont know if this is true, but I dont think trees grow anymore....


Staff member
I was able to bonemeal a sapling into a tree, and I've planted another sapling and will see if it grows the old fashioned way.


Staff member
The untouched sapling grew into a tree... so that still works.
Added at: 12:33
the sand across the east water is now free to be harvested again. I found a fast and efficient way to replenish it.


I'm actually planning on putting up a pic when mine gets here. If you got yours, I should check my mail today. -cheer-


Staff member
Monsters seem to be working again, and set on by default I guess... so hide yo kids, hide yo wife, cause they zombifyin errbody up in here.
Added at: 20:45
... and health doesn't regenerate. Time for some pig slaughterin'
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