[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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What can I say? A sorcerer's tower does not need to look beautiful, it just needs to stay there while I study why the world turns and why mountains exist for the next 300 years :)


Staff member
What can I say? A sorcerer's tower does not need to look beautiful, it just needs to stay there while I study why the world turns and why mountains exist for the next 300 years :)
Wizards generally don't build their towers in beach resort towns. The college co-eds being rowdy and loud-shirted tourists tend to impede mental tranquility and arcane research.
Yeah I can vouche landscaping takes awhile.



I mean I did totally convert a desert biome in to a temperate one....just ask Moss...apparently my landscaping skills terrify him.
Augh! While on the track towards ''mystery destination'', I got two disconnect errors - once a socketException and once a Java.EOFException. So if there are two rogue carts on that track, my apologies, I was just too frustrated to go clean them up.

Also, I wanted to reserve a plot on the Playa Halforia resort (which I figured was the mystery destination) so I'll be doing that here and attempting to brave that track again later.


Staff member
Augh! While on the track towards ''mystery destination'', I got two disconnect errors - once a socketException and once a Java.EOFException. So if there are two rogue carts on that track, my apologies, I was just too frustrated to go clean them up.
If you have your render distance set to "far" I find that the game crashes a lot less if you take it down to "normal."

I saw your carts... they finished the trip without you it seems.
I think I am one of the few people in which do not suffer those kind of crashes from having everything maxed....god I love my computer.....


Staff member
I have it on short, it's just that my computer is crappy.
It's hard to get crappier than my work computer and still run the game. The ironic thing is, the shorter I set my render distance there, the WORSE the game runs on it. I have to set it to FAR to get it to come above 5 seconds per frame at all. I think it's because it doesn't actually change the REAL render distance, it just ADDS volumetric fog (which is killer on onboard intel cheapo-graphics modules) to the workload.


Staff member


Sad that Bieber gets worse backlash than Jesus/Beatles/Sex combined. I hate the youth of this country sometimes.


Staff member
Not any more it wouldn't we have WAY more bandwidth than we need now and the software is so much more stable than vB was.


It's just you, Halforums runs at top speed on a IE6 browser on an even older work computer.
*cue surf music*

Hey, surf on down to Big Donny's Burgers, home of the Shark Burger! Caught fresh every day, our meat can't be beat!
Come try our Bloodball, Big Donny's famous cherry slushee, served in a shell of flash-frozen flesh from a watermelon !
Only in Playa del Halforums, come for the beach, stay for the burger!

Big Don~ny's!
*end music*

Yeah, what you need to do is pile up a stack of dirt, lay down the fence post on top, and work your way down. It doesn't work going up.
So since the last update knocked out my custom skin (and I'm lazy) I've finally gotten around to trying to replace the default steve with a new skin. However, nothing seems to work. Directly uploading from the computer or a remote change do nothing. Since I've seen people with custom skins, obviously there has been some success. Is there something I need to try to succeed?
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