Fantasy Baby Names

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Philosopher B.

So I was re-watching Scrubs because it's on Netflix and I'm a lazy bitch, and Jordan was naming the kid Jennifer Dylan, and I got thinking about rad baby names that I would never actually be able to get away with were I to actually be so callous as to pass my genes on to another human being (well, half-human being, anyway, assuming my partner is normal).

Number One Boyle

Jonathan Frakes Boyle

David Xanatos Boyle

William Thomas Boyle

Two Takes Boyle

Riker (like Madonna)

Actually, I'm starting to see a pattern here ...

So post some outrageous things you'd name your spawn if you were a terrible, terrible person (I might add some not related to a certain handsome bearded fellow later on!).


I wanted my son's first name to be Hades, but my wife at the time disagreed. I did get my second choice though Aries.


Staff member
Considering Penn Jillette's daughter is named Moxie Firefighter and his son is Zoltan, I don't think I can top that.

Wasabi Poptart

When I was pregnant with my son we joked that we should name him Caligula Nero.


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Harley Quinn
Moon Unit
Moxie Crimefighter
Inspektor Pilot
I was originally named Drake after a character from my mother's favourite Soap Opera :(

Instead I got Adam from a different soap opera. :( :(

And because my parents are OH SO CLEVER and my mother wasn't married before I was born, my initials were A.S.S. :( :( :(

Philosopher B.

I was watching a movie the other day and when the credits came up, it listed a Dick Warlock. I felt a shudder of pure awesome.

Philosopher B.

I shudder to think of the people who no doubt exist somewhere that want to name their next kid Duh Winning.

'What's your kid's name?'
I have a friend named Conan Phi Long... He was named after Conan the Barbarian because his parents thought he was a cool dude. True story.
He mostly goes by Phi, and his middle and last name are like Fei Long from Street Fighter. :D Wish I had an awesome name.

Mike and I have always talked about naming our future daughter Zoe Elizabeth. I've always loved the name Zoe and his favorite girls name has always been Elizabeth (he named one of his guitars Elizabeth...) But ever since we watched "Pushing Daisies" he's now set on naming our daughter Chuck (Charlotte) Elizabeth.
I think my brother and I were named after soap opera characters. I intend to name any future daughter Sara, which was apparently going to be my name were I born a girl.
I think my brother and I were named after soap opera characters. I intend to name any future daughter Sara, which was apparently going to be my name were I born a girl.
Even though my mom kept me from being named after a tv space captain, I still got named after a tv cowboy.

Wasabi Poptart

My first name was from a character on As the World Turns. My mom loved her for being such a bitch.
There should be a support group for all us kids named after soap opera/tv characters.
I'm glad I was named after the character and not the actress, though, otherwise I wouldn't be Andrea, I'd be "Sasha" :S
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