It was terrible. And yes "I got it," and I also love bad movies. But this one was was horribly executed, meandering, and jsut no good, even on a bad movie fun level.
One of the reviews I read for this after I watched it, which, while the review itself had a neutral feel for the film, summed up a lot of the points I felt wrong with this movie (although not all). Ill quote some of that here, sincce it is a much better written conveyance thn what I could put in.
"The fundamental problems I have with it are, I imagine, what many have already pointed out. The characters are thinly sketched, and the performances (save for Oscar Isaac’s) uninspiring. The narrative layers are ludicrous. The fantasy effects are a hodgepodge of slick references that firmly paint it as Zack Snyder’s fantasy world, not Baby Doll’s. It also played my least favorite story trick ever, which was to have a narrator that is relaying events that he / she cannot possibly have seen."
As for the music video reference, yeah, i get that, and agree with it...btu that is a negative thing. Music videos can be slick and good looking, but almost always, you do not care about the characters in those pieces. in that respect...yes, this is a long music video.