Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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NASA already gave TX Columbia.
Yeah, bad taste. Specifically because we had remains recovered on property that is family land in Sabine County and over 900 pieces of Columbia. It's rather personal because of this.

But look at the Shuttle program... JSC was the lead facility on the development of the program, Mission Control, Space Center Houston... Astros, Rockets, Astrodome (perfect place to put a Shuttle?), tons of other stuff named for the space program.

Other part of a rant on this is that today is the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight and basically the US says, "Here's where we're mothballing our manned flight ability."
Apparently Texas entered into the bidding process late, had a weak entry and has a problem maintaining their current facilities. Can't say I'm too surprised by the result. Never assume anything is a given, or even sensible, in politics.


Staff member
Apparently Texas entered into the bidding process late, had a weak entry and has a problem maintaining their current facilities. Can't say I'm too surprised by the result. Never assume anything is a given, or even sensible, in politics.
In the zombie apocalypse, somehow, our future descendants will need to get to the mothballed shuttle, which will be dusty but functional, and blast off just in time to fry a bunch of zombies. A few make it into space on the outside of the shuttle where they dramatically and explosively decompress. As they head toward a safe life on a new planet, one survivors turns away to scratch that itchy bite wound....



Staff member
This was about to go in the minor rant thread. The first sentence could still go there:
Dammit, I'm 31 years old. I'm not supposed to get nervous talking to girls anymore. I got over that sometime in high school.

That minor bit got me thinking about bigger issues:
*sigh* Sometimes it feels like I'm having to re-learn all my social skills again. I used to be a polished public speaker, skilled at small-talk at parties, glib and quick with a joke, etc. Now, after years of being nearly house-bound with chronic illness, I've got a stutter, I feel awkward in crowds and I have trouble keeping up with other people. It'll all probably come back in time, and some of it's because I'm still pretty sick (and was worse the last time I was at a party) but it's freaking intimidating thinking about trying to build up a life again.
This was about to go in the minor rant thread. The first sentence could still go there:
Dammit, I'm 31 years old. I'm not supposed to get nervous talking to girls anymore. I got over that sometime in high school.

That minor bit got me thinking about bigger issues:
*sigh* Sometimes it feels like I'm having to re-learn all my social skills again. I used to be a polished public speaker, skilled at small-talk at parties, glib and quick with a joke, etc. Now, after years of being nearly house-bound with chronic illness, I've got a stutter, I feel awkward in crowds and I have trouble keeping up with other people. It'll all probably come back in time, and some of it's because I'm still pretty sick (and was worse the last time I was at a party) but it's freaking intimidating thinking about trying to build up a life again.
I had something similar happen to me. I was actually just thinking about it the other day after coming home from a party. I used to be easygoing, I used to have no trouble talking to people, and above all I used to feel comfortable and confident. Now I struggle to come up with something to say to people, I doubt everything I say and do, and I'm almost completely unable to approach new people without coming off as an awkward tweaker. I feel as though I somehow regressed to when I was in middle school. The details aren't the same as yours, but it's nearly the same result.
Having just ONE class to register for the fall season, it of course won't let me register, saying I have an error and prerequisits/test scores are causing the error. I have completed all of the prereqs and did just fine in all the classes. Call the administrators and they say "Well, it's a glitch in the system, keep trying. I do and it eventually locks me out for making too many attempts.

Now I wait for a phone call from the administrator to find out if I'll be able to register for this class. I just want to graduate, damn it!


Staff member
Just got some not-so-positive feedback from the principal. Apparently some of the students I've taught feel that they haven't gotten all they could have from my courses, that I didn't touch the items discussed in the curriculum or feel that my teaching methods are faulty. The latter I have to admit to a degree; I went from subbing at an elementary school to subbing at a high school, and it's been a while since my teacher training. I do try to teach the students as they are - young adults, not children anymore - but I would be lying if I didn't think it possible that there was some "baggage" from my previous place of employment.

I do, however, feel a bit weirded out, perhaps even a little insulted byt the claim that I don't teach the items in the curriculum (meaning grammar, vocabulary, thematic items, writing and reading specific texts). Because that's where I pretty much put it all out, try to include as much of those items I can in each class and grammar lessons. I'm pretty sure where this student feedback came from, though; one of the courses I have taught was quite apathetic, to the point where only two or three students answered any questions, while the rest sat back and just fiddled with their cellphones or stared at me like I had just asked them to sing Camp Town Races backwards in Greek.

I'm trying to look at this positively, though. I asked for specific feedback and advice, as well as asked what course in particular had offered such feedback so I'd know what parts of my methodology would benefit from extra attention. I already try to learn from my mistakes, see what kind of exercises and class activity work and what do not; this just means I have to put extra effort into that.


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My Poppa, the ruler with which I measure the value of all men, is very sick and weak. He's in the hospital now, and I'm scared out of my mind. I'll never know a man as classy as him again, and I'm not ready to say goodbye. I wanted him to see me get married one day. I don't want him to go, but I've never seen him so miserable. I don't know what's going to happen.

Wasabi Poptart

I'm sorry to hear your dad is very ill. I hope he pulls through this and is back to being himself soon. *hugs*


Staff member
Oh, Poppa's my grandpa, actually; that's what we call him. I should've specified. Thanks very much for all your kind words.

Wasabi Poptart

Oh, Poppa's my grandpa, actually; that's what we call him. I should've specified. Thanks very much for all your kind words.
Sorry for assuming it was your dad! Still, I can relate. When my maternal grandpop became ill it was quite a shock for me. He was tough, strong-willed, and larger than life. Seeing him so weak and sick was the direct opposite of the man I expected to see sitting in that hospital room. It was awful. My thoughts will be with you and your family.


Staff member
Whew... ok it looks like he's turning a corner. I got to see him. He's weak, but he's asking for food, which is a good sign. He hasn't eaten well in about a month; his appetite has been zero. It'll be a tough recovery, but I think he's all right for now.
Why do I feel like this?

I can go DAYS feeling excellent and energetic. I love that. However, after those 'days' I feel like this. Afraid, on the verge of tears, and thinking so many dark depressing thoughts. I'm shaking and can hardly breathe.

Tomorrow I'll either be fine or worst. Why am I like this? What is wrong with me?

Wasabi Poptart

It sounds like you need to talk to your doctor whether it's your family practitioner or your gyn. There are a lot of things that can cause those feelings including hormonal imbalances, high or low blood sugar, or a psychological issue. No one can evaluate you through the internet and checking sources like WebMD for self-diagnosis really isn't going to get you the help you need.
If it helps, hon, you're not the only one who gets that way... gritting your teeth and going on until you can put an end to the day seems to work...
Wasabi: I know I should see a doctor but, man, is it ever hard to convince myself to go in when I'm feeling fine. Thanks though. :)

O_C: That's basically what I do. I just feel so tired right now...yet restless.
Shit, this is not something you where you should just sip tea and tough it out. Go see a doctor. You'll feel better afterwards.
Wasn't trying to diagnose... but it's a little unnerving when so many people are telling her to go see a doc for something that I go through every other week or so...

Wasabi Poptart

If you are having high periods of energy and happiness that are followed by a down swing in mood, plus what sounds like anxiety, on a regular basis I think it is a good idea to see your doctor at the very least to rule out something physical instead of trying to treat yourself at home. St. John's Wort and chamomile tea are fine if it is a minor, once in a while thing. Who doesn't experience stress, anxiety, or the blues sometimes? If this is something happening more often than not, then you need to find out what's going on instead of drinking tea and taking herbs. Which, by the way, don't take St. John's Wort if you are on the pill since it can lower the effectiveness of birth control.
Wasn't trying to diagnose... but it's a little unnerving when so many people are telling her to go see a doc for something that I go through every other week or so...
Then the doctor advice applies to you too. Take care of yourself, and remember you don't have to struggle with something like that alone.
Sin: My unprofessional recommendation would be to write down how you feel when you're going through it. Even if you can just find ten minutes or so to record just a stream-of-consciousness type series of thoughts. That way, when you are feeling better, you can look at it and have a better idea of why you might want to see a doctor, and what you can tell her/him when you meet. Plus being able to look at it when you're not actively stressed might give you some more level-perspective. Sometimes we downplay our stress ("Oh, I know I'm overreacting") when it's justifiable, and sometimes we do indeed overreact: but that doesn't mean it's not a problem. Overreacting/being overly sensitive can be symptomatic itself.
Why do I feel like this?

I can go DAYS feeling excellent and energetic. I love that. However, after those 'days' I feel like this. Afraid, on the verge of tears, and thinking so many dark depressing thoughts. I'm shaking and can hardly breathe.

Tomorrow I'll either be fine or worst. Why am I like this? What is wrong with me?

I'd say that's a sign of being bipolar. And, yes, I am a Doctor.


Seriously though, you might want to go see an M.D. if it really upsets your daily routines, etc... It could be some form of depression.
So...I had to go to the hospital last night.

I feel better this morning...but now I'm afraid that they are going to call social service or something on me. That doesn't help with my stress levels.


Staff member
Agreed. You did the responsible thing and sought help. That's no reason to call social services. You're going to be fine.
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