[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Discovered a neat text file in my cartograph folder. It details world statistics like surface area and block counts. Some observations, assuming 1m3 blocks:

  • The surface area of our world is just under 10.6 km2.
  • At 264 886 blocks, cobblestone is unsurprisingly the most used player-made block. There's no way to account for player use of naturally occurring blocks.
  • We've placed 35015 torches. In real life, the community of Ragnar would burn through truckloads of torches every week. Bonus points to anyone who can give an estimate of how many ;)
  • There's a total of 31.5 km of minecart tracks to ride.
  • We have 6 blocks of portal fields. Uh-oh. Did someone leave the power on in his secret dungeon?
  • The combined length of our ladders would get us 4.1 km up in the air.
  • The inner workings of Ragnar are driven by 1.9 km of red stone circuitry, not accounting for wires stopping in the middle of a block.
  • 1863 signs have been placed. I don't even want to think about how many that is per user.
  • There are 137 buttons to press, 143 levers to pull and 739 pressure plates to, uh, stand on.
  • On what I'm sure is a completely unrelated note, 24 blocks of tnt await unsuspecting explorers.
You can find the original file here :)
So there's finally a mod that has caught my eyes, namely IndustrialCraft which adds a ton of new materials and buildables to minecraft. If I install this mod, is it still possible for me to play on multiplayer, or will that interfere? I'm still not quite clear on how these item-adding mods actually work.


Staff member
So there's finally a mod that has caught my eyes, namely IndustrialCraft which adds a ton of new materials and buildables to minecraft. If I install this mod, is it still possible for me to play on multiplayer, or will that interfere? I'm still not quite clear on how these item-adding mods actually work.
From what I read in that link, industrialcraft requires modification of both server and client, and the server files aren't even out yet (launch date is supposedly this thursday).

This means

1) I can't turn industrialcraft on on the server right now.

2) It'll probably have to go through a multiday/week long review process at our host before they will enable it for use on servers, which means it will probably be further delayed, if ever.

3) Without looking deeper, I can't tell if applying the industrialcraft mod to a client will prevent it from connecting to a non-modded server, but it DOES say that non-modded clients won't work on a modded server. This would mean everyone who would want to play on our server would have to mod their client (which notch still vehemently opposes in practice, btw) in order to play on ragnar.

As such, I don't really see this as being a viable option for our server.
I still wonder if outdoor rain will kill outdoor torches. I also wonder if it will freeze exposed lava into obsidian/cobblestone. I did wonder if stormy weather would be enough to spawn mobs. I kind of expect that mobs will spawn in areas which are already at marginal brightness, but I would hope that storms won't make it dark enough for mobs to spawn in naked countryside (the tweet doesn't state one way or the other).

Oh, and the referenced tweet above is malformed. Here's a more reliable link.

I didn't mean to suggest we should use IC on the server, Gas. My bad if it came over that way. I just wanted to know if it is possible to use it for singleplayer without it interfering with my multiplayer experience. But I guess I'll just back stuff up and see what happens when I install it.


Staff member
I also wonder if it will freeze exposed lava into obsidian/cobblestone.
Notch said that it won't, so that lava lakes will survive on the surface beyond the first rain.

I kind of expect that mobs will spawn in areas which are already at marginal brightness, but I would hope that storms won't make it dark enough for mobs to spawn in naked countryside (the tweet doesn't state one way or the other).
I'm hoping that rain only affects sunlight, and doesn't dim all lighting including torches. It'd be a pain to have monsters spawning inside just because it's raining.


Staff member
Behold my personal masterpiece.

I dug out this giant motherfucking hole all by myself. It's 75 squares deep.

This was the very last block I had to dig. I had to go find new diamond to make a pick to mine it since I used all my diamond on the hole.

I took this very last block and built a tiny gold statue of a man holding this block high in the air at the bottom of the hole.


Staff member
I went through maybe 6 quintillion picks. Most of them stone. I used all my diamond pretty quick. Every now and then I treated myself to some iron picks.

At first I put all the stone and dirt in double-chests at the top of the hole. But after I filled about 8 of them (which was maybe a 3rd of the hole, if that) I just started chucking the stone off the edge.

This took SO LONG.
Good lord, you used stone picks?! I built a giant pit on the SMP server, but that was exclusively with diamond picks/shovels, along with a generous helping of dynamite, and it still took forever. My hat's off to you, good sir.

I dug out this giant motherfucking hole all by myself.
Sounds like Nick's prom night.


Staff member
Is the lighting bug still around? I want to build a super-high dive one of these days. A ~120 block high fall should be a rush.
1.5 next week!

We were aiming at releasing 1.5 this week, but no. There’s been significant feature creep (we’ve got powered rails now, and lightning hitting a pig will turn it into a zombie pigman), so we don’t have time to get it out this week.
But next week!
In the meanwhile, check out this vid:
Talk is indeed that hack-boosters and minecart mania will simply be replaced by boostertracks that are powered by redstone. About bloody time, too.
Also talk of a detector rail which acts like a pressure plate. Supposedly any kind of minecart will trigger it. I don't understand the utility of it, if that turns out to be the case.


Staff member
Also talk of a detector rail which acts like a pressure plate. Supposedly any kind of minecart will trigger it. I don't understand the utility of it, if that turns out to be the case.
If they make it so an OCCUPIED minecart triggers it, that WOULD be useful. Several of my runaway cart catchers operate on that principle.

But even if they do have powered minecarts... it's hard to beat the pushbutton utility of minecart mania's chest dispensers/collectors.


Staff member
The Minecraft site CraftHub has been hacked, and the usernames/passwords for their forums were compromised. If you had an account there and used the same password elsewhere, you'll need to change it.
The Minecraft site CraftHub has been hacked, and the usernames/passwords for their forums were compromised. If you had an account there and used the same password elsewhere, you'll need to change it.
It also shows that their administrators are f'n idiots for storing their passwords in plaintext instead of a hash.

Here's a good indicator if a site is storing in plaintext. If you can get them to e-mail you your password, it is stored in plaintext, and thus horribly insecure. If you can only get them to send a password reset request, then your password MAY be securely stored as a hash. A hash means the first can't happen. The second can go either way.


Staff member
so when does the server get moved to 1.5?
Whenever bukkit or canary gets updated to 1.5, and after that, when I geddaminit. In fact, it'll probably be a lot more than a minute if it's bukkit instead of canary. Canary's a lot faster and easier to update than bukkit.

It's a bit of a hassle to update even canary/hmod because when we do, I have to recreate and copypasta the contents of about 8 different config files. But before we even get to that... there has to be an updated version.

I have a feeling it may be slightly delayed because word is 1.15_01 is hella-buggy, 1.15_02 isn't much better, and I think they are waiting for 1.15_03 before they update.
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