Awesome news! The
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle is here. Once again, pay what you want, DRM-free, money to charity, etc. The offer is available for two weeks, barring extensions.
The games:
- Trine
- Shadowgrounds
- Shadowgrounds: Survivor
- Splot
- Jack Claw
Of these, I'm only familiar with Trine, but if you haven't played it, that's reason alone to grab the bundle. I'll be getting it, since I played Trine on Gametap and am not a subscriber anymore.
No announcement of a Steam tie-in, but given how past bundles were run, there are bound to be bonus announcements later on in the offer.
Also today:
Direct2Drive has a one-day on
Dirt 2 for $4.95, and
$2 Tuesday offers Star Defender 2, The Island: Getaway or Gish.
Steam has a one day on
Bioshock games. 1 or 2 for $4.99 each. (or a 4-pack of 2 for $14.99)
Mid-week Madness is
Magicka Complete Pack $7.99 (Magicka: Vietnam is out and part of the bundle. $4.99 separately)
Speaking of Magicka: Vietnam, it's also avaiable from D2D, with coupon code "showers" it's only $3.96 there, and will work with the Steam version.