Hey, Canadians!

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Already done. Packed up the baby and the husband. Picked up the sister and three other friends, went to the polling station and did our part. :)
I'll be voting tonight after work... not that I believe things will change much (with the possible exception of Liberals losing a lot of support to the NDP).
I live in a Conservative stronghold. My vote, which is worth 1/5th of a Quebec, Saskatchewan or territory vote, is pretty meaningless here.

I did do it anyway.
Every time I vote, I time myself. This year it took me 55 seconds from the time I stopped my car got out and voted to the time that I restarted my car. New Record! And the naysayers said the 1 minute vote was impossible! Look at me now baby look at me now!
Every time I vote, I time myself. This year it took me 55 seconds from the time I stopped my car got out and voted to the time that I restarted my car. New Record! And the naysayers said the 1 minute vote was impossible! Look at me now baby look at me now!
I have honestly never timed myself, but I would be surprised to learn I was in there for more than a minute either. No line at all. One of the benefits of low voter turnout? :p
Added at: 13:34
Leave TNG be... If he doesn't want to vote he doesn't want to vote.
No one's jumping down his throat... And he did post in the thread, so it's not far gone to assume he is willing to be part of the discussion :p And I give a little heck to everyone who doesn't vote: I've already given my sister a bad time since... Well since the election was called! She never votes, and then proceeds to complain about the government. Erg.
Guys, I'm going to have to be honest. My penis is honored at the support it's getting here. It's time we all stand, erect and defiant, and take back the Canadian government from whatever party currently controls it.

My penis will be a firm, but gentle, leader. It's tough on crime and pro-family.

Vote my penis. It's pointing to the future. Are you ready to follow?

If my penis stands erect and defiant against the current party in control of the Canadian government for more than 4 hours, I'll need to see a doctor.
My penis doesn't deny that it shrinks away from these issues, but that's because it feels they're distractions from larger, more important problems that Canada faces today.
Added at: 13:21
Anyway, before I head out, I'd like to let you all know that I'm painfully aware that my penis can't please everyone. But, if the voters give it the chance it deserves, it will be able to bring Canada into a new age of prosperity.
I'm sure you will take the matters facing Canada in hand and get down to business once you're elected into office.
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