[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Wow, 1.5 has a lot more updates than I was expecting. There are now birch and pine saplings. Yay! Excess saplings can now be used in furnaces (equivalent to sticks).

Pigs that die by burning now drop cooked porkchops!
Been reading up on the updates. Shift-click to move stuff in/out of inventory will come in handy. Bummed that stairs are no longer transparent to light.


Staff member
I'm underwhelmed that powered rail max speed is a mere 2x walking... and it takes FOUR powered rails to get to max speed from a stop. But I guess it takes less gold to make a powered rail than it does to make a gold booster block.

For now I'm leaving warping active.


Staff member
Isn't minecart speed capped anyway?
Yes, but the cap is higher than double walking speed. The cap is closer to quadruple, I think. And powered rails also do not build "stored momentum" over and above max speed like boosters do.

Also, there are no curving powered rails, so long sections of diagonal are SOL.


Staff member
Wolves don't like to have snowballs thrown at them. The whole pack turned on me with angry red eyes. I nearly died. I want a tame wolf pet, but I didn't have any bones.

Also, Ragnar has pine and birch now. Some of the saplings that I'd planted, but hadn't grown yet, turned into the new saping types.
Pretty sure (going by my own testing) that 1 section of powered rail gives an occupied minecart the ability to travel 64m (32m at full speed, then 32m more at rapidly decaying speed until complete stop). No matter how many powered rails sections I chained together, I was never able to get a cart to go more than 128m total. It would at most go 96m at full speed (2x walk) and then the last 32m would be the decaying sloooooow coast to a stop, which suggests there is no benefit to putting more than 2 together at a time. So long distances worked best with one powered rail section every 33m (32m regular track followed by 1 powered track, repeat) to maintain full speed. I also tend to put one powered rail 16m from the launch point to "round up" any irregularity in how much speed I get at launch (which isn't always consistent).

I wonder if the speed cap is to allow the server time to load the chunks ahead of your travel, actually.



Staff member
I was on last night and saw no wolves, nor could I get the tracks to move me at all. I think I'm just doing it wrong.

But there was a big damned storm going on.
I've seen wolves, but they're somewhat rare. Putting down torches and waiting a cycle or two seems to help (you also need to be in a forest or taiga biome, unless that got changed in the 1.5 update).

If you're trying to use powered rails from a standstill, you need to put a block behind the rail opposite from the direction you want to go. Or you can use inclines to start moving on powered rails.

Anyone know if they would cause lag as pets?
Only thing I've seen about tame wolves is that if you have enough of them, other animals won't spawn. I'd hazard a guess that if animals don't cause lag, neither would pets.
I saw a wolf plunging about in the water near my house on the beach resort. Not sure if it was a tamed one - didn't check - but that would mean that they can possibly spawn in the resort itself.
A cart has to have momentum already when it crosses the powered rail. In the absence of any sort of launching device or incline, this might mean you have to give the cart a shove manually and then run after it and jump in.

A tamed wolf will have a colored collar. Untamed ones will not.



Staff member
To start a cart on powered rail, there has to be a solid block blocking off one end of the powered section, or it has to be on an incline.

The mobs being on causing lag thing I think, and this is just my theory, is that minecraft isn't good about intelligent client updates. The server sends ALL data from ALL loaded chunks to the player, including all monsters all the way down to bedrock. That can be pretty numerous, especially if there are slimes involved. Get 2 or 3 players on and you've got a real netstorm going on there.

For those who want them, I'll get on and summon some stacks of bones and put them in a chest at the mailboxes.
Added at: 23:05
There is now a double chest of bones in the post office.
Get 2 or 3 players on and you've got a real netstorm going on there.
Our server (which I cobbled together out of stuff I had around) is running vanilla 1.5_02 server with mobs enabled (they've always been enabled) on CentOS 5.6 64-bit (it's free!) with Sun's Oracle's 64-bit version of 1.6_24 Java installed on a single-core 2.0GHz AMD CPU with a 10/100 card, 1GB RAM and a 20GB HDD. The Minecraft server is launched with nogui but with only 640M. We have not noticed any server-side lag to date of any kind except for the occasional "Did time run backwards?" message on the console (but nothing noticed in-game).

With 3 concurrent players on (we've never had more than 3), I see outgoing network activity average around 30-45KiB/s and CPU usually hovers around 60-65%(it peaks near 90% ). That's with 2 players on the same LAN as the server and one coming in through the WAN via port forwarding...and with me simultaneously VNCing in from a fourth computer to be able to do stuff at the Minecraft console/terminal window (or to restore the world files after someone sets an entire forest on fire while trying to build a firepit). This makes me wonder if it might be the added weight of the mods that might be turning Ragnar into Lagnar.



Staff member
Our server (which I cobbled together out of stuff I had around) is running vanilla 1.5_02 server with mobs enabled (they've always been enabled) on CentOS 5.6 64-bit (it's free!) with Sun's Oracle's 64-bit version of 1.6_24 Java installed on a single-core 2.0GHz AMD CPU with a 10/100 card, 1GB RAM and a 20GB HDD. The Minecraft server is launched with nogui but with only 640M. We have not noticed any server-side lag to date of any kind except for the occasional "Did time run backwards?" message on the console (but nothing noticed in-game).

With 3 concurrent players on (we've never had more than 3), I see outgoing network activity average around 30-45KiB/s and CPU usually hovers around 60-65%(it peaks near 90% ). That's with 2 players on the same LAN as the server and one coming in through the WAN via port forwarding...and with me simultaneously VNCing in from a fourth computer to be able to do stuff at the Minecraft console/terminal window (or to restore the world files after someone sets an entire forest on fire while trying to build a firepit). This makes me wonder if it might be the added weight of the mods that might be turning Ragnar into Lagnar.

Well, users on a lan aren't any kind of bottleneck, nor VPN via lan... so really there you only had 1 remote user to deal with. When there's only one or two users on Ragnar, I noticed little lag even with monsters, too. But too many more than that, and it started getting bad. Also, I'm not sure how much this comes into account, but even your old 2 ghz 1gb machine might be more CPU than we're getting, as we're not a dedicated server, just one instance/port on a box with an unknown number of other server instances... not only of minecraft, but battlefield, left 4 dead, etc... so there might be CPU issues as well.

Really, we're not running that much in the way of addons... just magic carpet, worldguard (to stop fires from spreading) and the manditory control panel plugin addon.
Ah! I thought you had a dedicated box (of your own, on your premesis, under your management). My bad.

I was careful to say that I had no server-side lag. If I log in from work, I will get back-and-forth lag when riding a railroad as the client tries to keep up with my position through my company's proxy server/redirects/DPI/etc, but my wife (who is home on the LAN) will have no hiccups at all during the above. When we visited her parents, I logged into the server from a much older computer and experienced major lag if I moved far enough for the game to have to send me chunk updates, but I could sit in one spot and issue admin commands and have them happen immediately, or rotate to get a view of the countryside with full FPS. This makes me think the biggest causes of lag might be a) file i/o and b) latency.

Do the rent-a-server let you do any profiling? CPU usage history, disk i/o and read/write speed, that sort of thing?



Staff member
Ah! I thought you had a dedicated box (of your own, on your premesis, under your management). My bad.

I was careful to say that I had no server-side lag. If I log in from work, I will get back-and-forth lag when riding a railroad as the client tries to keep up with my position through my company's proxy server/redirects/DPI/etc, but my wife (who is home on the LAN) will have no hiccups at all during the above. When we visited her parents, I logged into the server from a much older computer and experienced major lag if I moved far enough for the game to have to send me chunk updates, but I could sit in one spot and issue admin commands and have them happen immediately, or rotate to get a view of the countryside with full FPS. This makes me think the biggest causes of lag might be a) file i/o and b) latency.

Do the rent-a-server let you do any profiling? CPU usage history, disk i/o and read/write speed, that sort of thing?

It does give a rolling graph for CPU, memory and number of players. We're allocated a gig of ram, and the highest on my charts right now is 30-50% cpu usage and 60% ram useage with 3 players on a few occasions. CPU varies additionally according to what's going on on the server - exploration of new territory, large scale alteration of water, and especially TNT all cause huge spikes in CPU usage.

I did at one point have an internal server I ran, but that was a looooong time ago, before you even COULD turn on monsters in multiplayer.
Welp. Singleplayer Minecraft has become seriously unplayable since the last update. I don't know what Notch did, but the processing power seems to have sunk like a brick - it takes 1-2 seconds for the light to adjust after I place a torch, chunks load slow as balls and I can barely move. Are there any options for me, other than getting a better computer (which I don't have the money for as of now)?
Are there any options for me, other than getting a better computer (which I don't have the money for as of now)?
Try toggling Advanced Open GL under Options>Video settings. If that doesn't do anything, something here might help.

Also, looks like you can use the south/west rule to your advantage on diagonal minetracks. You just need to be careful how they're placed: SW/NE tracks should have powered rails pointing N-S while NW/SE tracks should have powered rails going E-W. Also, the powered rails should be placed starting with the first bend. Here's a screenshot to show what I mean:

Also, doggies!

Try toggling Advanced Open GL under Options>Video settings. If that doesn't do anything, something here might help.
This. In order to get any benefit from the setting, your graphics card and drivers must support OpenGL v1.5 or better*, and your CPU must be at least strong enough to keep the GPU fed with info.

*Pretty much any card with native DX10 support will work, but older cards (starting with GeForce 6xxx, Radeon 9700, Intel x3100) may also work [EDIT: depending on the driver version installed].
I wish flowing water still moved minecarts, as it would have made making cart dispensers sans glitch boosters much simpler. Still, the solution this guy came up with is awesome. I might make my floors out of glass just so I can watch it work.



Here's my work in progress, the Pyramids of Khendjer:

It still needs a lot of work done.


I seriously can't even bring myself to play Minecraft anymore due to how humbled I've been by the work done in this thread and over the net.
I seriously can't even bring myself to play Minecraft anymore due to how humbled I've been by the work done in this thread and over the net.
I try to focus on smaller creative ideas. Yeah, the huge monuments and realistic statues are really cool, but if I've only got an hour or two here and there, I will spend it exploring a new idea or technique. Building the little waterfall patio was fun. When I revisited it, I kept seeing animals stuck in it, so I built an underground passage so any animals that fall in get sucked down and deposited elsewhere. I didn't like the look of it with all the extra space needed to sweep the animals away, so I removed that (leaving the secret passage in place), and started fiddling with other things.

Just have fun - don't live for others.


Staff member
There's a giant fucking robot on our server. Let me repeat this. A. Giant. Fucking. Robot.

I don't have the patience to make a damned square arena.
There's a giant fucking robot on our server. Let me repeat this. A. Giant. Fucking. Robot.

I don't have the patience to make a damned square arena.
Speaking of which, I played the iTunes shuffle game today (where you answer a set list of questions with song titles set to shuffle). One of them was rather apt, I think:

What is your favorite hobby/interest?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Kid Koala ft. Money Mark


Staff member
1.6, which is a loooooong way off according to notch... will enable handheld, clone-able automap scrolls.... and will finally put the nether in SMP.
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