HCGLNS 4th Ed Game: Rise of the Drow

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Ok, list of equipment for each party member as promised;

Shuriken (20)
Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Magic Ki Focus +2
Holy Texts of Allytyn
Ritual Book

Ritual Book
40 arrows
Cape of the Mountebank +1
Hide Armor

Challenge-Seeking Longsword +2
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Short sword
Ritual Book
Map of the Region of Leanth
Leather Map case

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Adventurer's Kit
Tome Implement
Orb of Mental Dominion +2

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing)
Adventurer's Kit
Holy Symbol
Fullblade of Oaths Fulfilled +1
Ritual Book

And your experience!
Roleplaying out of Session: 550
Roleplaying in Session: 800
Defeating Monsters: 1400

Total of 2750 for the party or

550 for each player
Bastian has a club too.
If it is not listed above, it was washed away in the ship battle.

Also to clarify, when I said that I had to go help with a lizard last night, that was not foreshadowing or innuendo, I had to actually go help my wife with her new Fat-tail gecko lizard.
HC, it would be appreciated if you do have a headset to maybe use it. The feedback all night long was distracting and unnerving at times. As a player, it's not that much an issue but when you're DMing... Jesus Christ my ears.
HC, it would be appreciated if you do have a headset to maybe use it. The feedback all night long was distracting and unnerving at times. As a player, it's not that much an issue but when you're DMing... Jesus Christ my ears.
Headset as in a mic and ear pieces? I switched to a set of head phones after a short while. I'm working with a mic built into a netbook, and normally just the speakers there as well. Any way to help clean it up on ventrillo's side?
I got all sorts of feedback all night long. During combat it was significantly less of an issue as the players took their turns but the roleplaying part left me looking at the clock and lowering the volume significantly. I'm just bringing this up as it was an issue and as you know me, frank as always.

Furthermore, after finding out that the entire online builder is considering essentials in your dictionary (no special human trait, mage class abilities, specific cantrips... etc) I installed the old builder and tried to rebuild my character as a standard wizard. Goddamn, color me unimpressed by Human Wizards.

Felt like going from eating filet Mignon to a boloney sammich. :confused:

Old build is nicer to work with but didn't know essentials made character so much more interesting. Heck, after some fooling around after the game last night I realized several on my players are using essentials and some aren't and those who aren't aren't anywhere near the same level as their counterparts.

Thank god it's a monthly game, gonna take a break on this headache. :)
HC, is it reasonable that after hearing the flock of birds sing their peculiar song, that Solaria might be able to replicate it on the lyre in the future?
Lousy life getting in the way of D&D :mad:

Anyway, it may be a week late, but here is a brief history of Aime.

History of Aime

Very little is known about what occurred in the world before the great cataclysm, most know that it was a long and chaotic. Records of that era fail to make sense, so most of the world considers that life began after the cataclysm ended.

It has been two thousand one hundred and forty years since the cataclysm was determined by scholars to have ended, since then Aime has enjoyed generations of peace.

A brief conflict between Zbozza and Muki persisted for years (yr 200), but was eventually resolved amicably. From this fight came advances in naval technology that opened up the world even further. Suddenly, the sea became the focus of the world and distances became short.

In the blink of an eye, some four hundred years (yr 600) had passed and on the island of Kabisera something magical was happening. Representatives from each religion gathered on the island and held a conclave of ideas. From this meeting came the pledge to discover truths within their own faiths and to help each other in the fields of magical research. New schools were founded in each nation and the sharing of information grew once more.

All was not picture perfect, for ten years a storm raged (yr 1000) in northern desert of Col, destroying most of the civilization that lived there. People have yet to return to the northern sector, most choose circuitous routes to visit Persolaquo in the south.

The Festival of Ploughshares traces it's roots back almost one thousand years, a celebration of the banishment of weapons of any sort on the island of Kabisera and the establishment of the Nations of Aime Court of Peoples, the democratic government representing all people in all nations.

In the year 1425, settlers from the city of Cotone sailed across the Straight of Civility and established the city of Mansanas by taming the wild jungle of Lalaw and brought religion to the native tribes found at the volcanoes base. These citizens would grow and prosper for almost six hundred years, when in 2014 they secede from Grano and form their own nation.

Recent history has had some worrying tones for the world of Aime, magical research has slowed slightly when compared to previous centuries. People in Cotone are openly debating the loss of Lalaw. Tribes of orcs have been aggressive in their transactions in the north of Muti and the women of Foret have been campaigning to remove themselves from the Court of Peoples over a quarrel with the horsemen of Zbozza.
In good spirits, the party sets out on the next leg of their journey. Winds and water favour them and they spend a half day before landing on a large island, their last before hopefully reaching the island that houses the monastery. A combination of previous islands, this land is rich with vegetation and wildlife. The hunters put forth a valiant effort, but fail to catch any prey. Dejected they settle in for the night and share a round of stories and jests.
OK, new RP post up and I quoted the last paragraph here for a reason. Please amongst yourselves RP a large vicious panther attacking the party in the middle of the night. The party has a tough struggle and eventually overcomes the beast, before settling back down for the night.

XP will be awarded for the combat and for how you tell your story.

Also free map.


I'm partial to describing the encounter turn by turn.

What I've described in my post is Solaria failing her [passive] perception check and being surprised by the panther, falling prone in some difficult terrain, shooting and missing with a Jinx Shot, and alerting the rest of the party to the threat. Whoever chooses to post next will have the next place in the initiative order, just make sure the panther goes at some point too.

This should be neat!
Thanks for the Like, Gusto. I wasn't real happy with that one myself. Gotta tone back the angst and find some other source of conflict for Bastian, I think. We haven't gotten much interaction with each other yet, is the problem. That'll change, though.
Just so we're clear, based upon how smoothly maptool is going, I will be using maptool moving forward with maptool and foregoing. Far & MindDetective, please download a copy and visit Jay's thread for our discussions on the program.
It actually makes a lot of sense for me to do this, as every character brings something new that I have to add to the campaign and token settings. For example, after I said I was finished with your macros, I had to update them based upon what I learned making Solarias.
OK, if you haven't got MapTools, now is the time to get it.

The attached file contains a campaign file, all of your token files and all starting macros sets.

Please play around with it and see if you can find any differences with your pc's.

Note: if you are using a power that can attack multiple targets it will prompt you to enter how many you intend to attack.

Far: for all of your powers it will prompt you to see if you are able to use your Oath of Enmity ability. If you are enter 1, else use 0. If you are using your OoE ability and have your Censure of Retribution damage, you then enter how many times.

The state buttons just toggle the selected state.

When in doubt hit the Extended Rest Button, then Clear.




RE: my story line entry. Ok, so my last posting on the story board was suppose to display how Locian thinks in the midst of combat. I don't know how well I may have been able to get that across, as a writer I am at best a hach with heart. lol
Outside of combat, Locian is lighthearted and fun loving, but due to his intense training he recieved while adventuring, in combat he is stern, calculating, and extremely analytical, though he may still appear outwardly his usual goofy self at times on occassion, to make his enemies less likely to take him seriously, leaving him at an advantage. He will use any tactics and strategies in combat that he believes will gove him an upper hand. If that wasn't clear in my kinda subpar writing style, I do appologize.
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