Not nearly as good as what you guys have done for your characters but here is a very little bit of back story for Ralts.
To the north of Muki lies a vast expanse of mountains, gripped by an eternal winter. In this desolate and isolated region, the Gerech’Drakona reside, fulfilling the will of Lawbringer. A proud and noble group whose traditions have been passed down through out time, they believe their goal is to interpret signs from Lawbringer as a means of upholding justice. By studying the dragons, whom are guardians of time and magic created by Allytyn, that dwell in the surrounding mountains the Gerech’Drakona have used the knowledge gleaned to aid in fulfilling their goal as well as having developed an enormous respect for the creatures.
Ralts Udell, a Gerech’Drakona himself, has ventured beyond the orders isolated sanctuary. The first of the Gerech to be allowed leave to roam unchecked in the lands of Aime in years, this was not an easy undertaking for the council to allow; however after lengthy deliberation the leave was permitted with the conditions that Ralts uphold and inform those misguided in the ways of the Gerech’Drakona while traveling and, on the councils end, that they not reveal Ralts’ reason for departing to the others. While the Gerech believe that the work they do is necessary, few outside of the cabal fully understand how they can put such faith in the signs they interpret. While on his pilgrimage Ralts intends to clear up as many misconceptions about the Gerech’Drakona as he I able to.
Venturing to Uradzaj , Ralts has secured passage on a ship headed for Cotone with his few possessions and begins his journey.