HCGLNS 4th Ed Game: Rise of the Drow

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Yeah, you guys are much better writers than I, I'll do what I can to add input on Ralts' end but the quality of stuff you guys put out is almost discouraging. On the plus side it is actually getting me back into writing again, even if it is just small stuff like this so I have to thank you for that.

Also, I'm good to go for Tuesday as well.
Who knew that all it would take for me to find some success in creative writing was to write from the perspective of a happy-go-lucky elven girl.
I'm enjoying everyone's posts thus far.

Feel free to slay the beast and resolve the fight now, the campaign will start the next morning when you wake on Tuesday.

Any thoughts on the maptools file so far? I know I goofed on Ralts Abjure Undead, but hopefully the rest will be minor.
I have downloaded it but admittedly have yet to take a look at it, work has been a hassle lately hours wise. I do, however, have tomorrow off and planned to futz around with it then.
I done bagged me a panther. :D

When I get to falsify die rolls, I always get the killing blow. :D

To be fair, I roll d20s and give myself a result in te same ballpark. I missed my first attack. Going by the effect of my Focussed Sound ability (crit on an 18-20) I finished te panther with a crit Jinx Shot.
Downloaded and took a look at maptools. I seem to have figured out much of what ill need to use as a player. I tried out many of the macros you had made for me hc and most seem good. Abjure undead is a little odd but I'll see if I can't get it figured out. It certainly seems like a vast improvement over gametable.


Yea, HC's Macros were awesome. I'd ask him to do mine from our other game if i didn't think it was a lot of work and I don't want to put him through all that. :p
The problem with abjure undead was that I applied your oath of enmity ability to the macro, where as a distance attack you can't benefit from it.

Just fixed the problem with action points! So if you notice any other glitches please let me know before Tuesday.
Right now I intend to run tomorrows session as planned.

But I am running a high fever and feel awful.

If I am unable to run the game, we will play on Wednesday or next week. Either way I will have my game set up for you to explore the macros and such.
Noted. It should also be noted that I'm working this Wednesday and Thursday nights. If te game gets rescheduled, I'll be working until 8 EST and miss the first hour-and-a-bit. There's nothing I can do to get around it. Just a heads up.
Guys, something just came up job-search-related, so I'm not gonna be able to make it tonight. Maybe if HC is sick we can switch it to tomorrow or postpone til next week. If not, then go for it without me! Just let me know!
For both tomorrow and next week I can make it but will be late as I don't get finished work until 4 PST, the same time we'd be looking to start. Should only take me about half an hour to get home but just a heads up.


GAAAAAH!!!, sorry guys. my internet decided to crap out on me almost all day. Just got it back about 10 mins ago. Really really really sorry, but this was completely out of my hands. Did we end up switching days, or did I miss the game?
So far the plan is to play same time tomorrow, although as I had explained above, I will be about half an hour late.
I see it as a phone conversation between strangers in England and Texas discussing how much they love football.
So I have managed to record the Vent chatter as an MP3, what good file servers are free?

New XP Totals

Party Members are now all at 825 XP.

Please go ahead and update your character to 2nd level so I can make the changes ahead of time before our next session;

Tuesday June 28th 08:00 ATL, 07:00 EST ....


with us only playing once a month, what are the odds of us making it to lvl 11. i get the feeling thats a longshot, which is too bad, because locian could be awesome once he hits lvl 11. lol
I never figured out how to add rituals into the character builder so I don't have the most up-to-date character sheet. What I'd like to add is Supreme Flurry and Improved Initiative, I think. HC, would you be able to update that and send me the dnd4e file so I can do it myself in the future?
Rituals are found under the SHOP menu, which has sub-menus of Equipment, Rituals, Alchemy, Martial Practices and Preferences.

Any thoughts on how to improve on maptools? Possible useful macro additions or changes?


Throughout the builder there should be several tiny house icons, click those to make changes like adding extra feats.
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