More Problems For Sony

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I'm torn between agreeing with you, and thinking that Sony is more like an annoying asshole who went into a bar, picked a fight, and ended up starting a bar brawl. Sony has been treating their customers poorly for years. They installed rootkits on people's PCs via audio CD, and their customer support for their computers was so bad it made my sister cry, among other things.

This isn't about Sony making themselves an attractive target, this was Sony being flagrantly rude to their customers. Sony has basically been taunting the public for years, and a group finally punched them in the face for it. That doesn't make the punch right, but Sony should have seen it coming.
Yeah, the best way to teach Sony a lesson for the way they treat their customers is to their damnedest to fuck over those same customers.
Man, I hate it when I get all made to play a game like somebodies bitch.
It's more like buying a house, except the realtor kept their set of keys and uses them to look through your house when your away... and that they left the door open once and guys came in and wrecked your stuff.
Especially when I illegally downloaded the house. Like a boss.
Except the illegal copies didn't have the copy protection on them that was causing the problem, it was the actual CDs. Sony's shitty DRM actually gave hackers a backdoor into people's PCs because of the bad coding. That's why people were so upset with them a few years back.
I thought we were talking about Jay "acquiring" DA2 and then bitching about being forced to play it in a joking manner.
But you didn't quote and not everyone saw the end of the last page. Now you're the target, Espy, in a game you didn't even know you were playing.

A game you're being forced to play.


Well I tried redeeming my Free PS3 game. Clicked it, tried downloading Little Big Planet got an error, now I don't have a "Free PS3 Game 1" available as a choice anymore. Now I just have "Free PS3 Game 2" and my two PSP game options.

Well I tried redeeming my Free PS3 game. Clicked it, tried downloading Little Big Planet got an error, now I don't have a "Free PS3 Game 1" available as a choice anymore. Now I just have "Free PS3 Game 2" and my two PSP game options.


Got the error, then decided to go out for a bike ride came back and now it is down.

I tried late last night and got both games to begin downloading pretty easily. I got a couple of errors trying, but just kept trying after every error and it started working. I imagine the network is being just hammered.
Yesterday I got a few errors but I managed to get to the games to start downloading. But it said it was going to take 5 hours to download so I figured they must be swamped and I would try again in the morning. I just woke up and tried logging on to the Playstation store so I could try again and now I get an error and I can't get back on.
Yeah, been getting errors constantly. What sucks is that I forgot my I can't log into my new PSP. It's auto-saved on my PS3, though, so I was able to get me some sweet free stuff. Once I had to go back several times after getting error messages.

Then again, they're getting swamped with people right now, so it's understandable. Give it some time to cool down.


So now I'm out my "PS3 Game 1" cause I don't have a game or a download option.
I think this ordeal gives us plenty of understanding that it is perhaps inadvisable to buy things off consoles with our credit cards and we'd be better off buying the point cards in game store instead.

If you continue to use your credit card and they get hacked again (and all signs lead to yes TBH) then perhaps you deserve to have your credit card data stolen.
I've always used the cards unless there is some exceptionally good deal directly from the company. For instance, I know it's possible to get a full year of Xbox Live for around $36 right now (but you need to be offered it via the console).
I've always used the cards unless there is some exceptionally good deal directly from the company. For instance, I know it's possible to get a full year of Xbox Live for around $36 right now (but you need to be offered it via the console).
Hmm, can you pay with paypal through the console? I know you can do it through the website.
Hmm, can you pay with paypal through the console? I know you can do it through the website.
I don't know, I did this a few weeks ago (but I've been told they are still offering it). However, you need to let them offer it to you via the console menu or get a link to the deal from an email from the company. That's how I got it.

Really? Can I just load up my saved version of the regular game then?
Yeah, it's just the normal version but it comes packed with 4 DLC codes. Your saves will be fine.
Downloaded Infamous. Not sure I really care with others; we have Little Big Planet, and I don't think I want the PSP games clogging up my memory stick.


Was hoping once it came back up I'd have my download link back. Nope, "Free PS3 Game 1" is still gone.


Wait another day, if it's still not there, contact Customer Support I suppose.


Worked like a charm SpecialKO Thanks a bunch. GF been looking forward to Little Big Planet all month, I'm torn between Dead Nation and Infamous because DN looks like we could have some fun Co-Op....
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