New Promo Shots from "X-Men: First Class"

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Quick review:

On par with Xmen 2. No one felt embarassed to be in this movie. Fassbender and mcavoy give particularly noteworthy performances. Best Bacon acting since....uhhhh....Tremors? Dude spoke like 5 different languages.

Some directorial missteps and a frightfully embarrassing end shot costume are more than made up for by good humor, lively pace and girls in lingerie, a veritable smorgasbord of seventies sexiness. Memorable moments and a decent score cover up some awkward CGI at times.
It was good despite the cringe-worthy stuff like the child actors, wink-wink injokes/name drops, and January Jones(should this be included in child actors?)
Child actors were very good I thought. The best of all the Xmen movies I thought considering the lack of name recognition.
Yeah, I didn't either. It was a little corny, but it worked for me.

Overall, very satisfied, despite a few rough bits.
There's no secret after the end credits.

January Jones was a terrible Emma Frost.

More then a few contiuinity errors, but whatever. The X-Men continuity is a giant error anyhow.

Suddenly, fire all missiles.

Nitpicks on an overall really great movie. Especially given how quickly it was filmed.
More then a few contiuinity errors, but whatever. The X-Men continuity is a giant error anyhow.
Yeah, one of the "nice" things about about the X-stuff is that if you get a good writer in there, you can let them do whatever they want, and not worry about that stuff. Of course, there's the obvious disadvantage, but fortunately that didn't happen this time.
I'm not sure this movie is even supposed to be in continuity with the other X films though. I'd rather they didn't feel restrained by four other movies.
I really liked it despite the usual grumblings about January Jones who was just awful.

Kevin Bacon was great as Shaw.

frightfully embarrassing end shot costume
It's like they didn't bother to fit the suit to him. It was so baggy and goofy looking.
That was excellent. Really took its time with the characters, and some interesting ways of showing how some of the characters came to be later in the general stories. The score was actually notable, after a long trek of superhero movies generic music to them.

I really wanted the bad guys to die in this case. In the current-gen X-Men films Magneto's POV is easy to sympathize with despite what he does. The crew here were just so smug, in their ratty suits, I wanted them to get torn apart.

Wasabi Poptart

Saw it last night. It was good, but there were things that irked me.
Like how Mystique was pretty useless. She did nothing and added nothing to the movie IMO.


Saw it last night. It was good, but there were things that irked me.
Like how Mystique was pretty useless. She did nothing and added nothing to the movie IMO.
We saw it and thought it was pretty good.
Mystique was interesting. It was a character development between from Xavair to Magneto. I thought it was interesting. It was better than I thought it would be (thinking it would be bad) I was surprise with Kevin Bacon as Shaw. He did a good job IMO) I think this just sets a whole new story line/reboot and just forget the others and start a new stories.
I think if they had saved the first class stuff, ie gathering and ultimately training the younger mutants, until the next movie it would have been a much better film. I enjoyed it, and it was certainly better than the last two X-men movies but felt it got pretty cheesy once the younger kids were introduced. Fassbender just steals the show early on and then is almost pushed to the wayside once the kiddies show up.

Ultimately I feel if they had axed the younger kids all together and just stuck with a story, even nearly the same story, that involved just Xavier, Magneto, Mystique and maybe Beast, as well as the Brotherhood, it could have been a much tighter movie. Also "killing" Darwin, the recruit with arguably the most interesting power, five minutes after introducing him probably did much to take my interest away from them as a group. I really enjoyed the first half of the movie or so, and get that they were attempting to place Charles in that leader role but felt it could have been done with out the needless training and jogging. Exploring the relationship between leaders of opposing sides of the mutant struggle, for me, would have put this reboot on par with Batman Begins as a refresher to the series. As it stands I will watch the next movie,and will no doubt enjoy it, but I guess I was just hoping for something a bit different based on the reviews.


I take everything I said back. Singer did an amazing job. I was stunned.
Great film, I'll be adding it to my X-Men 1&2 collection.
Just a couple of questions:
Since we never saw Darwin die I was wondering if he'd come back as Sunspot. His mutant ability is to adapt and survive and right before he became ash he had the same characteristics as Sunspot. Also, why didn't young Erik kill Shaw when he offed the two Nazi soldiers? He had a room full of weapons next door.
Just a couple of questions:
Since we never saw Darwin die I was wondering if he'd come back as Sunspot. His mutant ability is to adapt and survive and right before he became ash he had the same characteristics as Sunspot. Also, why didn't young Erik kill Shaw when he offed the two Nazi soldiers? He had a room full of weapons next door.
Darwin dies in the comics in similar circumstances but survives as a being of pure energy, which I would gather is the flash of light that occurred when he 'exploded'. I half expected him to come back before the end of the movie knowing that.
Darwin dies in the comics in similar circumstances but survives as a being of pure energy, which I would gather is the flash of light that occurred when he 'exploded'. I half expected him to come back before the end of the movie knowing that.
This is supposed to be a trilogy, apparently, so we could see him return STILL. We all know what happened with the Phoenix.
Also, why didn't young Erik kill Shaw when he offed the two Nazi soldiers? He had a room full of weapons next door.
Wait, i haven't seen it yet, but if Shaw's power is like in the comic hitting him should just make him stronger...
Erik isn't really able to control his powers at that point. Not in order to manipulate an object at will anyway. With the soldiers, I saw it less as a directed attack and more his anger over what had just happened causing it.
Just a couple of questions:
Also, why didn't young Erik kill Shaw when he offed the two Nazi soldiers? He had a room full of weapons next door.
Shaw wasn't wearing anything like a convenient metal helmet. He was in a kind of blind and unfocused rage at that moment - crushing whatever he could get his metaphorical hands on, throwing stuff around, but with no idea how to direct it more precisely.
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