HCGLNS 4th Ed Game: Rise of the Drow

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Rocus Sasha Bonilova, level 8
Human, Monk|Ranger
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Stone Fist (Hybrid)
Hybrid Monk: Hybrid Monk Fortitude
Hybrid Ranger: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Hybrid Talent: Unarmed Combatant
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power

Str 16, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12.

Str 14, Con 14, Dex 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12.

AC: 20 Fort: 19 Reflex: 20 Will: 16
HP: 61 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 15

Stealth +13, Athletics +12, Endurance +11, Perception +10, Acrobatics +13

Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +5, Heal +5, History +4, Insight +5, Intimidate +5, Nature +5, Religion +4, Streetwise +5, Thievery +8

Human: Hybrid Talent
Level 1: Improved Monk Unarmed Strike
Level 2: Armor Proficiency: Leather
Level 4: Action Surge
Level 6: Melee Training (Dexterity)
Level 8: Camouflage

Bonus At-Will Power: Five Storms
Hybrid at-will 1: Twin Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Marauder's Rush
Hybrid encounter 1: Rising Storm
Hybrid daily 1: Commanding Confrontation
Hybrid utility 2: Fall of Wind
Hybrid encounter 3: Shadow Wasp Strike
Hybrid daily 5: One Hundred Leaves
Hybrid utility 6: Perfect Balance
Hybrid encounter 7: Feeding the Doves

Monk Unarmed Strike, Leather Armor, Short sword (2)

For your perusal

Since MD snuck in a lovely RP post before I could add the summary, I updated my post above him instead. Feel free to RP as much as you want with the inhabitants of the islands and each other before the next session.
Please tell me if I mis-interpret a character when I am putting words into someone's mouth, NPC or otherwise!

You guys get to interact with Ms. Bonilova now...
If you wish - Solaria's assertion isn't that we are in JUST a far off land, but also another period in time or possibly an alternate reality altogether. The landforms are different from anything she's learned about on Aime; even if the names were different, the geography would be similar. The events are long in Aime's past, but they are the same events, near as we can tell. But what power would allow for the extinction of elvenkind and then their return, if that's the case? and how do the Githzerai fit into that?

There's a lot of RP I could do with Solaria but she's a bookish type, a scholar if not a student formally, and I'd first need HC to tell me a Brief History of the Universe in order to be informed.


I'm taking Concerted Effort as a daily utility and Bard of All Trades as a feat. This may change; it's not an easy choice to make. I have like all my feats planned for the heroic tier. It's hard on settle on one.
If you wish - Solaria's assertion isn't that we are in JUST a far off land, but also another period in time or possibly an alternate reality altogether. The landforms are different from anything she's learned about on Aime; even if the names were different, the geography would be similar. The events are long in Aime's past, but they are the same events, near as we can tell. But what power would allow for the extinction of elvenkind and then their return, if that's the case? and how do the Githzerai fit into that?

There's a lot of RP I could do with Solaria but she's a bookish type, a scholar if not a student formally, and I'd first need HC to tell me a Brief History of the Universe in order to be informed.


I'm taking Concerted Effort as a daily utility and Bard of All Trades as a feat. This may change; it's not an easy choice to make. I have like all my feats planned for the heroic tier. It's hard on settle on one.
Well, I'm just going to assume her comment was implying a lot more than she was saying then. :)
There's a lot of RP I could do with Solaria but she's a bookish type, a scholar if not a student formally, and I'd first need HC to tell me a Brief History of the Universe in order to be informed.
This world is over 10 years old and I built it up from the big bang, so feel free to ask anything.
Seriously, just about anything you could tell me in a PM would be excellent. Solaria has high knowledge skills all around and spent most of her 76 years so far reading books in the temple library of Persolacquo, so it's reasonable that she knows a lot about a lot.

And obviously I as a player know very little, so little that I wouldn't even know what to ask for.


I'm taking Push Forward as a my power and Improved Initiative as my feat. might be an odd combo, but it will pay off in later levels. I got this guy planned out.
Seriously, just about anything you could tell me in a PM would be excellent. Solaria has high knowledge skills all around and spent most of her 76 years so far reading books in the temple library of Persolacquo, so it's reasonable that she knows a lot about a lot.

And obviously I as a player know very little, so little that I wouldn't even know what to ask for.
I will get to this on Wednesday.

Rathkor do you mean Pass Forward?
I will get to this on Wednesday.

Rathkor do you mean Pass Forward?
No worries, no rush. I know I'm asking for like EVERYTHING (and even worse, possibly an edited version of everything) but it'll really help my RP both in and out of character.


no, Push Forward. I can shift 3 squares to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Concerted Effort
Daily Utility Close Burst 10
Me and all allies within burst
Effect: Until EOMNT, each target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls. Whenever a target its with at least one attack during his turn, the bonus increases by 1 for each target whose turn hasn't begun yet.


So ideally, by the time the initiative order come back to me, I'll be rocking a +5 attack bonus. It's another feedback loop power sort of like Focussed Sound that means one character's success makes the whole team much more effective.
"Whenever a target its with at least one attack during his turn, the bonus increases by 1 for each target whose turn hasn't begun yet."

I don't quite get that last sentence.
Okay so say I use that power on my turn. Then Locian goes next. He gets a +1 to his attacks. If he hits at least once during his turn, then Bastian, Ralts and Inara will get a +2 bonus. When Inara goes next and misses her attack, it stays at +2. Bastian goes next with a +2, hits, and the bonus increases to +3.

And so on.
If Jay does not run a game next Thursday, I would be willing to squeeze in an extra session, but I can't fit it in before then.
I may be able to make it, have to check my schedule when I go in tomorrow. I'll let you know then. I think I'll be taking Righteous Pursuit as my utility power and Armor of Vengence as my feat, unless there is something better you could suggest that I've overlooked.
Turns out I work that night so won't be able to make it to a game if we have one. I would be free Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night I could make it but would have to be late that half hour or so or Friday.
We might be able to on Friday to include Far in the game, I can run it tonight or tomorrow.

Still no word from Jay.
I am good to go tonight for 8:00 ATL 7:00 EST shout out if you can attend. I will run if 3 or more can make it, otherwise we resume on Tuesday the 28th.
Things changed a little. I may have to leave and pick up my wife from work sometime between 8 and 9 EST. I am still in but if we play it may mean handing over the reins for 45 minutes or so.
Ok, if Far is going to be 30 minutes delayed and MD miss a bit of the first hour, I'm going to run it at 9 ATL 8 EST so we all are there for the start.
Actually, it would have been the second hour. If you're starting at 8EST, that's the hour I'll need to pick up my wife. Is 9 EST too late? Maybe...
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