Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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I once had such a terrible, old bike as a kid.... That when it got stolen once, the thief returned it the next day.

That and me and my 3 older brothers were scouring the neighborhood looking to kick the thief's ass.


Staff member
So today I get a phone message on my machine.

Mr. Nihsen, this is Tina from the funeral home calling. Your uncle Virgil passed away last night. His funeral is Monday and we were wondering if you would be a casket bearer. If so, you need to be there an hour before the funeral, which is at 10:30 at the Minden United Church of Christ. Please call us back if you can make it. Thanks!


I found out my uncle died from the funeral home calling to see if I'd help carry the casket. :confused:


Staff member
Not really that close. And it's kind of a blessing. He's been riddled with cancer for a while now.

Just the way I found out was less than tactful. I called my mom & dad (it was his brother) and they didn't know any of the details and basically got them from me.

The Governor of Wisconsin was to recognize a group of Special Olympic athletes when a group of protesters dressed as zombies decided to crash the party. What a bunch of dicks. You disagree with the Governor's policies there are plenty of other opportunities to lodge your discourse. Congrats on looking like complete douche bags.


Staff member
What, you mean like holding a 5 week rally with over 100,000 people at one point?
Well, that didn't work, so the only logical next step is to barge in on the special olympics. You know, generate good will from the community and sympathy for your plight. And if that doesn't work, it's time to slap ice cream out of the hands of any child who comes within a 30 yard radius of the governor. :rofl:
That ignore function can't come too soon :)

Don't mistake my disgust for a Governor who is deplorable in not paying attention to a massive protest on his front lawn to condoning protesting through a ceremony honoring special olympics. It would take an ignorant buffoon of immense proportions to make that leap in logic.


Staff member
I made an oral agreement to buy a used car a couple days ago. I got the money together and the DMV forms, and all that, and the guy calls me this afternoon, an hour or so before we were going to meet to tell me that he'd sold it to someone who offered him full price. How rude.
Went in to Burger King for my free Whopper combo and just before I ordered a woman asked the counter if any one had turned in a wallet. She was there with 4 kids, so I helped her look for her lost wallet while I waited for my food.

She eventually settled on the notion that it was stolen and proceeded to call and cancel all her cards. While she is on the phone, she learns that her cards are being used right now at a store. Since she used her bank card to pay for her BK and having confirmed that it was stolen the BK staff review the security tapes, and the when she put her wallet down on the counter to tend to her kids, a lady just picked it up and put it in her purse! Then the thief orders her own BK and lets her kids play with the victims in the playground! The victim doesn't notice her wallet is missing until after the thief leaves because she's tendding to the 4 kids. They are her at home daycare kids and she is letting them play on the playground inside at BK instead of her outside set at home because it's raining again.

Another lady helped by letting the victim use her cell phone to cancel cards, while I cleaned up her BK mess, bought her some coffee and her kids some more milk and helped play with them until the police arrived to take her statement.

But seriously what kind of Douche Bag steals from you then lets her kids play with yours?!


Staff member
But seriously what kind of Douche Bag steals from you then lets her kids play with yours?!
Your stock standard human, in my experience.

"They'll break into your house at night then come over in the morning and say, 'Heard ya got robbed!'" -Chris Rock
Lets re-examine that story for a second. One person was an awful person who stole another woman's money and then acted like nothing happened. Two people went out of their way to assist the victim with no reward other than knowing they did something kind for another human being.

There were a lot more good people here than bad.


Staff member
Lets re-examine that story for a second. One person was an awful person who stole another woman's money and then acted like nothing happened. Two people went out of their way to assist the victim with no reward other than knowing they did something kind for another human being.

There were a lot more good people here than bad.
Each and every one of us is one really, truly shitty day away from complete monsterhood.
Each and every one of us is one really, truly shitty day away from complete monsterhood.
Whereas most are simply crippled by apathy, or only willing to help if it doesn't cost them anything. True, in this example, there's more good than bad - this would be the exception, not the rule, in my experience.
What a horrifyingly awful world you two must live in.
Hey, my view may simply be skewed by the fact that I get to deal with the dregs of society clawing at each other for whatever gain they feel they can make out of a situation, even if it's something as simple as depriving a babydaddy of his kids because you hate him for cheating on you, even though he makes money through his drug-dealing to buy them food and clothes.

I wish I could say that I'm exaggerating that last. I'm not.

I would love it if people could get along without the majority looking out for number one. My job would be considerably easier and safer if all I had to do would be to counsel individuals for a little excessive vigor on the gas pedal. I wish that we didn't live in a world where women have children until they can accrue enough child support from different fathers to ensure that they didn't have to work any more.

But we do.
I understand that scenario all too well. I live on a reservation, and it's common for woman to have several children with different partners - it's a mealticket or a means of controlling the man into staying with them. It's sad how a former couple will shamelessly use their children to gain leverage on each other.
And here I felt bad about aggro'ing a toddler in need of a diaper change on my wife.

(Get smelly toddler to chase you. Walk towards room with significant other who is busy with other things. Walk away quickly enough that toddler ends up in room with significant other, but has no idea where to go to find you next. Yes, I'm shameless.)


Staff member
And here I felt bad about aggro'ing a toddler in need of a diaper change on my wife.

(Get smelly toddler to chase you. Walk towards room with significant other who is busy with other things. Walk away quickly enough that toddler ends up in room with significant other, but has no idea where to go to find you next. Yes, I'm shameless.)
Now that deserves the title of EPIC MANEUVER.

Added at: 17:25
What a horrifyingly awful world you two must live in.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something.
Gah, why do I flip out over little things and breeze through the big stuff? Why is my brain wired backwards like this? I just agonized over the simple act of asking for letters of recommendation, even letting myself put it off for weeks because of stupid little details and excuses! I'm fearless when talking to strangers, I have no problem facing real problems head on... but the little shit that shouldn't matter, like asking for a simple favor from friends who already promised to help, freaks me out.

And here I felt bad about aggro'ing a toddler in need of a diaper change on my wife.

(Get smelly toddler to chase you. Walk towards room with significant other who is busy with other things. Walk away quickly enough that toddler ends up in room with significant other, but has no idea where to go to find you next. Yes, I'm shameless.)
You GRIEFED your wife!? You have no shame.

Well done sir!


Staff member
Healthy skepticism isn't a bad thing. Debilitating cynicism, on the other hand, makes you look like a lunatic.
Well, GB has expressed his lack of surprise if a Mad Max/Crimson Skies kind of a scenario would take over your side of the puddle. Hell, I'm pretty sure he's got a plan set up to carve his own little fiefdom if that happens...
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