I have some pretty vivid descriptions of bodily aches, as due to a hereditary flaw I'm more prone to have them. "Like someone cut my flesh open, poured in some molten lead and sealed the wound" is how I describe the hereditary joint pain. "Like a railroad spike through the forehead and out the back" for a splitting headache. "Like my throat's lined up with sandpaper" for a very sore throat.
I do have others, as well. If a drink tastes horrid, I liken it to cat's piss. If a food tastes horrible, it tastes like it's been digested already, twice. My brother's so bald he uses Turtle Wax every morning. I have a friend whose nose arrives five minutes before he does. If I wear anything red, I look like a giant tomato. When my beard's gone unkempt and unruly, I look like the lovechild of Santa Claus and the Unabomber.