Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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If only there was a way to describe the halfway point between "twice as many" and "the same amount." Oh wait, there is. 50% more.


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I know, it was too hard to write that one was 12% and the other was 8%.
Apparently about as hard as it is for Texaphobics to acknowledge that 12 is 50% higher than 8, and that the emphasis of the statement was that unemployment in California is one-and-a-half times as high as it is in Texas.
Hey guys, Gas is totally right... if Texas has 8 people unemployed and California has 12 then 4 people are totally 50% of 8...

And it's not his fault that he can't understand that saying 50% higher when comparing % instead of real numbers is BS that tells you nothing, it's the fault for your crappy school system...


Staff member
But there it'd just be easier to say "double."

Mark Halperin suspended from MSNBC for calling Obama a "dick."

Rasmussen poll finds "generic Republican" ahead of Obama 46-42.

Most Americans, now including the wealthiest Americans, have abandoned their optimism about our economy.

Obama says he is "amused" when people say he needs to get more involved in the debt crisis.

Cutting $2 trillion in federal spending sounds like a lot, but it’s actually relatively small because the cuts would likely occur over ten years.

What were the top states for businesses in 2010?

Obama says that companies need to have the freedom to relocate work.

The Senate passed a resolution this week threatening to cut off aid to Palestine should it seek a unilateral declaration of statehood at the UN.

Did you know Michele Bachmann was an attorney for the IRS?
Apparently about as hard as it is for Texaphobics to acknowledge that 12 is 50% higher than 8, and that the emphasis of the statement was that unemployment in California is one-and-a-half times as high as it is in Texas.
12 is 50% more than 8. But 12% is not 50% more than 8%. 58% is 50% more than 8%.
Remember folks. When you can't argue the substance argue the semantics! Sure he said he wants to spread the wealth around, but it was a republican who asked the question, so it doesn't matter.
Remember folks. When you can't argue the substance argue the semantics! Sure he said he wants to spread the wealth around, but it was a republican who asked the question, so it doesn't matter.
Or maybe some people prefer clarity no matter who is saying it? Whatsa matter, feeling all Fox news and think you are being oppressed by the 'liberal media'?
Or maybe some people prefer clarity no matter who is saying it? Whatsa matter, feeling all Fox news and think you are being oppressed by the 'liberal media'?
just finding it amusing than rather than actually address the fact that California's unemployment rate is one and a half times higher than Texas's unemployment rate (clear enough for you), people would rather berate the semantics and accuse people of making up numbers.

The Joe the Plumber reference was just the most prominent national example that popped into my head.
Want to argue the numbers between California and Texas?
Average household income in California 2009: $58k
Average household income in Texas 2009: $48k

That is with a 4% difference in unemployment.

Poverty level?
Texas in 2008: 15.8%, 2009 : 16%
California 2008: 13.3% 2009: 13.4%

Yeah, unemployment is high in California, which sucks and should get fixed. But don't pretend that Texas is the magical land of milk and honey. It's running itself into the crap pit California is in and eventually they won't have the Federal relief help to make up for their budget shortfall either.

I find it amusing myself that I just spent 5 minutes looking for this and added it here and expect nothing but to feel like I wasted my time.


Staff member
12 is 50% more than 8. But 12% is not 50% more than 8%. 58% is 50% more than 8%.
Yes it is. You can describe a percentage of a percentage.

What's 50% of 8%?
Added at: 16:19
Want to argue the numbers between California and Texas?
Average household income in California 2009: $58k
Average household income in Texas 2009: $48k

That is with a 4% difference in unemployment.

Poverty level?
Texas in 2008: 15.8%, 2009 : 16%
California 2008: 13.3% 2009: 13.4%

Yeah, unemployment is high in California, which sucks and should get fixed. But don't pretend that Texas is the magical land of milk and honey. It's running itself into the crap pit California is in and eventually they won't have the Federal relief help to make up for their budget shortfall either.

I find it amusing myself that I just spent 5 minutes looking for this and added it here and expect nothing but to feel like I wasted my time.
Those numbers can easily be countered by comparing the cost of living in California vs Texas. For example, I'm making less money in Texas than I was in Colorado, but I live in a nicer place and have more spending power.


Staff member
George Will on a new book that lays blame.

Pfft, what were they gonna do, vote REPUBLICAN? Ha!

Charles Krauthammer did the math: “If you collect the corporate jet tax every year for the next 5000 years, you will cover one year of the debt Obama has run up."

Joe Biden tells union members that if they vote for a Republican, don’t expect any help from him or the administration.

Big industrial lobbies continue to rail against overregulation and overtaxation, but they don't hesitate to come to Capitol Hill with open palms.

Bill Clinton says the nation’s corporate tax rate is “uncompetitive” and says lowering the rate should be a part of the deal in raising the debt ceiling.

Since the recession "officially ended," Texas has created more than 4 of every 10 new jobs in America.
Joe Biden tells union members that if they vote for a Republican, don’t expect any help from him or the administration.
Come on Gas... you can do better than posting from Fox News.

Bill Clinton says the nation’s corporate tax rate is “uncompetitive” and says lowering the rate should be a part of the deal in raising the debt ceiling.
You might want to re-read that Gas. While it's true that he suggests lowering the tax rate, it's only to a point slightly higher than we actually take in and it's contingent on getting rid of most of the deductions they can take. He then spends the rest of the article bashing Grover Norquist for acting like a mafia boss when it comes to tax policy, suggesting compromise only if the Republicans can start being realistic, and then this little gem about corporations...

Bill Clinton said:
“When I was young, we were taught in law school that corporations were creatures of the state and had responsibilities to all their stakeholders — their shareholders, their employees, their customers and the communities of which they were a part. Now, it’s only shareholders. I think that’s a pretty bad idea.


Staff member
Come on Gas... you can do better than posting from Fox News.
Are you disputing the assertion?

You might want to re-read that Gas. While it's true that he suggests lowering the tax rate, it's only to a point slightly higher than we actually take in and it's contingent on getting rid of most of the deductions they can take. He then spends the rest of the article bashing Grover Norquist for acting like a mafia boss when it comes to tax policy, suggesting compromise only if the Republicans can start being realistic, and then this little gem about corporations...
I will say that corporate tax law does need to be revisited. If an individual makes money in the US but lives abroad, he still has to pay taxes on what he made here. But if a corporation "bases" itself abroad, suddenly it doesn't? (At least that's my understanding from listening to Money Talk but I might be wrong)... That and some other things need to be addressed, if we're going to accept that a corporation has the same first amendment rights as an individual (IE, can buy political advertising).

But it's still notable that Bill Clinton, of all people, says we need to lower taxes.
I will say that corporate tax law does need to be revisited. If an individual makes money in the US but lives abroad, he still has to pay taxes on what he made here. But if a corporation "bases" itself abroad, suddenly it doesn't?
Corporations aren't people who carry citizenship. You really can't prove one way or another if a company is based inside the US despite the company's assertions that it is not, short of adding easily avoided stipulations. You'd also have to fight with other governments over who gets to tax them and the last thing I want is a fucking US Navy Destroyer parked outside of Bermuda because a Holding Company wants to dodge it's taxes.


Staff member
Corporations aren't people who carry citizenship. You really can't prove one way or another if a company is based inside the US despite the company's assertions that it is not, short of adding easily avoided stipulations. You'd also have to fight with other governments over who gets to tax them and the last thing I want is a fucking US Navy Destroyer parked outside of Bermuda because a Holding Company wants to dodge it's taxes.
There'd be no need for a destroyer, in these days of electronic funds. In our brave new high-tech world, freezing/garnishing assets is just a mouse click away.


Staff member
A must-read by Thomas Sowell: Politics Versus Reality.

Obama’s former auto czar is in deep denial about the government’s failed bailout.

Jim DeMint recently introduced the Retirement Freedom Act, which allows senior citizens to buy a better health plan than traditional Medicare, if they wish to do so, without having to give up their Social Security benefits.

Despite his recent speech calling for Israel to return to its 1967 borders, Obama hasn’t seen a decline in Jewish support.

Advertisers, broadcasters, grocers and food manufacturers are pushing back on a proposal that would set voluntary guidelines restricting what foods can be advertised on television.

Mexican lawmakers say they'll press for extradition and prosecution in Mexico of American officials who authorized and ran the Fast and Furious gun program.
Despite his recent speech calling for Israel to return to its 1967 borders, Obama hasn’t seen a decline in Jewish support.
Like I said before, this is a surprise to no one that actually knows any American born Jews. They have always known they'd have to give it back and, while they understand why the native Israelis don't want to do it, are more than willing to give up the land if it means that the fighting would stop. They just aren't entirely convinced that it will.
Plus, what he suggested wasn't substantially different from things that the US government and Jewish Americans have been saying and supporting for years.


Staff member
Barack Obama recognizes that some government programs encourage dependency.

In the end, how effective was the stimulus plan?

The jobs "created or saved" by the federal government’s economic stimulus spending are steadily going away.

Almost no one is satisfied with the current state of the U.S. economy. But economists say the outlook is pretty bleak too.

Obama says he froze salaries for federal workers .. so how did the majority of his White House staff end up with salary increases?

Will the world come to an end if the debt ceiling isn’t raised by August 2nd?

Connecticut has become the first state to require companies to provide employees with paid sick leave.

How much will it cost to go green? Trillions.

That's the same arguement that states local governments make about street repair, water treatment, and fixing bridges. Yes, it's EXPENSIVE. That's because your building them to last 50+ years. Your still supposed to do it.


Staff member
I don't think you guys are fully familiarized by just how much is in a trillion. This isn't "millions," which is already expensive and more than probably all three of us put together have seen.
1 million seconds is eleven and a half days.
1 Trillion seconds is 31 and a half THOUSAND years.

And last anybody looked, we've pretty much already trillioned ourselves to the brink.
I don't think you guys are fully familiarized by just how much is in a trillion. This isn't "millions," which is already expensive and more than probably all three of us put together have seen.
1 million seconds is eleven and a half days.
1 Trillion seconds is 31 and a half THOUSAND years.

And last anybody looked, we've pretty much already trillioned ourselves to the brink.
There's such thing as a necessary expense. Infrastructure expenses usually fall into that category.