RIP PVP on Image Forums.

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now this forum is all that is left of that greatness that once was.


Staff member
Not to diss this place, but that place was WAY better. I'd give my left nut to be able to go back to those days with Joe Keating's iron fist and the drama and fights and whatnot. Of course, I didn't have to deal with it then...


Staff member
It can be if handled right. There was a guy named Joe Keating who would come down from nowhere and start swinging the banhammer like the mythical Norse God he is. And nobody got butthurt over it.

Hey, a little drama is good for the soul. We need it every once in a while to show the fire is still there. And yes, you can have drama without insults or disparaging remarks of a personal nature.


Not to diss this place, but that place was WAY better. I'd give my left nut to be able to go back to those days with Joe Keating's iron fist and the drama and fights and whatnot. Of course, I didn't have to deal with it then...
I imagine the not having to be the Judge bit makes it nicer, or maybe it's nostalgia.

Philosopher B.

I don't know that I'd call it 'better.' It had ... a different flavor. More rough-and-tumble. I got a huge kick out of reading the threads, but honestly, the greater bulk of my posting has been post-Image.

Still, RIP.


Halforum is my home. I do post in others, but not as much as Halforums :)


I am pretty sure there were a few "screw you guys im going home" type posts after Joe did his modding. BUT at least there was modding.
Wasn't my first rodeo but I remember instigating so many flame wars with my no name status.

I was also a very different creature back then. Much angrier, emotional, lash out violence dominated beast. The years have toned down the anger but replaced it with a much more dangerous apathetic deviance.

None the less, that place is where I met some interesting people that I'm still in regular contact with and for that, it will be missed.
I joined immediately pre-image, but post-krew.

I remember that the very first thing I did was get in an argument with GB and Janissary about gun control laws.
It really was. It was more interesting and less (if you can believe it) ad-hominem-filled than any political site I had ever been to...and when people weren't arguing about that, they were talking about comics, movies, and videogames!
I joined and immediately managed to offend half the forum population with my first post, completely without meaning to.
Man, those were fun times.

I believe that my first fight was with some weirdo named... Edrondillydil? Edrourdo? Edrondrollollollo? I can't remember. It was a good argument and I was hooked.


Staff member
Man, those were fun times.

I believe that my first fight was with some weirdo named... Edrondillydil? Edrourdo? Edrondrollollollo? I can't remember. It was a good argument and I was hooked.
Do you even remember what you were wrong about?
Added at: 13:39
Is this now the 3rd time that the PVP forums were deleted?
Forumopolis, Image, followed by HalfPixel? Is that about right? Krew was around there somewhere, too. IIRC, that is.
Do you even remember what you were wrong about?
I'm pretty sure you were saying that you thought no one would ever get into these weird things called "cell phones" and that you were going to put money into a company that was making rotary phones.


Staff member
I'm pretty sure you were saying that you thought no one would ever get into these weird things called "cell phones" and that you were going to put money into a company that was making rotary phones.

Whatever! Just admit that it was so long ago neither of us remember and we'll be okay.
The first time I joined I made some random comment on a random discussion. The first response I ever got was Chaz calling me a fag. Despite that I stuck around.


The first post I ever made was about underage drinking and someone jumped down my throat about it. I didn't come back for a few months but eventually I did.
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