not so serious but I want to rant II: Redemption

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Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky are the translators, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. I read Brothers Karamazov by another translator and then again by these, and they really do add something to it. One of the reviews on the back say something like "Captures the musical whole of the original Russian" and I think that best sums up my thoughts: they really add the 'music' into his prose. It's just beautiful! I'm reading their translation of Demons right now and it's magnificent.
Added at: 23:06
What the.... send me books ill read them! I was an English major!
Well when I land a job (minor victory: got two interviews lined up!) I'm sure I could spare a few bucks to mail some literature south of the border... :D


Staff member
Thank you. I'm so bad about even thinking of translators. I don't research or anything... I really should. 'Don't think about it til I'm two chapters in and hip-deep in clumsy prose. It's silly of me.
I never gave it a second thought until my friend was like "You need to read this but it has to be translated by them." Even then I was like "Hrm. How much of a difference can it m-- Oh. Ohhhhhhh."


I was in the ER this morning with yet another severe allergic reaction. Thank you epi for allowing me to live!
My son won't stop saying the word 'shit'. I have no idea how to correct this.

On the one hand, I don't want to make a huge deal about it because I don't want him to know it bothers me.

On the other hand, I don't want him cursing in public.
He's young enough (under 3, IIRC) that you should ignore it, and it'll go away on its own, unless, of course, it's a word others use around him regularly.

Five and above you'd discuss it with him and come to an agreement.

Between 3 and 5 depends on their ability to reason, understand and obey.

But under three - best to ignore it completely, and not even react at all. He'll tire of it soon enough. You can hurry the process along by teaching him other "more interesting" words - interesting meaning that you always react in a silly, happy, or defined way. This turns you into a toy, of course, if you stick with it.

My kids know they can always poke my belly and without fail get a pillbury doughboy "hee hee!" out of me, or make a silly face and I'll always smile and say, "You silly!" or something equally inane. I try to avoid any reaction to things that I don't approve of, unless they are dangerous, or they need to be a lesson (ie, not considering other's feelings).

Pavlov's dog and all that.
My kids know they can always poke my belly and without fail get a pillbury doughboy "hee hee!" out of me, or make a silly face and I'll always smile and say, "You silly!" or something equally inane. I try to avoid any reaction to things that I don't approve of, unless they are dangerous, or they need to be a lesson (ie, not considering other's feelings).

You should get the following pic on a shirt I am sure they start to get the message :)



My son won't stop saying the word 'shit'. I have no idea how to correct this.

On the one hand, I don't want to make a huge deal about it because I don't want him to know it bothers me.

On the other hand, I don't want him cursing in public.
Just my two cents when you do decide to directly reference it make sure you actually use the word. When I was teaching the other teachers would always say "we do not say THAT" the kids were mystified. I recommend actually saying "we don't say shit it's not a nice word, grown up word or whatever." Just make sure he actually knows what you are referring to.

The only time I just let it go completely because *I* was mystified was when one of my students informed me she was "a horny bitch".

I didn't even know where to start on that one, so... let's play dodgeball.
Ouais... putain, ça me fait chier, ce Googling!

Ç'arrive, du temps en temps, que je me rencontre avec des gens Français, et naturellement j'oubliais tout des mots... normalment, je suis au courant...
Added at: 17:05
@Allen: Menteur!


Ok here is the progression of my shitty week. Tuesday evening I went over to my friend Jen's to hang out and have dinner . After we ate we watched some DBZ abridged at which time I started feeling VERY sick. I hurried home and got extremely violently ill. I was sure it was a flu or something so I went to bed. At 5 in the morning I woke up and was sick again. (The rest of this part of the story makes me sound like a moron and honestly sometimes I really really am) my lip was a little puffy so I took a benadryl. Then I was convinced there was something stuck in my throat choking me so I was reaching back and scraping the back of my throat trying to figure out what it was. All I managed to do was tear up the back of my throat. I fell asleep again when I woke up my upper lip was ginormous, like laughably huge. I woke my mom up and she took me to the clinic.On the way I called Jen to see if I could figure out what was causing it but the nearest we could figure was the chocolate I bought her, which she shared with me, contained "traces of tree nuts".
By the time we got there, maybe ten-fifteen minutes my lip had already doubled in size. The doctor sent me right away to the emergency room because in addition to my huge lip my throat was closing up. Which I am sure any of you who are not idiots would realize was what was happening when I thought I was choking on something. My own treacherous throat was trying to do me in. At the ER, I was taken in immediately and I got a quick emergency shot of Epi. I looked and sounded pretty comical it was hard for people not to laugh. My mom just told them, go ahead and laugh. Easy for her to say.
After an hour the swelling in my throat went down and my lips a little too. So I went home. Jen texted and reported back that it turned out these chocolate chip cookies she made out of frozen dough had macadamia nuts in them. That was much more likely the culprit. Fucking Macadamia nuts.
I was fine, except for my night of the living dead face and blood shot eyes, until a few hours later I was sick again. The next day I felt alright, I guess. I tried to eat lunch chicken breast and potato but I could only eat a bite without my stomach acting up. I needed to work so off I went to spend a few miserable hours sitting in a booth. My stomach hurt pretty bad the whole time but I made it through. I came home about Midnight and went to bed about 3.
By 4 I was up again with horrible stomach pains and sickness. That was how I was most of today. My mom has been great. She bought me popsicles and pedialyte and when the time came I could stomach something she gave me crackers and broth.
I'm feeling a bit better now, not great, but better. I look like a nightmare.
Jen texted that she had been sick when she was visiting her family in Minneapolis and apparently she gave them the flu too. I am not sure what aged gypsy I pissed off to end up with a severe allergic reaction AND the flu at the same time but I am truly remorseful. I have learned my lesson.
I missed work today and I am staying home tomorrow. I intend to convalesce the shit out of this thing. I am tired of being sick. I hope my family doesn't get it. It was truly a miserable experience.
At least when you get sick, you get REALLY sick. No need to half-ass doing a job right is there. ;)

I really hope you get to feeling better.
I also had a terrible stomach flu this week...and it ended up with me going to the ER last night because the pain reached intense levels and I started to bleed when it was not near that time of the month.

So I went in, Spent 8 hours there...and found that I had the stomach flu and a miscarriage. I didn't even know I was pregnant.

Not sure of this is a minor rant or a rant. I can't say I'm terribly upset...I'm just glad I know what was happening. I was afraid I had appendicitis.
wow....feel better makare, rough stuff.

and to littlesin, I don't know if its appropriate, but condolences on the miscarriage.
My son won't stop saying the word 'shit'. I have no idea how to correct this.

On the one hand, I don't want to make a huge deal about it because I don't want him to know it bothers me.

On the other hand, I don't want him cursing in public.
When he says it put Tabasco sauce on his tongue.
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