Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

BTW, no one seems to have noticed this in that other thread, so enjoy: politicususa/fJAl (Politicus USA )

In a recent report in a JP Morgan memo to their investors from Michael Cembalest, the chief investment officer he says, “US labor compensation is now at a 50-year low relative to both company sales and US GDP.” Cembalest continues to explain why corporate profits are so strong while the rest of the working class are feeling the pinch, “reductions in wages and benefits explain the majority of the net improvement in margins.” 75% of the increase in profit margins directly correlate with the reduction in workers’ wages.
Oh, by the way, for those of you who still think the whole Collective Bargaining thing was just about saving the state money?

This week was the first week in my entire career in the state service that I did not have any union dues taken out of my paycheck. However, the whole pension thing - which, you would assume, was the primary financial reason for the Budget Repair Bill - didn't change a bit on my paycheck.

Now, that won't be the case on my next check, according to the memos I've gotten. But still - the first thing they do is stop taking out union dues.

Oh, and GB: Yes, I'm aware of the JS Online story about how none of the Dems who are running in the recall elections are saying anything about collective bargaining. They're playing it more to try to woo the undecideds who aren't already on their side.


Staff member
A week before the US credit rating was downgraded, an anonymous investor put $1 BILLION in futures that bet the rating would be downgraded. Since it happened less than a week later, he stands to gain 10 times that much. Who is this mysterious person betting against the US economy and could he have insider information?

All signs point to George Soros - a good friend of President Obama and backs liberal causes. Soros has done this sort of thing before, becoming known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" when he made over $1 billion doing the same thing to the British currency system.
No way, shady business dealings between the white house and one of the richest people in the world? Well I never. Sounds like something you might read in a crazy fiction book!
Sorry, but the rampant speculation in that article is pretty disgusting. If it is true, obviously it is a horrible thing. The "if it is true" part is what I'm stumbling on. They really didn't present a strong case for it.


Staff member
Sorry, but the rampant speculation in that article is pretty disgusting. If it is true, obviously it is a horrible thing. The "if it is true" part is what I'm stumbling on. They really didn't present a strong case for it.
The reason for their speculation are that only Soros has the access, money and history to pull all this together. Yes, it's speculation, but it's pretty logical assumptions.
I can buy that it was Soros that might have done it. Like you said, few people could afford it. The conspiracy-theory like stringing together of speculations about insider trading is plain stupid, though.
Ok, I just read the article... they don't even know who the invester is. This is some trite, terrible journalism. The assumptions are unfounded and could just as easily be one of the other billionaires who knew the uncompromising Tea Party would make the possibility of a credit reduction would make gambling on a reduction a safe bet.

Also keep in mind that Italy is investigating S&P and Moody's and are planning on raiding their offices.
I look at that conspiricy and I just think, if they want me to take it seriously it needs to be really out there. I want assassinations. I want major government cover ups. I want George Bush personally involved. I want it all tied in to the fake moon landing and JFK.

Call me when they start getting serious.
I look at that conspiricy and I just think, if they want me to take it seriously it needs to be really out there. I want assassinations. I want major government cover ups. I want George Bush personally involved. I want it all tied in to the fake moon landing and JFK.

Call me when they start getting serious.
Clearly George Soros orchestrated the assassination of JFK in order to set the stage that would allow an African Communist Islamofacist turn the US into an economic wasteland so that he could be rich.

Read between the lines, man. READ BETWEEN THE LINES
That story made me want to punch that woman in the face. As someone whose business is inside of an "historic" building I know exactly how annoying these little shits can be.


I broke the cardinal rule and read the comments on that one. What a bunch of crackpots.


Staff member
Government sucks because people are assholes?! Who knew...

Good thing everything else doesn't require people not to be assholes to work...
Or, I guess, to put it another way, "governments ARE people, themselves largely ungoverned," right?

To address your second line, however, I would point out that the difference between government and "everything else" is that government retains the monopoly on the sanctioned use of force. If you don't believe me, try not paying your taxes and then refusing to be arrested for it.


The government should deport people who don't pay their taxes for two reasons 1. why pay for jail for people who don't pay their taxes and 2 it would be hilarious.
I was once bitten by a dog. Therefore all dogs should be killed.

I was once cut off by a guy driving a Ford truck. Clearly people who drive Ford trucks can't be trusted.

I once read a story about a rude government worker. Obviously every government worker is mean and incompetent, so we should remove the government.
The government should deport people who don't pay their taxes for two reasons 1. why pay for jail for people who don't pay their taxes and 2 it would be hilarious.
"It would be hilarious" would be the justification I would use for everything if I was a dictator. "Wait, you want him to wear a fur-lined, rubber coated chicken suit all summer in Texas? For jaywalking?" "Yes." "Why?" "Because," I would say, a smile cracking across my face, "It would be hilarious."


Staff member
I was once bitten by a dog. Therefore all dogs should be killed.

I was once cut off by a guy driving a Ford truck. Clearly people who drive Ford trucks can't be trusted.

I once read a story about a rude government worker. Obviously every government worker is mean and incompetent, so we should remove the government.
I guarantee you, there is not just "one story" about a government bureaucrat abusing their power. To assert such is hopelessly naive at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.


Even if there were thousands it would still be mostly irrelevant in relation to the number of individual interactions we have with government officials.
I guarantee you, there is not just "one story" about a government bureaucrat abusing their power. To assert such is hopelessly naive at best, and intellectually dishonest at worst.
No, I get that. But there are thousands of stories of dogs biting people, and thousands of stories of people being cut off on the road. Does that mean all dogs and drivers are bad?

My point is that the thousand stories you can come up with do not accurately represent the millions of times people interact with government workers every day. When was the last time you read about a clerk in a city office helping a guy out, or a police officer talking to a driver who's having a bad day and letting him off with a warning? You don't, partially because no one bothers to talk about the numerous times something good happens and partially because those don't fit into your argument.

EDIT: So before you pat yourself on the back for writing me off as naive and intellectually dishonest, consider that you instead have a particular agenda, and that you're ignoring contradictory evidence.


Staff member
No, I get that. But there are thousands of stories of dogs biting people, and thousands of stories of people being cut off on the road. Does that mean all dogs and drivers are bad?

My point is that the thousand stories you can come up with do not accurately represent the millions of times people interact with government workers every day. When was the last time you read about a clerk in a city office helping a guy out, or a police officer talking to a driver who's having a bad day and letting him off with a warning? You don't, partially because no one bothers to talk about the numerous times something good happens and partially because those don't fit into your argument.

EDIT: So before you pat yourself on the back for writing me off as naive and intellectually dishonest, consider that you instead have a particular agenda, and that you're ignoring contradictory evidence.
As I said before to @Li3n (and yes I had to copy-paste that rot to get it right), the difference here is that the nature of government is that we implicitly give it permission to fuck our life if it wants to. Hundreds of dogs may bite people a day, but that's apples and oranges because a dog is a dog and a government is a government and dogs who bite get put down (usually by government). The abuse of power by a government powermonger need to be a BFD because otherwise freedom is an illusion, and the government that gives itself the ability to fine you $500 a month for obeying a conflicting government statute that actually could be argued to make sense... is not so far away from a government that can do a whole lot worse.

Yes, assholes are everywhere and are in everything... but government empowers the asshole to remove your ability to remove him from your life.

Imagine a messageboard where you were forced to read every single post I make whether you were even interested in the topic or not.


As I said before to @Li3n (and yes I had to copy-paste that rot to get it right), the difference here is that the nature of government is that we implicitly give it permission to fuck our life if it wants to. Hundreds of dogs may bite people a day, but that's apples and oranges because a dog is a dog and a government is a government and dogs who bite get put down (usually by government). The abuse of power by a government powermonger need to be a BFD because otherwise freedom is an illusion, and the government that gives itself the ability to fine you $500 a month for obeying a conflicting government statute that actually could be argued to make sense... is not so far away from a government that can do a whole lot worse.

Yes, assholes are everywhere and are in everything... but government empowers the asshole to remove your ability to remove him from your life.

Imagine a messageboard where you were forced to read every single post I make whether you were even interested in the topic or not.
Gas makes hot sweaty love to the slippery slope fallacy. mmm hawt.


Staff member
One more thing before I go. There are people who say Obama is wrecking the country. I disagree. I think PEOPLE are wrecking the country. For example:

Added at: 17:05
Gas makes hot sweaty love to the slippery slope fallacy. mmm hawt.
Slippery slope? More like slippery curb. It's not that far a fall.