[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Months ago I set out to recreate the Pyramids of Khendjer, a set of pyramids from ancient Egypt that are no longer intact.

Aside from some landscaping I still need to do, it's pretty much done:

I've ran into a bit of a problem. Every time I quit the server, the destination of the /home command reverts back to the default. I have to /sethome everytime I log in. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Could someone put a permanent warp to the pyramids?


Staff member
I've ran into a bit of a problem. Every time I quit the server, the destination of the /home command reverts back to the default. I have to /sethome everytime I log in. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Could someone put a permanent warp to the pyramids?
I can try getting to it when I can, but with work the way it is it might be a long wait. Did you try building a bed nearby and then sleeping in it at night? That supposedly also changes that...


Staff member
I'm not at home to be able to check but let me remote in and see if I can reboot the server.
Added at: 08:47
That is, if I can remember my fucking password...


Staff member
from the clanforge news feed:

Minecraft - Connection Issues
Aug 12 2011 14:19:57 by Deehem

We are seeing connection issues with Minecraft at the moment.

More information will be posted as we have it.

Update: This has been reported to be a global issue with the Minecraft master servers, unfortunately this is out of our control and we hope the issues are resolved shortly.


Staff member
Notch's response:

No, I just entered a random number. The surprise is coming this weekend. Soon.
Added at: 11:40
It' won't be 1.8. Notch already said weeks back that they'll have 1.8 playable at PAX, clean it up after feedback and then release it hopefully not too long after that.
Bones, your underwater build is blocking egress under the bridge. I'd like to knock out some of that cobblestone so I can get in and out, if you don't mind.
I kept getting booted with full-memory errors, dunno if it's the server or me. Now it won't let me reconnect at all. Sorry Tiq, didn't mean to leave you hanging.
Bones, your underwater build is blocking egress under the bridge. I'd like to knock out some of that cobblestone so I can get in and out, if you don't mind.
what do you mean by knock out a few blocks? the cobblestone is keeping the water out of my base.

EDIT: same here!


Staff member
Minecraft Master Servers Down
Aug 16 2011 10:32:13 by BC Species

We have been made aware that the Minecraft master servers are currently down and preventing people from joining their servers.
We expect this to be resolved shortly.
Update @ 11:30: The master servers are now back online.
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