[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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what do you mean by knock out a few blocks? the cobblestone is keeping the water out of my base.
I meant just the top layer of cobblestone adjacent to the glass ceiling; it wouldn't flood your base. Although now that I think about it, an indoor water wall isn't the worst thing.


Staff member
Happy, birthday, David! I've, got, nothing, for, you, but, these, extra, commas. They, are, now, yours!
no problem, i figured I would just move it back one spot. hey what do you beach residents think of the flying battleship docked above "red base"?
hey what do you beach residents think of the flying battleship docked above "red base"?
Your aft and forward turrets have no ability to track to the forward or aft due to deck obstruction. You midship turret guns have the same zero incline elevation as your forward guns so they too are obstructed from rotating.
wow, just wow fnordbear, I was NOT expecting that...since you know much like your submarine its made of cloth...not exactly going for realism....
wow, just wow fnordbear, I was NOT expecting that...since you know much like your submarine its made of cloth...not exactly going for realism....
... :(

Sorry was just being a butt. Not really dissing it. Far more creative than my sub that is for sure.
oh you were joking around, hahaha. the way it was written i thought you were making a like serious engineering evaluation. I was like WTF seriously your response is to shit all over its realistic ability to work in real life!? YOU DOUCHE NOZZLE! lol
Hey GasBandit, would you mind changing the warp coordinates for the skyboat to:

Y: 92
Z: 805

The current coordinates are located in open air.
Or just delete the warp gate entirely, since Craftbook seems to be working again.
Can I get a list of the mods currently active on our server? I haven't played in awhile so I've half forgotten, and it'd be nice to have an easily accessible list so that I'm not missing out.


Staff member
Hey GasBandit, would you mind changing the warp coordinates for the skyboat to:

Y: 92
Z: 805

The current coordinates are located in open air.
Or just delete the warp gate entirely, since Craftbook seems to be working again.
I wonder wtf made it start working again... I sure as hell didn't do anything.

Can I get a list of the mods currently active on our server? I haven't played in awhile so I've half forgotten, and it'd be nice to have an easily accessible list so that I'm not missing out.
Well, obviously we use the canary mod to enable our other mods, but besides that:
AMWeather (time and weather alteration for mods)
Craftbook (advanced block synthesis/manipulation and minecart travel)
MagicCarpet (poor man's flight/instant scaffolding)
MobileAdmin Droid (Currently not functioning due to plugin not being updated by multiplay for some bizarre reason)
Multiplay Admin (our host's administration plugin, manditory)
WorldEdit/WorldGuard (Fire suppression system)
Added at: 10:30
Try the warp again. I wasn't in a position where I could go into the game to edit the warp, so I tried to edit the warp's coordinates in the config file. I THINK I did it correctly... but I might be wrong. Each warp apparently has FIVE coordinates, not 3. I can guess a 4th would be heading... but am at a loss for the 5th unless it also saves viewpoint elevation angle or something... which I don't think it does.
5th might be a flag, like Nether or Non-nether. Maybe security on who can use the warp? Is it non-zero and the same for all? Beyond that, I dunno.
Thanks GasBandit. And with that done, I'll mention that the new junction station is finished, and in my not so humble opinion, it's flippin' awesome.
If anyone is interested, I'd recommend traveling to it via minecart from Playa del Halforums to get the full impact-- or if you'd rather just warp there, please take the time to check out the exterior as well.
I'd love to see this mod enabled on the server. I totally promise not to tag the shit out of everything if it happens.

You may want to turn the volume down before watching the video.



Staff member
Unfortunately, that mod's installation requires direct alteration of the jar files (IE they didn't bother making it work with Canary, or in this case, not even Bukkit). Thus, the prospects of getting it are doubtful on our server.


Staff member
First and foremost... Drifter, Cerberus Station is a goddamned work of functional art and I can't believe it actually was built.

I fixed the cart dispenser for leaving playa. It was still using old "minecart mania" rules and thus didn't work under craftbook.

Bones - nice docks, nifty airship. A little nonplussed at the flying battleship being RIGHT OVER THE CENTER OF PLAYA but ok, not like anybody else is doing anything there anymore anyway, hm?

Somebody set off my TNT trap at my hovel again (or maybe just harvested some TNT, hard to say), AND for some reason decided to drain the water under it... AND then ended up digging a short tunnel under the wall? REALLY wanted to see what was in there? :p

Hellfarm made me chuckle. took the portal to get out, ended up in dwarf town. HOW DOES I GET OUT? Also, feed your damn watchdogs, couldn't go 3 seconds without hearing the one whining in the warehouse because his HP was so low. I fed him the cooked pork I picked up from the suicidal, immolated pigs from hell's half acre, that shut him up.

Apparently there's something going on making mushrooms grow like crazy in the nether. huge, dense patches of them.

I'm surprised more hasn't been done to use the nether as a fast travel conduit. I guess when you've got warps, who needs the nether...
Hellfarm made me chuckle. took the portal to get out, ended up in dwarf town. HOW DOES I GET OUT? Also, feed your damn watchdogs, couldn't go 3 seconds without hearing the one whining in the warehouse because his HP was so low. I fed him the cooked pork I picked up from the suicidal, immolated pigs from hell's half acre, that shut him up.

Apparently there's something going on making mushrooms grow like crazy in the nether. huge, dense patches of them.
Elevator sign in the little park square to get out.

Mushrooms grow now in the nether
Speaking of warps, I find it highly inconvenient that we can warp into the Nether (example: hellfarm) but not out of the Nether. What's up with that?


Staff member
Speaking of warps, I find it highly inconvenient that we can warp into the Nether (example: hellfarm) but not out of the Nether. What's up with that?
That's odd, I was perfectly able to warp out of the nether...

Oh shit! I gotta log in and feed my dogs!
You only have to feed them if they got wounded somehow. What this means is that the dog that was set in the warehouse was injured and his bastard owner NEVER healed him to quiet his pitiful whining. You can gauge your dog's health by how high his tail sticks... just above 90 degrees is full, and the more it droops the closer he is to dead.
When I try to warp out of the Nether it gives me a message like ''The veil between worlds keeps you in the Nether...''


Staff member
After some cursory research, it seems that this is an issue with the current version of Canary.
Added at: 12:31
Also, even my personal line of sight teleport doesn't work in the nether either... there's definitely some wierdass stuff going on in there.
Bones - nice docks, nifty airship. A little nonplussed at the flying battleship being RIGHT OVER THE CENTER OF PLAYA but ok, not like anybody else is doing anything there anymore anyway, hm?
hey gas if there is anyway to move it in one piece I would be glad to move it out over the ocean where I am building my carrier. I didnt pay attention to how big it was until i was done. or even turn it so it is docked long way out over the bay. I Just kinda wanted airships docked at each place. planning to build more smaller air ships around the post.
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