[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I've been working on lighting up the line between Ragnar and La Playa. Starting from central transit I think I made it a little past GasBandia on the lower line...

Out of curiosity how big is the server map currently and is it possible to zip it up and host it somewhere for someone to download and mess with offline?


Staff member
The latest backup is 232 megs (compressed), and yes it's entirely possible to host it somewhere else, if we get another host. It even would work as a single player map, though you will lose any stuff in your inventory if you make that change.

Only issue will be finding a place to stick it for you to download... gasbanditry.com is chock full atm :/
Only issue will be finding a place to stick it for you to download... gasbanditry.com is chock full atm :/
Could you upload it to megaupload.com ? I am pretty sure anon/free accounts can do an upload that size.

Really just thinking would be great to have for anyone wanting to see how feasible a big project would be or would like to mess around with mods or some such.


Side note: World guard does not appear to protect stuff in the nether from from attacks of ghasts. Learned this during a running battle against some ghasts.
aaaaaaaaaaaand 1.8 is officially out. But I'm guessing as far as new terrain features go the server won't take kindly to us exploring for strongholds and abandoned minds, seeing as how it's so bloated already.
aaaaaaaaaaaand 1.8 is officially out. But I'm guessing as far as new terrain features go the server won't take kindly to us exploring for strongholds and abandoned minds, seeing as how it's so bloated already.
Honestly if it was easy to do I would not be opposed to the whole map getting fragged aside from certain super awesome map chunks and starting from (semi) scratch with one the the world boundry mods enabled.
I'd be sad I admit, and I'd want good warning so that I can not have 3 picks and one loaf of bread on me (or whatever), but ya, I'd be OK with that too.

Edit: if you can save the floating towers, that'd be cool. The rest I'm not as attached to.
much as it would sadden me to see the greenhouse and walkways go, I'm not that attached to them, and this would give good impetus to build new goodies. So, ya, with some warning to gather the necessities, nuke it from orbit.


Staff member
Let's not go jumping any guns here folks - until there's an updated version of Canary, the server will still be 1.7.3. If it takes them more than a week or two, and the Bukkit guys beat them to the punch, the faster (though not easier, bukkit's a freakin admin nightmare) thing to do may be to switch over to bukkit. However, this will screw up how minecarts work (last I heard, minecart mania/craftbook STILL didn't handle minecarts/chests as well as they did on canary/hmod), and last I looked there wasn't a magiccarpet plugin for bukkit either. It will be a large ordeal to do the switch, unfortunately... especially the security end.

Really, copying over monuments would be the easy part.

Another note - we have the ability to run multiple "world" files (currently this world is described as "world 8" on our server). All I have to do to start us over from scratch is change a line in the config file (say, to world 9) and reboot the server. This would not delete Ragnar, and to switch back to it would just require the same change in reverse and another reboot.

There used to be a mod that let you change maps and reboot from a command entered in chat... if I can find it again, perhaps that'd be a stopgap solution. Notch had said in the past he thought the idea of making nethergates able to connect to different maps might be a fun idea, but of course it isn't implemented yet :/


Staff member
Alternatively, I can mothball world8 (the current world) and start us up on vanilla 1.8 right now on a new map. The downside is 1.8 is still very buggy when it comes to block placing/destroying from what I hear, and there will be NO SECURITY. ANYBODY could log in and get full rights to grief your shit. Also, obviously, no mods/addons.


Staff member
I'm serious though... setting up a vanilla server on 1.8 is hip deep in caveats :p but the one thing we wouldn't have to worry about is erasing the existing world... it'd just be "in storage."

I'm downloading the latest backup right now... gonna try to find some hosting for it. Also, once we get worldedit/worldguard on the new map, it... SHOULD... be fairly straightforward to transfer existing structures to the new server via the use of .schematic files incorporated into that addon. Be warned, however... my toying with .schematic imports in the past has had... bad results if the schematic in question was too big or needed to go all the way to bedrock... so it might be best to limit ourselves to standing structures rather than underground warrens.


Staff member
I'm glad you're looking for hosting. I'm glad I got us our host but with the wife out of work I won't be able to afford to re-up the server next month.

We're gonna have to find a new Vent Server for the D&D guys, though.


Staff member
Also, my experience with copy/pasting within minecraft shows me it does not preserve cloth color. I don't know if that is also true of schematics.
Added at: 10:52
I'm glad you're looking for hosting. I'm glad I got us our host but with the wife out of work I won't be able to afford to re-up the server next month.

We're gonna have to find a new Vent Server for the D&D guys, though.
Ah, I meant I was looking for a place just to put the backup for people who wanted to download it. If we're talking about the actual server hosting itself, that's something we're all gonna have to discuss...


Staff member
I just found out that apparently (allegedly) Bukkit might support MULTIPLE WORLDS simultaneously (portals going between them). If so, the easy answer will be to switch to bukkit (soon as it supports 1.8) and just have a portal between Ragnar and whatever we decide to call the new world.
Added at: 12:31
Apparently, it's true. The function is called "multiverse."

This is earthshaking. It means we could have as many maps as we wanted, in theory... even if some of you want to import maps you've had previously in single player. Heh, I foresee a renovation of the Ragnar Central Transit hub :p
This may sound odd but does multiverse allow for the maps to operate under different mods/rules? Kind of a way to distinguish the two worls by having different "laws of nature" as opposed to simply having different geographies.


Staff member
This may sound odd but does multiverse allow for the maps to operate under different mods/rules? Kind of a way to distinguish the two worls by having different "laws of nature" as opposed to simply having different geographies.
In a manner of speaking. I don't think you can enable different mods on different maps or anything like that, but you can have different rulesets... IE, a survival map and a creative map. But I'm not entirely sure. I'll have to mess with it and see what happens.
Interesting. I look forward to this.

If multiverse is all it is all that and a bag of potatochips....

We should think of ideas for the new world.

My idea. "Ragnar" is the name of one of the planets in the solar systems that made up the 12 colonies in Galactica. So....



Staff member
I don't know what Noax and Moss's reasoning was behind naming this world "ragnar." Heh, whatever you guys decide to call it is fine. For my purposes it will be world 9 :p

Meantime, we also need to talk about the future of the server. Dave has indicated he can't afford to re-up when payment comes due next month. Payment options for minecraft servers work out to be just over a buck per user per month. I'm of the opinion we don't need 15 max users any more (I don't think we ever even broke the double digit barrier), I would say closer to 8 or so should be plenty. That just leaves how we pay for it. I've got a paypal that can take donations, so I can handle it if people wanna chip in. If someone else wants to do that, I'm open to it.


Staff member
To maintain our current level of max users (15): $16.76 US/month.

If we dropped to 8 max simultaneous users, the bill would be $8.96 US/month.

Let's put it another way - if 8 of us Chipped in 13 bucks, we'd pretty much be set for another year.


Staff member
I have no idea which would be better. Reupping would be the easiest, of course. But that doesn't mean it's the best option. You're the expert on exporting/importing maps to a new server.


Staff member
I have no idea which would be better. Reupping would be the easiest, of course. But that doesn't mean it's the best option. You're the expert on exporting/importing maps to a new server.
If they don't make it difficult for a different person to pay the bill, it might just be easiest to adjust the max users and go on using the same MH account.
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