[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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This thread has been woefully lacking in pictures for a few pages now.
Well, there's not much to take pictures on in the new map.
Added at: 13:37
Gas, we blew up part of your place. We were crashing in it, and the door just seemed to open on its own. Then a creeper came in. We cleaned up your stuff, made a new chest, etc. If there is anything big missing, let us know. Strangely, the crops were unaffected!.

We also made an overhang for your place so that spiders can't crawl up the sides anymore.
heh, if anything is missing, it hasn't been important enough for me to notice it yet.


Staff member
Dear Whoever Visited Shroomshire

Please dont tear down my mushroom houses. They are neat and fun.
Please dont fight creepers there. They make big holes in the ground.
Sorry about that. I was on top of a wall shooting my bow at the creeper so I could look around, and the damn creeper blew up anyway. They're so much more sensitive now. It totally slipped my mind to mention it in the thread. I would have repaired the mushroom house as well as the wall, but I had no idea how to do that. I did repair the ground and wall it blew up (and fixed some of your other wall that wasn't tall enough to keep things out.)

On a similar note: Wooden blocks do not replace fencing. Someone blew up a creeper on the edge of my farm, and just filled in the gap in the fence with 1-high wooden planks. I don't mind that my stuff got blown up by a creeper, but if you're going to bother to replace a wall, actually replace it with a functional equivalent.

Can someone provide a visual example of how to make a wall spider-proof?


Pics. Boring stupid pics:

Tree grew with invisible leaves. I knew they were there because I couldn't walk through them.

I didn't kill this enderman. It was just lying there and didn't fade away.


Well, I'm out until animals are back. The game is still playable, but it's such a damn stupid decision on Notch's part that I just don't want to play the game until it's fixed. Maybe it works in single player, but in SMP it's just mean to players.

Anyone can take whatever they want from my house/farm.
Highway projects are now "done" via Dirona and I. They go from Gas's place to our collective one, which isn't that far north of Gas's, and from there to WAY east (more than an in-game map east) to Dirona's tropical hidaway. They're lit highways, but not enclosed, so while mobs won't spawn ON them, they can spawn near. Still fairly safe traveling on them at night, as they're mostly raised up too.

Too bad to hear about waiting until the next update to play because of the animals. Not that big a deal, as most of us have farming operations good (no food worries) and the only other thing animals give you is the feathers for arrows, which arrows aren't as big a deal IMO as they could be. But I can still understand the frustration of not having them around. There also seems to be a complete lack of wolves of any kind (I've seen ZERO with a lot of wandering in the right biomes). So I'm not too happy either, but it's interesting doing everything by-the-book for surviving with monsters. I still find it fun, but I understand not finding it fun.

Any new cartographs of the map? I'm wondering how much the world has "expanded" and/or just plain changed with the added population!
I wanna puppy! (re: lack o' wolves)


And re: arrows, if you ask the bear nicely, he may let you borrow his skele spawner one morning. They remain the only viable creeper weapon.


Staff member
Bah, ye nancies, I'll have you know I'm at a 50% success rate killing creepers with a sword! :p

Anyway, eriol wanted another cartograph at the end of the night, soooo.. here it is. (big png, annotated)


Staff member
I feel so alone. Everyone else wandered away from start but me.
Added at: 08:00
And do I see NPC towns?!? Love it!
Anyway, eriol wanted another cartograph at the end of the night, soooo.. here it is. (big png, annotated)
Thanks Gas. The only thing to mention is that where you have "Eriol" it's both me and my wife (Dirona) together. The far one marked Dirona is mostly her though. It is interesting to see how far we've gone, and what we've done. In-game is interesting too, but this is even more "big picture."

So, anybody found a stronghold yet? I've found towns (3 of them, and I see at least 2 more on the map I haven't been to), and even an abandoned mine shaft (total fluke there), but no ruins/strongholds. Anybody else?


Staff member
Nope. I'm staying put for the most part. I don't want to crash anything by exploring. Plus at night I'm a-scared.


Staff member
I feel so alone. Everyone else wandered away from start but me.
That's mostly because after you and I logged in, the spawn point mysterioulsy relocated to be over on the other side of where Bones is now. Everybody just grabbed somewhere close to where they spawned. Odd server behavior....
Not close exactly...

Also, has anyone else noticed that (prior to critters respawning at a reasonable rate) the only sustainable/regenerating food sources are loaves and fishes? Personally, I find this amusing. (I suppose mushrooms count too, but I like this version better.)
The downside is 1.8 is still very buggy when it comes to block placing/destroying from what I hear, and there will be NO SECURITY. ANYBODY could log in and get full rights to grief your shit.
Isn't that what whitelisting is for? Seems to work OK on my (vanilla 1.8.1) server.



Staff member
Not close exactly...

Also, has anyone else noticed that (prior to critters respawning at a reasonable rate) the only sustainable/regenerating food sources are loaves and fishes? Personally, I find this amusing. (I suppose mushrooms count too, but I like this version better.)
I laughed.

It's also possible to keep a population of chickens, but it would be a pain to gather the eggs (which only have a 1 in 8 chance of spawning a new chicken when thrown).

Oh, and cake would be sustainable as well, if you keep the cows alive for milking.
New nether-travel network started!

Seriously. Dirona and I have a gate up at our place, and it connects to a 2nd gate in the nether, and there's a straight-shot passage between the two gates. Fast-travel for all!

So the 1st gate is right between Gas and Bones, and the 2nd is right at Dirona and I's place. So quick north-south travel. If anybody else wants advice on how to connect their own gate to the network (it's likely it'll be one-way to one of the existing gates right now), let me know and I can probably help you out, but only if it's far enough away from an existing gate. So Bones/Fnord, probably not, Ed maybe, Drifter not a big problem.

Eventually I'll hook up the far outpost of Dirona's (it's long enough to be more than justified), and probably an NPC town or two, but for now, enjoy all.
I figured out how to milk the penned up cow. You have to hop in the pen. Get in the little hole I dug and milk the cow from one block below it.

Gas: I left a chest with a small offering of melon seeds as thanks for penning in a cow for milking.
It was snuggling your fence already and since we cant easily heard animals I just penned it in, placed a gate, and figured "egg generator!"


Staff member
Multiplay is subtly begging its users to turn animals and monsters off.

Multiplay said:
Minecraft - v1.8 High CPU & Memory - Workaround
Sep 19 2011 20:53:13 by Killing

We've seen quite a few tickets from customers who are seeing high CPU and memory issues since the release of v1.8 "The Adventure Update".

After some investigation it does seem that the v1.8 is quite a bit more memory hungry than previous releases, so is causing some issues. More on this in a future post when we looked more into this particular issues.

In addition to this we're seeing high CPU where we wouldn't usually. This seems to be particularly the case for worlds with large bodies of water with animals enabled.

This has been seen before and the cause was large numbers of squid. Currently the workaround seems to be remove all mobs and then to disable animals and monsters.

To do this you need to:-

  1. Backup your world
  2. Download your world and use a tool such asSingle Player Commands to killall mobs (ensure difficulty is set to peaceful first)
  3. Upload the edited world
  4. Restore the uploaded world
  5. Set the following settings in server.properties and restart your server

We hope the never version will fix these performance issues in the server code but in the mean time doing the above seems to really help based on our testing.
I say screw em. Our CPU usage is higher than previously but we're not exactly pegging it out:

That first huge 110% peak was the initial generation of the new world when I switched the server to 1.8. Since then, it's been higher than previous, but I wouldn't say "too" high. And memory usage has been pretty stable IMO.
Without mods, peaceful is impractical, and quite frankly, a lot less fun. Sure there's times when it's inconvenient, but quite frankly, it's really really fun to be playing with monsters on again.


Staff member
Without mods, peaceful is impractical, and quite frankly, a lot less fun. Sure there's times when it's inconvenient, but quite frankly, it's really really fun to be playing with monsters on again.
I agree, however I hope that the next version of worldguard has an option to disallow endermen from moving blocks around, or I fear for the integrity of our old map in the multiverse. Maybe the new map should be the only one with monsters.


I hope I can get some time to go stake a claim in the unexplored new world. Busy busy with work and let's play making....
Now that you've started a new map with monsters I may jump on the server again. While I enjoyed building on Ragnar, I found without the threat of them it got boring quickly. If we do decide to remove them I'll probably stay away until they get implemented again.
i just want to say for the record, I am doing school, work, LP(Let's Play) making, and playing Minecraft as much as humanly possible WINK
You should do an LP of the halforum minecraft server.

Once ragnar is back up I would be happy to make an event of exploding the giant creeper :3
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