[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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I'm good with the idea of monsters in our world, but not old ragnar, and if you want me to leave some of the villages alone (makes sense), then I will in case he enables NPCs into existing ones. I'll still put a gate up and a highway TO the village, but not IN it so that no blocks that are for that "biome" are affected.
I'm not TOO worried about it. Worse comes to worse, when 1.9 hits I can just add a new map to the multiverse. It shouldn't stress things so long as we aren't generating/exploring new chunks on multiple maps at once.
In fact, what would you guys think about leaving monsters off entirely on the old ragnar map, while leaving them on here (which I guess we're calling caprica now)? Just gauging interest at this point.
Sounds good. As Dave said, Old Ragnar isn't exactly monster-proofed at this point. And pleease! castrate the creepers once that's an option. or maybe just reduce their damage a bit? Don't want to take all the risk out of it.

Oh, and Eriol, I have no issues with the road/gate past the swamp-hovel/guest-house.


Staff member
Sounds good. As Dave said, Old Ragnar isn't exactly monster-proofed at this point. And pleease! castrate the creepers once that's an option. or maybe just reduce their damage a bit? Don't want to take all the risk out of it.

Oh, and Eriol, I have no issues with the road/gate past the swamp-hovel/guest-house.
Unfortunately the only option is to disallow or allow their explosion. This means that basically creepers become nocturnal suicidal gunpowder sheep that you have to kill before they commit suicide to get the drop.
Unfortunately the only option is to disallow or allow their explosion. This means that basically creepers become nocturnal suicidal gunpowder sheep that you have to kill before they commit suicide to get the drop.
Unfortunate, but I'm not surprised. Thanks for the info.
So some thoughts I wanted to share.

Ragnar: I love good old Ragnar, my first and favorite multiplay minecraft map.

Caprica: My new/current favorite. It has been a blast seeing what people make when they cant dupe items and spawn cloth blocks. Its very refreshing and awesome. Everything has a mostly consistent look to it, people seem to enjoy the challenge of vanilla mode, and creative workarounds for game bugs are being found.

So here is an idea I would like to put forth. Once Canary is updated and multiverse is running I would propose we keep Ragnar as is, the fun, free-for-all world it has always been and as previously mentioned, no monsters.

For Caprica, lets take the Playa concept from Ragnar to the next level, the whole map be themed.

The theme I would put forth is "Fantasy World" like D&D, Final Fantasy, WoW etc. Just a fun quasi-mediaval/steampunk fantasy land. No big pixel art things. No lava name signs, no giant letters in the sky. Just a fun and look-themed world.

Short version: Keep Ragnar as is/anything goes. Make Caprica fantasy themed and avoid looking like the Vegas Strip.

I'm building a fort thingy north-ish of Dirona's guesthouse.

Feels weird to no longer be the one with the big-ass pyramid.
I was crashing in your guest house overnight - warning: your interior courtyard is either contoured such that creepers can drop in, or it needs a bit more light. Nothing was blown up.
I'm building a fort thingy north-ish of Dirona's guesthouse.

Feels weird to no longer be the one with the big-ass pyramid.
I am known in Minecraft for two things:

  1. Oversized monuments to my massive ego.
  2. Dying like clockwork to spiders, creepers and skeletons.


I was crashing in your guest house overnight - warning: your interior courtyard is either contoured such that creepers can drop in, or it needs a bit more light. Nothing was blown up.
I really need to trim away some of the overhanging rock and dirt that allows creepers to drop in.

Dying like clockwork to spiders, creepers and skeletons.
I did notice the dying. It was mostly hilarious.


Staff member
Speaking of 1.9...

We'll do a 1.9 pre-release today, and a full release after feedback. More Adventure Mode content will come in 1.10, we're splitting it up!
Hmm... hopefully the editors can keep up, as our nether is "developed" somewhat. But I'm also interested in the new structures.


On that note, there's now a portal to the far eastern developments in the Nether as well. It's at the end of the highway east in the normal world, and off the marked branch in the Nether (branch not fully developed yet, but fully functional). MUCH faster for anybody regularly traveling around now.

Edit: btw, any patch notes? Or not yet?
I don't mind starting all over again. I never get past the stone age anyway.

Beside, Mojang is just going to keep adding new features with no backwards compatibility. I would be surprised if we didn't face this same question over and over and over again.

It might be worthwhile to encourage people to stay in a limited area for permanent structures, and announce that outside that areas chunks will be erased every time a new release suggests it may be interesting to do so.

I'd welcome a changing environment.
Ug, you mean I have to have neighbours?
That said, removing distant chunks that no one is living in does make a lot of sense and would allow for somewhat less painful updating in all likelihood.
I would predict that Eriol will not be too thrilled at modifying his nether-travel system though.
If you're going to start over, please put up a map for download. I've grown quite attached to the area I picked and would like to see it through.
It might be worthwhile to encourage people to stay in a limited area for permanent structures, and announce that outside that areas chunks will be erased every time a new release suggests it may be interesting to do so.
Sort of like a dimension hopping Brigadoon?


Staff member
the general opinion on the matter seems to vary between disappointment and apathy. since chikii just barely started building her own house last night I think it would probably be very dangerous ngerous for me to even suggest starting over from scratch again. I think I can clean up the existing map without damaging eriol's nether network. but it's not even out official yet so probably won't have to worry about it until next week.
If NPCs do nothing right now except as creeper-bait, then I don't see a benefit of starting over at all. Pruning "outlier" chunks can't be bad though IMO. Where's the negative? And while the western desert town I wouldn't like destroyed, nuke all the others if it means a better re-build. I'm good with that. Even if you have to chop off the end of the highway to the east. Go nuts.

That said, nuke the nether if there's a structural update to it (which there's supposed to be). If you can preserve what I've built already (3 transport chambers so far) then great, but favor getting the new features. It's not that big a deal to re-dig and re-build 3 box-shaped structures that aren't all that big at all. Would I rather not have to? Of course, but it's hardly a grand project.


Staff member
That said, nuke the nether if there's a structural update to it (which there's supposed to be). If you can preserve what I've built already (3 transport chambers so far) then great, but favor getting the new features. It's not that big a deal to re-dig and re-build 3 box-shaped structures that aren't all that big at all. Would I rather not have to? Of course, but it's hardly a grand project.
I don't think I have an editor that actually edits the nether.
I'd only ask that if outlier chunks are being removed, if possible, could you retain the cliffs to the east of where I've currently built my guest house and temporary base of operations? I only ask because I've found a fairly expansive abandonded mine system directly underneath where the guest house is and my plan from day 1 was to eventually build on the plateau on the top of the cliffs. I've marked them out on this so you can get a better idea of where I mean.

If not then no big deal.
I don't think I have an editor that actually edits the nether.
They exist, but at worst I think you can just delete the files, as they're in a different directory than the "real world" ones. Still the same save, but still. Poke around, as they should be MUCH smaller.
Lets definitely just prune out whats not inhabited....dont wanna remake Shroomshire and my wizard tower...

Also I would say lets wait for the official release....Apparently this prerelease version has some major framerate issues being reported.
I'm not doing anything significant in the western region that I'm in - I'll keep poking around there, but if/when it's decided that we're gonna nerf some land, I'll move out during the process, then re-establish myself in a newly generated area.


Hey, Fnordbear told me I should post here if I wanted to be whitelisted for the Minecraft server!

I promise to play by the rules.
The thing is, I'll bet the newly-regenerated stuff will be IDENTICAL to what's there, except with any new features. You may all have noticed that there's no "tearing" and weird joins like in original ragnar? I'll bet that's because of the map seed, which is now stored. If you make a new single-player map, you'll notice you can enter a randomizer seed. Enter the same twice, you'll get the same map twice. Same deal here. So you can trim something out, and it'll come right back EXACTLY the same. That's also why no tearing. It used to be a per-session random seed. Now it's one seed everything's based on, so no tearing.

But that's not a reason not to trim. The reason to trim: if anything's new. I'll bet if you trim a town, come 1.9, a new town will be in EXACTLY the same spot, except it'll have the "flags" set for NPCs to spawn there. Because the seed for the world is the same, thus the random number generator (actually pseudo-random-number-generator) for the world will also "line up" correctly, as long as no differences in HOW the terrain is generated.

Hence why I DO want to nuke the nether, because HOW terrain is generated is also different, at least for the Nether. So it'll be different in at least some respects.


Staff member
Hey, Fnordbear told me I should post here if I wanted to be whitelisted for the Minecraft server!

I promise to play by the rules.
I need to know your exact minecraft username, capitalization counts (I think).
Added at: 23:20
Lets definitely just prune out whats not inhabited....dont wanna remake Shroomshire and my wizard tower...

Also I would say lets wait for the official release....Apparently this prerelease version has some major framerate issues being reported.
It's not supported by multiplay anyway, so we don't have the option to run the prerelease on the server.

The good news is bukkit 1.8.1 just got released... I'll spend this weekend trying to get it functioning (probably just in time for 1.9 to hit and throw us back to vanilla.
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