[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Can I please request another cartograph for tonight? It's been a number of days, with at least a few new people as well.
There is also a fenced-in cow available for milking out at Eriol and I's place, for those in the region (or who feel like taking a scenic stroll north).

Something strange we are noticing. The Desert biome along the road leading away from your place, all of a sudden tonight it is lagging to the point of almost locking up. Once you leave the chunk it clears up. Some others experienced this too. Really odd and just started.


Staff member
Usually when something like that happens, it's because of something screwing with physics, or a bad redstone problem, or a spawned mob glitch. I'm guessing the third, especially since there's an acknowledged bug having to do with the overspawning of squids. I just went and checked it myself and it seemed ok, but we'll have to keep an eye on it... if worse comes to worse, we can try turning off monsters/animals, rebooting the server, logging in to make sure all the generated npcs are eliminated, then turning them back on and rebooting again.... but I think everybody logging out of the server for the time that they have might have accomplished the same thing.

I could be wrong, and it could be something nobody's even thought of yet.

Philosopher B.

Can I get a whitelist please
The name is:

I hope I asked that right
I think I figured out what caused the lag spike.

Naja and I were messing around and I fell and died. It seem the insane amount of little XP orbs that popped out lagged the client to hell and back. Once all the XP orbs were gathered lag magically disappeared.
I think I figured out what caused the lag spike.

Naja and I were messing around and I fell and died. It seem the insane amount of little XP orbs that popped out lagged the client to hell and back. Once all the XP orbs were gathered lag magically disappeared.
That explains why I'm having so many problems. Every time I die, it seems like my client falls apart, and then when my client struggles, the server gets hit with it too.
Nice new cartograph. Thanks Gas. A few questions to the crowd though:
  • Who's out north-east of Dirona's hide-away? It's north of the (first) desert town to the far east. They have a leveled area and a structure
  • Who's got a structure on the cost north-east of the western-most desert town? There's also a little bit built out into the water. East-west it's almost exactly between Ad and the fenced-in town, but further north.
  • I think somebody's co-locating with fnord in shroomshire. Who's there, and who made the tower in the water?
And nice Pyramid Ad. I like it.

Interesting seeing where people settle.
That's one of the known bugs. XP orbs cause horrible lag because they aren't dropped like a stack of materials, they are dropped individually, meaning a sudden influx of dozens of objects to track.

Is the server address in the op still valid? I haven't played on the server in quite some time, but suddenly feel the urge to do so.

I'm stienman in minecraft, in case I haven't been added to the whitelist.
Cool, I like knowing who's doing what - puts a name to the structures. I'll have to take a tour sometime, you two have been doing a lot of renovating!
I'm building north of Dirona, whom I also must thank for the use of her guest house that I cowered away in on my first night as I made my way out there. I started building after the cartograph so it isn't on there yet.


I'm building a fort thingy north-ish of Dirona's guesthouse.

Feels weird to no longer be the one with the big-ass pyramid.
I'm starting my settlement due west of the initial spawn point - lower left corner of the cartograph - see that tree area? That's me.
2-bit: very glad you found the guest-house useful. It is there to be cowered in (and get folks started with some basic supplies).

And thanks for letting me know who my new neighbours are out there! Looks like I've got a lot of touring to do this evening. I quite like seeing what folks are working on.
Well, given what's been said, here's what I'm going to propose for that area.

1. I'll get a Nether Gate out by Dirona's et-al. It's far enough from central that I'm sure you guys want something fast. I'll drop my project to get the one out to the western town, as fewer live there (ie: nobody).

2. I'll fence off the NPC town so that it can be lit, and be safe from all but spiders (they climb). But no insta-boom from creepers, etc.

3. I'll extend the highway to the town itself.

An image is attached detailing this. What do you think of the general idea?


Staff member
I am not opposed to fencing the npc villages, but I wonder what effect it will have when next patch puts in the NPCs.

Oh, and as soon as we can get bukkit/canary back for 1.8, I intend to tell WorldGuard to castrate the creepers again.

In fact, what would you guys think about leaving monsters off entirely on the old ragnar map, while leaving them on here (which I guess we're calling caprica now)? Just gauging interest at this point.


Staff member
I love having monsters on. But I can see having them off for Ragnar as it's not built with monsters in mind. (Not monster proofed.)

I could get behind that idea.
I'm good with the idea of monsters in our world, but not old ragnar, and if you want me to leave some of the villages alone (makes sense), then I will in case he enables NPCs into existing ones. I'll still put a gate up and a highway TO the village, but not IN it so that no blocks that are for that "biome" are affected.
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