[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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The thing is, I'll bet the newly-regenerated stuff will be IDENTICAL to what's there, except with any new features. You may all have noticed that there's no "tearing" and weird joins like in original ragnar? I'll bet that's because of the map seed, which is now stored. If you make a new single-player map, you'll notice you can enter a randomizer seed. Enter the same twice, you'll get the same map twice. Same deal here. So you can trim something out, and it'll come right back EXACTLY the same. That's also why no tearing. It used to be a per-session random seed. Now it's one seed everything's based on, so no tearing.
New biome coming in 1.9, along with the re-introduction of snow biomes. I wouldn't think the terrain generation can be the same.


Staff member
raefrog is now in the whitelist.

In other news, I just undid almost all the work I did on setting up a bukkit profile for us by accident. LE GROAN.
Gas Im the only one on the server right now and lag is magically gone....

Could it be an acctual connectivity issue with the host or the DNS redirect service?
I don't recall if I mentioned it, but I extended the nether-way to my hovel towards the western shores. I've also located


and will be adding some nether gates out there as well for The Princess Bride reenactments.

Fezzig not included.

Trivia: My computers are all named after princess bride characters. Right now I'm on Westley.


Staff member
There were over 8,000 monster/animal entities on our map. it choked my computer even loading the map in single player to 1 frame per 10 seconds.


Staff member
I've erased all NPC entities from the map, and am re-uploading it. Should take another 25 mins.
Added at: 13:01
I've put in a request to have that mod added. upload is 66%


Staff member
Ragnar and whatever the hell we decided to call world 9 are now multiversed. The portals between them are made of grey brick and have no "purple stuph" inside them... just walk into the arch and it should move you to the spawn of the other world.

on world 9 (Cygni? Cetus? What was it again?) the portal to Ragnar is next to the nethergate near Gas Bandit's house.

on Ragnar, the portal is in the mossy cobblestone gazebo across from the Central Transit building.

An oddity - for some reason on Ragnar the spawn point has been moved DOWN into the ground about 6 or 8 meters. Working on fixing that, but I've dug it out in the meantime so it's safe.
Added at: 15:42
the change from 1.7.3 to 1.8 has caused some problems with pre-existing chests changing which direction they face.


Staff member
the nether portals are all completely flummoxed, none goes where it did previously pretty much... the ragnar nether is completely reset though the caprica nether seems mostly intact aside from portal destinations
Added at: 15:56
No I didn't copy the dim-1 folders over :/


Staff member
Well, now the server seems to be restarting itself every 20 mins or so, and I just found out the bukkit permissions plugin is no longer compatible with itself (goddamned bukkit shit)

Getting severely frustrated here. I can't believe everybody switched over to bukkit, canary is 90 times easier to administrate and you DON'T HAVE ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS OF THE GODDAMNED THING BREAKING COMPATIBILITY EVERY 3 DAYS. SHIT.


Staff member
Current issues:

No commands work for non-admins
Nether not mapping portals correctly
Nether causing crashes
Plugins not working for non-admins

Tried importing the old div-1 content to world9's nether... didn't help.

At this time I've disabled nether to focus on the other problems first.


Staff member
In the meantime, so that nether materials continue to be available, I've created a new self-contained nether map called hellworld and added it to the multiverse. You can access it through caprica, the red cloth portal near the other portals by gasbandit's house.

Bear in mind this is only for materials/exploration/fun... it does not link to other worlds except through the one return portal, and cannot function as a fast travel network.


Staff member
Warps are once again functioning. The only warps I have created are:


they warp you to playa del halforums on ragnar and the portals on capria, respectively

YOU CAN NOW CREATE UP TO 5 WARPS of your own by typing /warp create (portalname)
Added at: 18:42
creepers are nerfed.


Staff member
if you were using an open flame in a combustible building, it's probably burned down now... I added ragnar to the multiverse before I got the fire suppression back in place, and some of my stuff burned down.
Added at: 19:06
/mc now works
(magic carpet)


Staff member
creepers will now still explode for player/npc damage but will not cause block damage
Added at: 20:07
endermen should now no longer spawn - can undo this once they're nerfed in 1.9
Added at: 20:09
there is now a skyworld, portal to it is with the others on caprica.


Staff member
Futzed with this for 9 hours today... I think that's enough.

In general, the server's running pretty smooth I think. Still some issues to hammer out, like why it says you aren't allowed to right click (while it plainly allows you to do so), and the nether problems, but for now, I'm done.
I mentioned this in-game eariler today, but it merits repeating here: Gas, you rock. Seriously. You put in a shit-load of work today on our behalf, and it really is appreciated. (So is the admin stuff you always do on the server, but today was... special.)

So for what it's worth: Thanks.
I mentioned this in-game eariler today, but it merits repeating here: Gas, you rock. Seriously. You put in a shit-load of work today on our behalf, and it really is appreciated. (So is the admin stuff you always do on the server, but today was... special.)

So for what it's worth: Thanks.
Ditto. You've gone above and beyond.

The nether "being weird" right now is not so bad considering 1.9 we'd want to nuke the nether anyways, thus having it wonky (or re-set, or whatever) isn't bad right now.

Btw, to all here, I say we go with our idea of having Caprica relatively "clean" (non-hacked) in terms of building style. Have Ragnar be the "wonky stuff" world. If you really mined all those gold blocks, then feel free, but otherwise, keep Ragnar for that type of stuff IMO. Yes I actually mined all that sand/sandstone for that highway across the desert, as well as all the cobblestone for all the other highways.

I know we informally said it before, but officially, everybody good with that?


Staff member
worldguard threw a major shitfit when fnordbear went to hellworld for some reason. Crashed the server 6 times in a row with less than 5 mins uptime between crashes. I've torn out hellworld, removed worldguard, and re-built the connections to hellworld again.

seems to be there's bugs in worldguard that's causing crashes... so we'll have to do without it. this means creepers are destructive again, and fire spreads (and lava starts fires) so be careful.
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