[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Ok, it was craftbook causing the permission spam. I've removed craftbook for now... will dink with it more some other time to try and get it functional. It'd be nice to have the carts, mechanisms and area manipulation back.


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I bought this a while ago for another private server, then totally forgot you guys had this one up. How can I get whitelisted?
I believe they need the exact name you use to log in to minecraft.

Eriol, I started a walkway to my area following your design for the others, don't mean to steal your project away from you but I needed an easier way back to civilization. 2-bit, I can probably connect it to your place as well eventually.

I was also wondering if we could get an updated cartograph.
Eriol, I started a walkway to my area following your design for the others, don't mean to steal your project away from you but I needed an easier way back to civilization. 2-bit, I can probably connect it to your place as well eventually.
Sounds good. I'm more than willing to let other people do the highway-building!

My only suggestion is if you want to exactly follow the design, the "torch pillars" are every 10. I fudge it when going up/down slopes, but other than that, every 10 like clockwork. Made figuring out distances from the cartograph easier before somebody showed me the F3 stuff! (Thanks hon!) Also, use the slabs for going up/down, since if you use the "stairs" you can't maintain sprint. But with the slabs, you can go up/down and keep on sprinting.
Btw, here's what Dirona and I have been working on:


Our Vault. Yes we mined the Obsidian. Not fun! But secure! (ish)
Sounds good. I'm more than willing to let other people do the highway-building!

My only suggestion is if you want to exactly follow the design, the "torch pillars" are every 10. I fudge it when going up/down slopes, but other than that, every 10 like clockwork. Made figuring out distances from the cartograph easier before somebody showed me the F3 stuff! (Thanks hon!) Also, use the slabs for going up/down, since if you use the "stairs" you can't maintain sprint. But with the slabs, you can go up/down and keep on sprinting.
I believe I put lamps up so that there are 10 slabs between each and also did the inclines with the slabs and full bricks so you could maintain a sprint. But check it out if you like and make any changes you feel necessary.
Make a mold in the shape of the object you want, place lave blocks in the molde, then use water blocks to convert to obsidian.

Its also a handy way to make nethergates if you have no diamond pick.
Casting was an option, but honestly it takes more time to go from where the lava is to where you're going to cast it, that it's not worth it. Casting only works well when your final place is not far from your initial spot, otherwise it's actually not worth it, except for the pick cost, but diamond picks are so resilient that one will last you through most needs. May as well make it in a certain place, and then mine it, then run stacks at a time (one trip) to your final location, versus how ever many blocks you need, divided by the number of buckets you have, which uses up a lot of iron.

At least that's my view on it. If others like casting, go for it.

And Dave, there's water "source blocks" and lava "source blocks" and the "flows" that they create. When water runs over a lava source block, it makes obsidian. When the "flows" collide, they just make cobblestone. There's nothing "natural" about when/where things occur.


Staff member
Fnord's sent a request my way for a couple mods, and I wanted to get youse guys's opinions on them:



Lets players pick classes and level up. Gives players a some unique skills.
  • 4 classes: Archer, Warrior, Magician, Priest
  • 5 awesome skills each class which are constantly getting more effective
  • leveling system
  • gain exp by destroying/building blocks
  • gain exp by killing mobs/players


Adds arrow types. -

  • Explosive - Small explosion at the destination
  • Lightning - Lightning strikes the destination
  • Drill - Creates a hole under block/entity, great for catching animals
  • Water - Creates small patch of water at the destination
  • Torch - Places a torch at the destination or lights an entity on fire
  • Animal - Spawns (randomly) a pig, cow, sheep, or chicken at the destination
  • Teleport - Teleports you to the destination or a hit entity to a random destination
Neither of these addons would require you to do any modification of your client. Personally I'm a little leery of both - as has been demonstrated with things like Craftbook and Worldguard, bad things can happen when you start to get a lot of addons that deeply affect the world. But if you guys have a hankering for them, I think I can install them.

edit : doh fnord beat me to the punch heh.
Like Gas said, found these and they looked fun. Good part is anything that might individually be an issue (like animal spawn arrows) can be individually turned off by the admin.

Edit: Deleted my post, Gas said it better than I did.


Staff member
I'm more favorably inclined toward multiarrow. Probably would be invoking the part of it that uses up other stuff, like to fire an explosive arrow would use both an arrow AND a tnt block... torch arrow would take both an arrow and a torch, etc.

I'm just somewhat concerned about what happens with xLevel when updates hit and the guts gets pulled out.
xlevel could just be disabled at update time until they update/adjust.

I would absolutely suggest requiring optional materials for multiarrow. Just makes sense.


Staff member
xlevel could just be disabled at update time until they update/adjust.

I would absolutely suggest requiring optional materials for multiarrow. Just makes sense.
What I meant was, I'm concerned about how it stores that information, and whether it will make the transition intact... also the phrase "fire arrow" gives me fits.


Staff member
I might have a line on a new fire suppression system. too late for the inn in gasbandia, but perhaps fire arrows won't be so worrisome if it pans out.


Staff member
Also, for those who didn't hear me say it in game - for some reason, the automatic backups feature only does backups of CAPRICA. I recommend not making any further massive projects in ragnar, as it will only be backed up when I remember to do so and even then only after I can figure out HOW to make it do a backup without me FTPing the entire folder to myself. Skyworld and Hellworld are similarly not backed up, at all. ever.
Added at: 11:48
Are you sure with all the issues you had this weekend you want to introduce a third-party addon?
The very nature of our server is it is inundated with 3rd party addons.

Bukkit? 3rd party addon (to manage other addons)
Bukkit needed a permissions addon just to grant permission to other addons.
Magic Carpet is also a 3rd party addon.
As is multiverse, which lets us use multiple maps at once.
The warps are a separate addon too.

The good thing about this multiplay server, is that multiplay vets their addons. It doesn't always work out (like we saw with craftbook and worldguard this weekend) but in general, they check their addons to make sure they won't do anything destructive before making them available, an dthen in the Clanforge interface the addons are pretty much drop-in-drop-out. Both the addons under discussion are already available in clanforge, which means at some point multiplay decided they were kosher. Now, that may have been 6 patches ago...

So long as we add in the addons one at a time and check for issues betwixt (and remove the addons if they DO cause issues) I don't think they'll be a big problem administratively. With the RPG addon, I worry that if it goes away it might kill interest in the game (how do you get them back on the farm once they've seen the big city, ya know?). Kinda like what losing minecart mania did to me for a while.
BTW, Caprica is PVP, as my wife and I found out. She hit me with a block. I was wielding a diamond sword. Gasbandit struck me down with lightning.

I like the idea of this world allowing PVP. I don't plan on attacking other players, but it seems more interesting to have that possibility.


Staff member
BTW, Caprica is PVP, as my wife and I found out. She hit me with a block. I was wielding a diamond sword. Gasbandit struck me down with lightning.

I like the idea of this world allowing PVP. I don't plan on attacking other players, but it seems more interesting to have that possibility.
Historically, the server has always been pvp enabled except for during the 1.8.1 vanilla phase where I guess the default is now "off." But I don't actually remember anybody ever really taking advantage of that, other than that one time bones rushed at me with a diamond sword when I wasn't wearing my armor.

If accidental hits are a common problem for people who routinely pair up (Stienman and raefrog, eriol and dirona, myself and chikii, etc), there's an addon I can put on called "buddyup" which basically lets you form a 2-person MMO group by "buddying up" and it makes you do no damage to each other, be able to teleport to each other, and also splits loot and such.
Are there any minecraft packet spy programs? I'm interested in running a separate process that watches the network packets and gives me info about the smp games active on the local network/PC. I'm toying with the idea of creating one, but I know I'll never get around to it.


Staff member
Are there any minecraft packet spy programs? I'm interested in running a separate process that watches the network packets and gives me info about the smp games active on the local network/PC. I'm toying with the idea of creating one, but I know I'll never get around to it.
I don't know if there's any specifically for minecraft... but you never know.
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