[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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Plying around with 1.8 and found a neat world seed


It generates a series of tiny islands/atols very far apart. It might actually be a neat seed for a new multiplayer map.


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Plying around with 1.8 and found a neat world seed


It generates a series of tiny islands/atols very far apart. It might actually be a neat seed for a new multiplayer map.
How did you do this? I can't even log in to update my Minecraft. I wanted to wait for the official update but I think I may have to get a leaked copy.
Fair enough, I just wanted to post on behalf of Dirona and I that together we'll throw in at least $15 if needed for further funding. We're not on the most of anybody anyway, so paying for "1.5 seats" for the two of us seems good. If you have a paypal donate, that definitely works best.


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There are no meat animals by our starting point! I'm starving here! And trapped in my tiny hovel by a creeper! AUGH!

(The fun is back, by the way.)
I was playing 1.8 on a new single player map and had been having the same issues with there being no food producing animals spawning. After awhile I began starving and am stuck at .5 health until I'm inevitably killed, only to respawn and have the cycle repeat itself. I'm glad I found iron for armor so I have at least some leeway.


Staff member
Kill a couple of spiders and make a fishing rod. Cook & eat fish.

Oh, and on the multiplay server I wandered lost for a while and when I started building I discovered I'm very close to the beginning area. So I put down a lot of torches and will put a bunch of fish & stuff in a chest for new people so they don't run into the same issues.


Staff member
So... seems endermen spawn underground, too. I nearly bowled right into one. Was a water source right behind me, but I had 19 iron ore on me and didn't want to risk screwing with it... so I very carefully averted my gaze and went back the other way.
Added at: 19:46
Also, I got some seeds and started growing some wheat at the noobie cottage.
Hey, any chance of a map or the like of the new area? Dirona is LOST, and I'm kinda lost looking for her, but I found a town! Really, spawned by the world. No NPCs or anything there, but a well, multiple buildings pre-made, etc. Crashed there for the night in fact.

So... a map would be awesome! No I don't have the stuff to make one in-game (gold is kinda deep).
My sense of direction sucks.

However, for those who like to wander, there is now a well-lit, fully functional, safe, shelter and farm on a picturesque island in the north-eastern tropics (close to, but out-of-sight of, the auto-generated desert town). It is equiped with some basic handtools and supplies, along with a crafting table, furnace, bed, a farm for both wheat and trees, as well as some semi-explored (i.e. partially lit) caves that likely still hold both iron and coal. Chickens, pigs, and sheep are plentiful in the region for those whol like to hunt. Everything you need in order to rest and recouperate after a long walk. It is free and open for the use of the weary or lost traveller.

Or if someone wants to make it their permanent homestead, that works too.
After much else occurring (more map generation) Dirona made it home! Woot!

Anyways, I've made a highway from Gas's place directly north, and then took it off a bit to the side to the "entrance vista" of our place. I'll spiff it up with a few more torches, doubling it up, etc, soon, but it's a good north/south marker at the least. And for land claims, I'd like to request the whole green space around where our entrance is, and some of the forest, all the way to the water to the north and north-west. It's a logical physical division, but lots of space for all we need.

And I don't know how everybody else likes it, but I'm having a blast. There is something "nice" about survival mode, especially at the beginning, but it matures well too.


Staff member
I like it too. The little woman is absolutely dyspeptic that she can't get to her house, dogs, and Gasbandia for the next week or two. Can't please everyone I guess, but why does it have to displease the one closest to me >_<


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I wonder if when 1.9 comes out, the existing npc towns will get populated, or if we'll need a new map again. Of course, with multiverse, we could just add it to the cluster if so.


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I haven't seen a single pig on the new map. I didn't see any cows today, either. Lots and lots of sheep, and a few chickens. Has something drastically changed in the way animals spawn?

EDIT: Doh! I hadn't even thought of fishing to meet my food needs while my farm comes in.
I haven't seen a single pig on the new map. I didn't see any cows today, either. Lots and lots of sheep, and a few chickens. Has something drastically changed in the way animals spawn?

EDIT: Doh! I hadn't even thought of fishing to meet my food needs while my farm comes in.
Yep! As a ''preview'' to the farming system, notch changed animal spawning. Animals now spawn on chunk generation, but don't respawn after they are killed!
Yep! As a ''preview'' to the farming system, notch changed animal spawning. Animals now spawn on chunk generation, but don't respawn after they are killed!
Notch seems to want to keep us at the hunter/gather stage.

It's a little risky but my food method for now is hunting skeletons for bonemeal and using it to produce giant mushrooms to make mushroom stew.

It's working out great so far.


Staff member
Yep! As a ''preview'' to the farming system, notch changed animal spawning. Animals now spawn on chunk generation, but don't respawn after they are killed!
Aw, I liked running around in leather boots.

Several thoughts:
1. I really should stop killing sheep, chickens and cows.
2. Good grief I think this was a poor choice.
3. Why the hell isn't this found in the wiki anywhere obvious, like the pages on mobs or the Adventure update?
4. So much for making a cake. No cows mean no milk.
5. Where am I supposed to get arrows if there aren't any chickens to kill for feathers? Zombies don't drop feathers anymore, and killing skeletons isn't going to give me enough to deal with creepers.

All those together... if this is true, I'm done with Minecraft.
The thing is, in 1.9 animals will be able to be farmed, turning them once again into a renewable resource, soooo...

I agree that it's a poor decision, but hey, this is mojang we're talking about.
Dear Whoever Visited Shroomshire

Please dont tear down my mushroom houses. They are neat and fun.
Please dont fight creepers there. They make big holes in the ground.
Please dont mine holes in my villiage wall. If you want to look around there is a door to get in.
Please if you visit Shroomshire and have an accident just drop me a message here and no hard feelings. I know creepers gonna creep. :3

Well, that explains the complete lack of critters near our place. I've killed them all already.

Ya, poor choice when the ability to farm them isn't in yet.
Gas, we blew up part of your place. We were crashing in it, and the door just seemed to open on its own. Then a creeper came in. We cleaned up your stuff, made a new chest, etc. If there is anything big missing, let us know. Strangely, the crops were unaffected!.

We also made an overhang for your place so that spiders can't crawl up the sides anymore.
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