Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

Or, I guess, to put it another way, "governments ARE people, themselves largely ungoverned," right?

To address your second line, however, I would point out that the difference between government and "everything else" is that government retains the monopoly on the sanctioned use of force. If you don't believe me, try not paying your taxes and then refusing to be arrested for it.
Your problem is that you think having a "sanctioned" use of force is any different from simply being able to use force when you want to...

If you don't believe me try not paying protection money or not allowing armed gangs to rob your farm... if you don't have a bigger stick you're fucked, just like with the government (just ask all the rich/famous people who get away with way more then any middle class person would).

As I said before to @Li3n (and yes I had to copy-paste that rot to get it right),
MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.... i knew someone would eventually...

Gaaaaaaah! I want to smack those morons soooooo much.
As long as you don't think they're something new... it's just that now they can read and write...


Staff member
just a short note cause... well, cause work. Bleh.

The party starts at 3:48.

Added at: 09:58
Your problem is that you think having a "sanctioned" use of force is any different from simply being able to use force when you want to...
And people say I'M the anarchist...
Norm Breyfogle is THE BOMB Batman artist.
Added at: 18:08
Also that Ratigan dude makes me want to watch cable news. WTH? He seems awesome!
Corporations are people only in the sense that they have all the same rights people have, but not of the responsibilities or accountability. If a corporation is a person, it's the drug dealer down the block who doesn't need to worry about getting caught because he can finger someone else.
Corporations are people only in the sense that they have all the same rights people have, but not of the responsibilities or accountability. If a corporation is a person, it's the drug dealer down the block who doesn't need to worry about getting caught because he can finger someone else.
You clearly didn't understand what he was saying.

What he was trying to say was that corporations are made up of people, and so their profits benefit the large group of people that work for them. You see, corporations are benevolent entities whose only purpose is to make sure other people make money. Corporations, being naturally selfless, are the surest way for every worker (even the lowest levels like factory workers) to enhance their standard of living. That's why we have to be much nicer to them, and remove all regulations that would hamper their ability to grow... because their growth means a growth in prosperity for America.
Not just that, but when patents are bought by people who are in direct competition with the patent (ie electric cars or improvements on the combustion engine), improvements to current technology are never realized.
Yeah, that's more than a little weird. But if we can't find him we should be looking at or near Condi's place.

I'd also tell Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Crazy obsessed bastards like this love to shoot Beatles.
Wait, it all makes sense. GADDAFI KILLED REAGAN.


Staff member
With all the talk of Obama's approval rating lately, I thought it might be interesting to compare his with his predecessors on a matching timeline. I photoshopped the two together, skewed the scales to be roughly equivalent...

Rasmussen shows him higher than the "38%" scuttlebutt going around, but it's still enough to see a pattern. Interesting that Bush's rating was subject to repeated massive boosts from world events, followed by long, otherwise uninterrupted periods of decline, whereas Obama (abarring the initial drop from 65%) has maintained a steady pattern between 50 and 45%, with occasional dips into the low 40s with immediate recoveries. Also interesting to me is the break with this trend since the death of Bin Laden, which also didn't give him as big a boost as I would have thought it would. I mean, saddam's capture registered a 10% uptick, whereas here it seems to only have started a slide down towards 40 as a trend instead of a spike with a rebound.

Perhaps more people have already made their mind up about Obama and aren't prone to changing that decision, be it for or against, no matter what happens?


Staff member
Would she not be a citizen if her father was a bootlegger?
It's comperable - organized crime was how Joe Kennedy made his fortune, which enabled him to send his sons to expensive universities and propel them to high positions in politics. Basically, Robert Kennedy's (and JFK's, for that matter) education and qualifications were financed by crime - something that might be important when considering suitability for the office of Attorney General (or President).

But enough belaboring the comparison - The answer is that in neither case can the progeny be held responsible for the crimes of the progenitors. It is not hypocritical for the governor to have an anti-ILLEGAL-immigrant policy even though her grandparents were illegal immigrants. These days, I'm against invading territories already settled by an indigenous people, killing them, driving them off their land, and decimating their populations - but me being an American, whose forefathers did exactly that, does not make me a hypocrite either.
You're right, what makes Kennedy a hypocrite is that he didn't also go after his father for being a criminal..

And what makes her one is that she's trying to stop other people from getting the same chance she got...

And the entirety of your country IS hypocritical about immigration, acting as if they're doing something different from what your ancestors did...

Now if you'd actually put it in less emotional terms and try to find an actual solution instead of screaming about them foreigners taking your jobs...


Staff member
You're right, what makes Kennedy a hypocrite is that he didn't also go after his father for being a criminal..

And what makes her one is that she's trying to stop other people from getting the same chance she got...

And the entirety of your country IS hypocritical about immigration, acting as if they're doing something different from what your ancestors did...

Now if you'd actually put it in less emotional terms and try to find an actual solution instead of screaming about them foreigners taking your jobs...
By your rationale, we're unable to stop anyone from doing anything ever because somebody in our ancestral line probably did it at some point.


Staff member
Heh, another gem from the comments - "If you aren't demonizing today what your grandparents did, you're not looking very hard at what your grandparents did."