What is Consolitis?
It is an affliction in which a PC game exhibit the characteristic of a game made for console gaming. Such as :
- clumsy and frustrating user interfaces
- super-large fonts
- extremely poor visual quality, low texture resolutions, low polygon counts by current generation standards that match console limits and not PC limits.
- poor control not optimized for the keyboard/mouse control scheme (in some cases, controls that cannot even be remapped or specific keys cannot be used)
- horrible handling of saving games
- lack of advanced options (change resolutions, audio settings, graphic quality, etc.)
- simplified game mechanics
- terrible video performance not taking advantage of the latest PC technologies
- no support for mods, and no editors for customization... etc.
This is by no means the complete list but most of the common issues that come to mind...
It is largely the result of a lazy or hurried port from a console game to the PC and is a sad trend that seems to be picking up steam rather than fading away. Developers/publishers just want to get a game out quickly, within budget, to start reaping additional revenues with promises of patches and DLC that cost extra money to the scammed customer base.
Publishers especially love games made for multiple formats; PS3, Xbox360, Wii and the PC. This is favored for the multiple revenue streams, boosting their investor confidence. While all the console are "generally" suited for their respective units it is the PC users that get the ugly end of the stick in most cases.
IMO? Stop treating PC gamers as a minority and an afterthought and respect our joy for gaming and we’ll reward you with loyalty as long as you give us great games to play. If not, I'll reward you otherwise and you won't make a penny off of me.
Hope this answers your question
If you support my views, click Like on this post and don't buy shitty console ports.