City of Heroes going free to play

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It kind seemed to me that Nick's problem is that he wanted to RP on the Non-RP server. When I played on Virtue, RP was literally happening everywhere. If you didn't know a group, all you had to do was go to Pocket D and RP with folks there until you found a group you liked.

Virtue's problem is that you'd sometimes have trouble getting things like a Rikti Mothership raid or a Hamidon Raid going unless you had help from The Cape (Virtue's #1 Radio Station!). You'd even have trouble getting some TFs going unless you were on during peak time.

That's kind of the trade-off. If you want RP, you go t Virtue. If you like to raid, Justice is sometimes the better choice.
I remember the days of the 100+ toon Hami raids nearly every night on Freedom. No matter how stout your rig, you had to turn everything way down to keep the event from turning into a slideshow.
I remember the days of the 100+ toon Hami raids nearly every night on Freedom. No matter how stout your rig, you had to turn everything way down to keep the event from turning into a slideshow.
I think Hami raids fell out of style because it was just way simpler to get Hami-Os from ether the Statesman or Lord Recluse TFs. Also because recipes made them less useful... there are still times when you want Hami-Os but generally you'd rather have an IO for specialization or a recipe set in a power for the bonuses.
I think Hami raids fell out of style because it was just way simpler to get Hami-Os from ether the Statesman or Lord Recluse TFs. Also because recipes made them less useful... there are still times when you want Hami-Os but generally you'd rather have an IO for specialization or a recipe set in a power for the bonuses.
See, it's stuff like what you just described that turns me away from the game.
I could honestly never stay interested in this game for more than 1-2 weeks at a time. Much like everyonelse, I'd spend more time in the character customization vs the actual game. What turned me away mostly was the lack of "item progression". I'm definitely a gerbil wheel player. You have to keep inticing me to play. When the core of your gameplay is grinding the same instances over and over, with your character's only progression being a few bonuses to stats? Yeah I'm not going to stick around through it.
See, it's stuff like what you just described that turns me away from the game.
You can't really fault people for not wanting to do Hami raids... they were cluster fucks of the highest order and participation didn't guarantee a reward (if you died and had to teleport to a hospital, you'd better fucking hope Hamidon doesn't die before you get back to the zone). Later raids, like the Rikti Mothership Raid, made this much better by including a hospital in the zone and giving out tons of lesser rewards. I'd sometimes get 300-600 Vanguard Merits from a single raid because you got one for every Rikti defeated by your team during the event.

As for the complexity of using recipes... I don't really get what you mean. It's not exactly hard to get parts off the auction house, each recipe tells you what you need to make it and it's actually pretty fun trying to make a build to do crazy things. I think you were just kinda ruined on the system because people wouldn't shut up about it when it first came out. I blame that on actually having options for once.

Let me make this clear: It is still entirely possible to play the game from level 1 to level 50 using nothing but normal, dual origin, and single origin enhancements. You never NEED to have the power of Invention, Hamidon, or Recipe enhancements because enhancements still give diminishing returns after a point. You just get more flexibility and benefit from using the latter three because they were designed after the diminishing returns patch. I wouldn't PVP without them, but everything else is fine.


Staff member
And it blows. My masterminds are locked unless I shell out 20 bucks. I get 4 slots, the little woman gets 2. Also, you STILL have to log ALL THE WAY into the game to set sound and graphics options! Irritating.

And the engine is still clunky and inefficient. This has not aged well.
Ooh! I know what I'm doing tonight! Thanks, ROM!
Added at: 17:52

Is that a one-time thing or monthly?
It's a one time thing, though you don't have to pay for it if your currently subscribing.

Personally, I love Masterminds but it's a lot of micro and it's not for everyone. You also only have a few options for minions.

- Robots: Lots of AOE Energy damage and very tanky. Best defensively.
- Ninjas: More evasive and some debuffing. Have some interesting tricks.
- Mercenaries: Have guns that reduce defense and some good debuffs. Best single target DPS.
- Thugs: Has special Minion that can Scourge like Corruptors, Lieutenants buff all nearby minions and it's Boss gains fury like Brutes. Probably the best survivability.
- Necromancery: Zombies and spirits. Pretty tough and have some toxic damage. Best burst damage.
- Demon Summoning: Demons use a variety of damage types (fire, ice, toxic), all of which are rare outside of some sets. Best variety.

But yeah, it's a dick move. I have several Masterminds (including my lvl 50 main) and I really shouldn't have to pay for him back. I've already given them $500 in fees and purchases. I stayed around when Champions Online was released. I've fucking earned my archetypes.


Staff member
Exactly. I had 2 masterminds I liked (Mercs and Robots), and Masterminds and Controllers were (apparently arbitrarily) chosen to require "1200 paragon points" to unlock each (400 paragon points is 5 bucks, I think). Just seems like a dick move... bait and switch. IMO it would have been fairer to say "if you subscribed and rolled one and he still exists, you can play him, just not roll any more." And naturally I didn't notice this until I used one of my slots on him. At least I had 3 left after that.
It wasn't done arbitrarily. Masterminds were chosen because they are the most iconic and unique of the classes... they do something that no one else does and there are a lot of fun side things you can do with your pets, like make them speak or emote.

Controllers, on the other hand, were chosen because they are hands down the best farming class and they can run encounters designed for full teams by themselves. Fire/Fire controllers are especially bad about this but you can't exactly nerf the set without totally overhauling all the other sets. I also suspect this is a move to cut down on gold farmers... without Controllers, it's going to take more people to farm and more time as well.

It's still a huge "Fuck You" to their long time subscribers.
That's weird, because I used one of my server tokens to unlock my 50 troller, and I'm able to play her with no problem. My friend, however, can't unlock his troller he use to play.


I just launch it today and unlock 2 slots on champion (my server) my controller earth/emp and my dark dark defender :)


Staff member
It's particularly irritating to me because when I bought CoV, I bought it specifically for the mastermind class.


It's particularly irritating to me because when I bought CoV, I bought it specifically for the mastermind class.
Hmm. I haven't actually log INto the game (i.e. after unlocking my characters) but yea. That is kinda low blow since people who have purchase expansion should have access to the class that expansion include.
I'm gonna check their forums... if Chibi and others are getting controllers, there are probably ways to keep Masterminds. I KNOW you can get them for free permanently if you have enough VIP time/tokens stored up. You don't even need to use up tokens on the ability to get them, you just need to have spent a certain amount.


Staff member
Hrm... maybe that's it. I have 4 VIP tokens, she has 3. Which was enough to get me 4 global slots, where she only got 2.


I'm gonna try to unlock my mastermind tonight (i.e. via slots) and see what happens. I am going to use my last one (4th global) and open a blank slot and see if I can create any new character or limited.
I'm gonna check their forums... if Chibi and others are getting controllers, there are probably ways to keep Masterminds. I KNOW you can get them for free permanently if you have enough VIP time/tokens stored up. You don't even need to use up tokens on the ability to get them, you just need to have spent a certain amount.
I went and checked the forums myself after reading this thread, since I still have access to my Mastermind since CoH has gone free. Found this post. You get to keep your masterminds after 3 years worth of veteran rewards.


Staff member
Well, I guess it's nice they're tossing a bone to those what have spent $540 in subscription fees on them, instead of a paltry $360. I suppose I'm barely a blip on the radar, as I don't think I even made 6 months.
Having my MMs is going to be nice... too bad about I'll have to undo all of their enhancements because pretty much everyone was fully decked in IO recipe sets.

Considering how basic they are to the game's design, it's a travesty they took them out.
How come I go into my master account and I don't have any games in my account? I played both COH and COV. Do I have to download the game to play my old toons?


How come I go into my master account and I don't have any games in my account? I played both COH and COV. Do I have to download the game to play my old toons?
Are you sure you got the right master account?


Staff member
How come I go into my master account and I don't have any games in my account? I played both COH and COV. Do I have to download the game to play my old toons?
I did have to redownload the game since my CDs were damaged years ago, and simply logging in with my old login/pass showed me my toons.

In other news, Rather than pick up where my old toons left off, I rolled a new villain (Sword/Regen brute). I don't feel as badass as my old Fire/Fire brute, but at least the experience is new.

Also, it seems they changed around the noobie area. I approve, though later NPCs yelling "You're going back to the Zig, GasBandit!" now makes no sense since THIS toon didn't break out of the Zig (the old tutorial prison for city of villains).


hmmm. I know that my master account and my CoX account differs. I had to link it a while back. I think you might have to redownload and relog into the CoX and see if you can link it with your master account. (It has been a LONG while since I did that)


Staff member
Even if your login credentials are the same, that doesn't necessarily mean they are the same account. Try downloading the game and logging in with your old account creds.
You think your situtation is bad? I somehow managed to get banned after I left the game... which means I was ether hacked or a certain guild leader of mine filed a false report against me when I and all the rest of the guild told him to fuck off (which we did by deleting the base, which was massive and unlikely to be easy to replicate).

So now, if I want to have my characters, my rewards, and my slots back I'm going to have to call the company and ask them why I was banned, when it happened, and why they failed to notify me of it.


Staff member
I'm having a better time I think for having started over anyway - but I will say that once I hit 15, I already started to feel the same "getting weaker as I level up" problem that I did 5 years ago. E-mailing myself 500k infamy from my old main so I can afford to buy dual origin whatchamajiggers straight off the vendors instead of waiting for them to drop helped a lot with that, but that well will run dry pretty quick I think... I guess the silver lining of leveling getting slower too, is that enhancements will need replacing less often.

Also: another dick move - no crafting for free accounts. Bleh.
I can't remember my log in for my ncsoft account and my secret answer doesn't seem to work to reset it either but that is on me. I wish I could get into my main as I had played that account from about two months after release for 3-4 years.
I'm having a better time I think for having started over anyway - but I will say that once I hit 15, I already started to feel the same "getting weaker as I level up" problem that I did 5 years ago. E-mailing myself 500k infamy from my old main so I can afford to buy dual origin whatchamajiggers straight off the vendors instead of waiting for them to drop helped a lot with that, but that well will run dry pretty quick I think... I guess the silver lining of leveling getting slower too, is that enhancements will need replacing less often.

Also: another dick move - no crafting for free accounts. Bleh.
I'd help you out if I could log in... a few million Infamy is literally trivial once you hit 50. You can make that much in a single Strikeforce. I basically used my MM to finance all my toons. 1 Mil is easily enough to last you into the 30-32 range.

I can't remember my log in for my ncsoft account and my secret answer doesn't seem to work to reset it either but that is on me. I wish I could get into my main as I had played that account from about two months after release for 3-4 years.
If it's still tied to a credit card you own (I.E. its your name on the billing statement) all you need to do is contact to support and they'll sort you out.
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