I figure it would be something like this.Hey, Gas,
From what I've been able to gather, there's three tiers. There's the "pure" F2P, and you'll be limited to two characters total/locked out of some content (including some new power sets they're releasing); there's the "preferred" F2P, where you've been a subscriber before/purchased stuff from the store, and it's essentially the same as F2P except you get to keep all your characters and stuff; and then there's VIP, which is just subscription based.
I would say anyone who purchased it (I bought every single expansion there is) in the past is probably be preferred. (That is what I'm hoping)Hm, so if I once subscribed but haven't in years, would that make me "preferred" f2p?
Yes, and you keep anything you've bought from them (so if you've bought a Super Booster or Going Rogue then you keep access). I'm not sure if they take away Masterminds and Controllers from preferred, but it sounds like you get to keep any characters with those sets at least. You also get to keep all of your character slots, including any they've given you for free. You also get to keep any Veteran Rewards and can get more by becoming a VIP.Hm, so if I once subscribed but haven't in years, would that make me "preferred" f2p?
It's not overzealous at all, considering Marvel DID sue them.Neat. This was the only MMO I ever really got into. The whole story was really interesting, and people actually grouped at low level, unlike WoW where it seems like everyone just solos the first 80 levels, or whatever it is now. The first time I saw it, the Rikti attacks creeped me out. The only thing I never liked was the overzealous copyright protection, though I do understand it. I only got genericed once though, for Commander Krik [sic], a red-shirted Captain Kirk knock-off.
If you had an account, then your preferred and you should get to keep most of your old stuff. I can't guarantee you'll still have your characters (if they were low in level, they may have been cleared out of the system in a regular name sweep), but they should still be there.Huh. I wonder if my laptop can even run it. I might actually give it another go.
That said, you mentioned something about slots and such. What if I'd already made a gaggle of characters previously?
*checks his schedule*This is interesting, I'd try it out.
Any dates?
It's going to be a while yet. They only just went into Open Beta for Issue 21 on the 9th. Should be out by Fall though.This is interesting, I'd try it out.
Any dates?
Heh, if they take away masterminds, it'll probably be a dealbreaker... one of my two main chars was a mercs mastermind named Clyde. The pets were named... oh jeez, if I can remember... minions were Rico, Youngblood and some other guy I can't remember from the Untouchables, Lieutenants were Pretty Boy Floyd and John Dillinger, and the boss pet was Scarface (every time he used his big front cone AE channel attack I just HAD to say "Say Hello to his little friend!"). And yeah, the little woman had an Assault Rifle Corruptor called Bonnie.Yes, and you keep anything you've bought from them (so if you've bought a Super Booster or Going Rogue then you keep access). I'm not sure if they take away Masterminds and Controllers from preferred, but it sounds like you get to keep any characters with those sets at least. You also get to keep all of your character slots, including any they've given you for free. You also get to keep any Veteran Rewards and can get more by becoming a VIP.
It's pretty easy to progress now. If you really wanted to, you could go from 1-50 in a day of farming at the Mission Architect, but your going to miss out on a lot of fun storylines. I'm not going to lie: City of Heroes is a VERY grindy game, but most of the story lines are good enough that you'll want to keep going through them and most of the Strike/Task Forces have interesting fights in them. Most of them have gimmicks that make them fun. There are also Giant Monsters to fight and Enemy Invasions that happen at random... well... not at random. The Rikti Raids happen anytime someone beats the Lady Grey Strike force. The Zombie Uprisings have a chance of happening anytime some turns in Halloween salvage. Plus you can always just go to Pocket D and chat/RP with people.Character creation was my favorite part of the game.
Character PROGRESSION... not so much.
I find that the zones made after John Emmert left the company tend to be better... so the best stuff is in the 20+ range. Thankfully, it only takes a day or two to hit 20. Personally, I find the best zones to be...The only content I remember being REALLY enjoyable was the bank heists. Everything else just seemed like read paper, go to mission, clear out instance, rinse, repeat. Maybe the Rikti stuff would be more enjoyable.
What I enjoyed LEAST was hobnobbing with other people... but then, that's probably just me.
Villian side generally has better stories (because it was written later) but some of the zones are a pain in the ass to travel through. It's gotten a bit better though.Maybe that's the different experience. I only played the City of Villains side, never the heroes side (I only bought villains, back when there was a distinction, and by the time they granted access to both for either, I wasn't playing any more).
Me too. I remember joining up with him in the game twice. I've also seen Nick on some other message boards. Apparently I've been stalking him on the internet for years without meaning to do so.I remember Doug the troll from the forums.
I think Hami raids fell out of style because it was just way simpler to get Hami-Os from ether the Statesman or Lord Recluse TFs. Also because recipes made them less useful... there are still times when you want Hami-Os but generally you'd rather have an IO for specialization or a recipe set in a power for the bonuses.I remember the days of the 100+ toon Hami raids nearly every night on Freedom. No matter how stout your rig, you had to turn everything way down to keep the event from turning into a slideshow.
See, it's stuff like what you just described that turns me away from the game.I think Hami raids fell out of style because it was just way simpler to get Hami-Os from ether the Statesman or Lord Recluse TFs. Also because recipes made them less useful... there are still times when you want Hami-Os but generally you'd rather have an IO for specialization or a recipe set in a power for the bonuses.
You can't really fault people for not wanting to do Hami raids... they were cluster fucks of the highest order and participation didn't guarantee a reward (if you died and had to teleport to a hospital, you'd better fucking hope Hamidon doesn't die before you get back to the zone). Later raids, like the Rikti Mothership Raid, made this much better by including a hospital in the zone and giving out tons of lesser rewards. I'd sometimes get 300-600 Vanguard Merits from a single raid because you got one for every Rikti defeated by your team during the event.See, it's stuff like what you just described that turns me away from the game.
Ooh! I know what I'm doing tonight! Thanks, ROM!It's out.
Is that a one-time thing or monthly?My masterminds are locked unless I shell out 20 bucks.
It's a one time thing, though you don't have to pay for it if your currently subscribing.Ooh! I know what I'm doing tonight! Thanks, ROM!
Added at: 17:52
Is that a one-time thing or monthly?
Hmm. I haven't actually log INto the game (i.e. after unlocking my characters) but yea. That is kinda low blow since people who have purchase expansion should have access to the class that expansion include.It's particularly irritating to me because when I bought CoV, I bought it specifically for the mastermind class.
I went and checked the forums myself after reading this thread, since I still have access to my Mastermind since CoH has gone free. Found this post. You get to keep your masterminds after 3 years worth of veteran rewards.I'm gonna check their forums... if Chibi and others are getting controllers, there are probably ways to keep Masterminds. I KNOW you can get them for free permanently if you have enough VIP time/tokens stored up. You don't even need to use up tokens on the ability to get them, you just need to have spent a certain amount.
Are you sure you got the right master account?How come I go into my master account and I don't have any games in my account? I played both COH and COV. Do I have to download the game to play my old toons?
I did have to redownload the game since my CDs were damaged years ago, and simply logging in with my old login/pass showed me my toons.How come I go into my master account and I don't have any games in my account? I played both COH and COV. Do I have to download the game to play my old toons?
Yeah I have one account. It should have COH/COV and Guild Wars. There are no games in the account. It has been a year or 2 since I have used that account.Are you sure you got the right master account?
I'd help you out if I could log in... a few million Infamy is literally trivial once you hit 50. You can make that much in a single Strikeforce. I basically used my MM to finance all my toons. 1 Mil is easily enough to last you into the 30-32 range.I'm having a better time I think for having started over anyway - but I will say that once I hit 15, I already started to feel the same "getting weaker as I level up" problem that I did 5 years ago. E-mailing myself 500k infamy from my old main so I can afford to buy dual origin whatchamajiggers straight off the vendors instead of waiting for them to drop helped a lot with that, but that well will run dry pretty quick I think... I guess the silver lining of leveling getting slower too, is that enhancements will need replacing less often.
Also: another dick move - no crafting for free accounts. Bleh.
If it's still tied to a credit card you own (I.E. its your name on the billing statement) all you need to do is contact to support and they'll sort you out.I can't remember my log in for my ncsoft account and my secret answer doesn't seem to work to reset it either but that is on me. I wish I could get into my main as I had played that account from about two months after release for 3-4 years.
Hmm... not sure what to do then. You should probably still call them though.I had always used time cards since I started the account when I was 16.
good luck mateYeah I'm talking to a live agent at the moment.
Yeah, my main is ~37 or so, I could probably just farm with him, since I unlocked him. My infamy would probably also last longer if I hadn't e-mailed it to the wrong global handle the first try. DOH! Well, whoever @GasBandit is, I hope he appreciates the 500k infamy @Gas Bandit sent him.I'd help you out if I could log in... a few million Infamy is literally trivial once you hit 50. You can make that much in a single Strikeforce. I basically used my MM to finance all my toons. 1 Mil is easily enough to last you into the 30-32 range.
Yay!!!All reset, it'll be nice to use Farwielder again after so long away from the game.