[Informational] Board Stuff

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Staff member
Okay, updated to XenForo 1.1 Beta 5 today. This fixed a lot of issues that we've been having and I wanted to touch base & let you know what is happening.

  1. Edit issues for those using FireFox should be fixed. This is for when you are editing more than twice in a thread where people are active.
  2. Post counts have been recalculated and fixed.
  3. Member List is now sorted by Post Count and not just name. I could do this or make it dynamically sort by last activity, where it would always put at the top the last person who posted. But you still can't just sort, which I think is kinda weird.
  4. Some of the older styles are straight up broke. Dragor and Minecraft are the two biggest losers, with multiple breaks and no fixes in sight. As much as I like these, they may need to be cut loose. But as this affects a grand total of 3 people, I have to look at the greater good. (Sorry to Jay, Ravenpoe and Wahad!) XenBlue and Social are far and away the most used, but that leaves us without a real dark style. I'm looking, though. I won't get rid of the others until I find something. Basically the more styles we have the longer it takes to do anything, so I want to get it down to 4: XenBlue, Social, XenMinimal and a dark theme we can all live with.
  5. You can now filter Conversations by user. So if you are looking for a conversation you had with someone you can just filter by them and find it. Also, look at the expanded Search options in the main search. They rock.
  6. Most everything else is behind the scenes or Admin/mod stuff. Or if you use an RSS reader you can now specify prefixes for the RSS. So if you want to get alerts for nothing but PC Games you set up the RSS to flag on the PC Games prefix. Handy, huh?
So there ya go. Everything is coming along fine...unless you like Dragor, which is a real shame because I like that Style a lot, but unless the dev updates it it's just gonna sit there broken unless I put in a LOT of time to get it moving.
the "Top" link on each post is gone on the Social theme. :( All we have now is a tiny little link at the very bottom of the page.


Staff member
Post counts were necessary because I'm redoing the Trophies and without post counts being counted correctly they'd all be wrong.
Plus if we ever get HalBucks back...:whistling:
Added at: 14:14
the "Top" link on each post is gone on the Social theme. :( All we have now is a tiny little link at the very bottom of the page.
Should be fixed. I was working on that before my last post.


Staff member
Functioning Arcade High scores?
Coming. They've hired a new dev as the one who was working on it has been putting it on the back burner way too often. They have acknowledged that saving scores needs to be fixed to have any sort of viable product. Hell, they raised over $1000 in donations to work on it. Those of us who donated are starting to get a bit out of sorts at the delays with no updates.


Staff member
You probably got a lot of alerts. That's because I zeroed out the trophy points and recalculated them based on the new ones I made.

It will only happen the one time.


You probably got a lot of alerts. That's because I zeroed out the trophy points and recalculated them based on the new ones I made.

It will only happen the one time.
god damn, I wondering what the hell I had done wrong.
Post counts were necessary because I'm redoing the Trophies and without post counts being counted correctly they'd all be wrong.
Plus if we ever get HalBucks back...:whistling:
Added at: 14:14

Should be fixed. I was working on that before my last post.

The sooner I gain access to my $72M halbucks the better!


Staff member
You probably got a lot of alerts. That's because I zeroed out the trophy points and recalculated them based on the new ones I made.

It will only happen the one time.
Did you reset "likes" or something? I've been getting spammed with tons of "liked your post" messages.
claninexile.com really there's only about 5 or 6 active members but with BF3 we're getting some new guys coming in from the BF3 server


Staff member
Yeah I lost over 10,000 posts. Wth?
You didn't lose them per se. When I tested to port over to XF I tested three times, not knowing that this would increment the post counts each time. What this did was to do an accurate count of threads and posts and give a good count. So the number of posts you had were artificially inflated. Hell, I think I was over 30k.


Staff member
Arcade has been updated. They have a new programmer working on it and the first thing he did was change the version number to something lower than what it had been. Because of that instead of upgrading it, I had to uninstall the old and reinstall the new. This means the scores were wiped out. *sigh*
On the bright side, once I put in the other games they are supposed to save scores. Not gonna do those dumbass frogger ones again, though...
Added at: 17:30
Shoot the Gems Hard? Nope. No score saved.


Staff member
Magnet Towers and 100 men work. Shoot the Gems Harder still doesn't but I'm working on it. And now I have a better idea of how to load them.


Staff member
Ok, so now when you click "what's new" and nothing's new, you get this selection of stuff to check out. When you click "popular content, way down in the lower right hand corner, it says "top users" and I was surprised to see myself on the list at what I assume to be number 5... because I know there's way more than 4 people who post more than me, or have more likes than me, or have more trophy points than me. I'm curious as to what the criteria is for being a "top popular user," because if anything I've pretty much gone out of my way for the last decade to be one of the least popular.
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