I love DMing Gamma World for 9-year-olds, but my cousins are the most cowardly role-players ever.

They were in a town which they made worse through their own fear-mongering, and then left when it was taken over by criminals. They were then terrified of investigating a building, so waited outside on a car for something to happen. When they heard footsteps in the night, they both crept into the car and watched through the windows. After the marauders had passed, they stayed hiding for a day and a night, and watched the marauders pass again. They didn't want to go back to town, now a plume of black smoke, so they went into the desert. Essentially, they were dying of thirst and yet still too afraid to talk to anyone until I finally pushed them into it.

Later, they were chasing a woman who'd tried to rob them along with some NPCs who'd been robbed, and found a hole. Two NPCs went into the hole, they heard screams, and then they left again. When they went back to the desert shelter, they found the robber had holed up with a rifle, and decided to leave rather than get stuff or revenge.

I'm glad I was making up everything on the fly or I'd have been very frustrated over how many opportunities for adventure they avoided. But then, I guess they stayed alive.
You there! Keep that sack of poop away from my nice clean fan!

A guest called very early this morning (alright, an hour ago) asking me to come up to their room without saying why. When I asked, he wouldn't say except "no cops". When I asked what was wrong, he backtracked and said everything was fine and they'd be leaving in the morning.
Well, thay were at least playing characters with a personality!
Personalities being:

Blueberry: I want to be nice to people, especially if they're mean to my sidekick. And I'm terrified.
Chill: I want to be a jerk to people until they get fed up with it and threaten me, and then I become a spineless wimp. And I'm terrified.
So I was watching Simpsons Season 19 Ep 4 when these subtitles caught my eyeL

Krusty's actual line: "If I can say yes to Chinese toys that kill kids, you can say yes to this guy"

The subtitles: "If I can say yes to Bush invading Iraq, you can say yes to this guy"


Also +1 to my chinese reading.


ok so they are probably going to call that witness after all. Now the world makes sense again.
Based on today's events I'm working on a theory that my consciousness is dependent on my internet connectivity.