Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Tax Plan came from Sim City

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I agree. The rich hire lawyers and lobbyists and they are the ones who make policy. We don't have that kind of power. But the flat tax is still worse than even what we have now.
I agree. There is NO way (at least with our current system of government) that any legislature will totally remove all loopholes in Taxes.


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So it turns out that going into politics pissing off the "old garde" of your party while having a veritable army of skeletons in your closet is a bad idea.

Who would have thought.


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I'm still not entirely convinced any of these allegations have merit - he might just be tired of putting up with all the crap. It is interesting though the different tack he's taking on this one - not outright denial.

At least Newt's love life is already out in the open, heh. I'm astounded how he's shot up in the polls after being almost completely written off just a couple months ago.
I'm still not entirely convinced any of these allegations have merit - he might just be tired of putting up with all the crap. It is interesting though the different tack he's taking on this one - not outright denial.
Do you think there's a point where the number of allegations make it hard to believe that they are all false?
Do you think there's a point where the number of allegations make it hard to believe that they are all false?
Not really, no. Otherwise Bat Boy would be an actual person.

What twigged me this time is that he supported a woman that his wife has never met for 13 years? That stretches believability way too far and shows a lack of propriety. Random people coming out of the woodwork to claim they were harassed is one thing; admitting to financially supporting what is essentially a complete stranger for 13 years without the knowledge of your wife doesn't seem kosher to me.
Gingrich being a philanderer is just a dude being a creepy SOB.

Cain being a philanderer makes him a complete hypocrite.

I am shocked that Gingrich is doing so well at this point. Especially since he was drummed out of the Speaker's office by his own party.


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I will miss Herman Cain, Actual Possible Republican Nominee for President in the Year 2012.
I will miss Herman Cain, Yet Another Batshit Insane Republican Candidate 2012.
Added at: 14:29
Gingrich being a philanderer is just a dude being a creepy SOB.
Cain being a philanderer makes him a complete hypocrite.
I am shocked that Gingrich is doing so well at this point. Especially since he was drummed out of the Speaker's office by his own party.
Gingrich is a fucking worm. I have no idea how the holier-than-thou Republicans can back this guy. He makes Clinton look like a chaste saint.
Because the GOP is caught in a time-loop of the first Clinton Administration, and they remember how popular/powerful Gingrich was then. Not all the crappy shenanigans he pulled later.


Staff member
Do you think there's a point where the number of allegations make it hard to believe that they are all false?
Well, yes. There is a certain amount of smoke that I will see and start to wonder if there might actually, possibly, be a fire. But so far, all of the "accusers" have been either (a) so anonymous as to be unprovable to even exist, or (b) extremely suspect. It's almost as if someone has been going around asking women to accuse him in exchange for later favors, or something.

Who knows, maybe this latest one is the ember producing all the smoke - but it's interesting that it's supposedly a consensual affair rather than yet another harassment claim.

Besides, much of the GOP hates Romney so much they would rather nominate a hamster at this point.
Much of the GOP voter base, yes. The stereotypical old men in dark, smoky rooms that "run" the Republican Party all want Romney.


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The thing is that it doesn't matter if the allegations are true or not. Like it or not your ability to "play the game" says a lot about your chances to win a presidential election. The fact that he is getting hammered harder than Romney or Perry, both of whom have more serious skeletons ("The Ranch") or simple blunders/problems with their candidacy (Romney-care) means that, in a full out presidential election, he wouldn't have a snowballs chance.


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Let's see. Newt has been married 3 times and had affairs during the first two marriages, including during the time when he was trying to bring down Clinton for essentially doing the same thing. And Clinton didn't divorce his wife while she was in the hospital with cancer. Then he was hit with 84 ethical charges for such things as tax fraud and lying to ethics oversight investigations. Since then he's become a lobbyist - no matter how he wants to spin it - and wants to bring God back to government, essentially trying to re-write history and the separation of church and state.

Gingrich is a lying snake in the grass and doesn't deserve to hold any public office, let alone the presidency.
A lying cheating scumbacg you say? Well, he sounds like the perfect politician. Except he doesn't have Romney's hair. If he had that he'd be unstoppable.


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Gingrich is pretty scary. To be honest all of the republican candidates are pretty scary.

The good news is that they all have done such a good job of trashing each other that they are going to look pretty bad when the primaries are over. The republicans are going to have to do a lot of work undoing the negative spin they have put on each other before the main election hits.

The one guy that is interesting to me this year is Ron Paul. Mainly because, unlike in the last primaries, this time he is up against a bunch of muppets and a centrist republican, and moreover, unlike last time, he is getting very little press.

I didn't realize that he was actually 3rd in the primaries, he is polling dead even against Obama, and he is second place in funding behind Romney.


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I love how the people that won't vote Romney is doing so because he's Mormon... then they say they will vote for Gingrich?
Most of the people I've heard say they won't vote for Romney say it's because he's a New England Liberal RINO... not because he's a mormon.
I love how the people that won't vote Romney is doing so because he's Mormon... then they say they will vote for Gingrich?
Anyone who says they won't vote for Romney because of that is, for the most part, lying. When it comes down to it you know they will. Just like when liberals say "Oh I won't vote for Obama for X reason" you know thats a dirty lie as well. Most voters are going to vote that party line because they have no choice.
It's going to be an awful election for Republican voters. Your ether not going to get anything close to what you need to win against Obama or your going to get a candidate who doesn't represent your values in any way, shape, or form.
Anyone who says they won't vote for Romney because of that is, for the most part, lying. When it comes down to it you know they will. Just like when liberals say "Oh I won't vote for Obama for X reason" you know thats a dirty lie as well. Most voters are going to vote that party line because they have no choice.
I currently don't plan to vote this election. Certainly not for Romney.


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It's going to be an awful election for Republican voters. Your ether not going to get anything close to what you need to win against Obama or your going to get a candidate who doesn't represent your values in any way, shape, or form.
2008 called and wants its election back?
I currently don't plan to vote this election. Certainly not for Romney.
There ARE other alternatives...
Added at: 16:30
thank goodness
STFU Charlie
There are plenty of Third Party candidates and likely to be many local issues worth voting for... you know, stuff that actually matters where you live?
bah, actually had a response to this yesterday then my computer decided to randomly freeze up. Let's see if I can remember the gist.

I was mostly referring to the Presidential election, and I do plan to show up to the polling place regardless, I'll just leave an empty ballot if I'm unsatisfied with the choices. It's not apathy that's keeping me from voting, it's disgust. As for local elections we're not a big referendum state, so there's most likely not much there for me other than some people I've never heard of trying to get a job I know nothing about.


I for one am sad that we wont be getting our first ever pokemon-american president...


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It was funny to hear some of the more insufferable pundits choking on their disgust at Cain's penchant for all thinks Poké.

Ok, if we're naming names, it was Laura Ingraham, who I can hardly tolerate but she's the only thing on during my drive home here. But the absolute venom in her voice when she spoke of Cain and Pokémon after his suspension just made me shake my head and think, "Yeah, people like her are why I'm not a republican."


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Laura Inghram makes me want to go on a killing spree. The spree will be composed of Laura Inghram.


Staff member
Laura Inghram makes me want to go on a killing spree. The spree will be composed of Laura Inghram.
It says something that she's who the Factor calls when O'reilly takes a day off. But there's a person even worse than her - it's the shrill harpy who fills in when Ingraham is out. Her name escapes me, but she's got the Helen Lovejoy "Won't SOMEONE PLEASE think of the CHILDREN" screech down pat.

Edit - thank you gooogle, Tammy Bruce is that woman's name.
I love that Gingrich's response to his leading the polls is basically, "Bitch, please, you knew I was the only real choice the whole time."
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