[Brazelton] Maker of game controllers declares war on Penny Arcade

When will Ocean Marketing cry uncle?

  • End of Business today

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • In their bankruptcy papers

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • As they are having security escort out Christoforo

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters
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Robert Khoo did an AMA on the whole ordeal here today.

EDIT: By did, I apparently mean is doing, as the last reply was 5 minutes ago.
Robert Khoo did an AMA on the whole ordeal here today.

EDIT: By did, I apparently mean is doing, as the last reply was 5 minutes ago.
Sometimes I don't think that guy is real person. He's like Owen to Gabe and Tycho's Xanatos. Where would Xanatos be without Owen? He'd be a fucking statue. Khoo is a mythical being that was created by a wish to do what they needed most. That is a more believable explanation than the one where he's some business genius guy who dug their comic and told them he'd work for free to prove that he could be valuable to them making them all millionaires in the process.
elSpike 23 points 4 hours ago

Can you run us through a typical day for you?

[–]robertkhoo[S] 43 points 3 hours ago

Depending on if I swim in the morning, I am in the office at either 8:30 or 9:00 AM. I've already answered between 20-30 emails before I've left for the office, but by the time I get to the office I probably have another dozen or so that need attending to. (for reference, I get between 150-250 actionable emails a day)
From there it's very liquid. I'll be on conference calls, meetings with different teams at Penny Arcade (Mike/Jerry, Designers, Merch, Ad guys, Tech, Child's Play, PAX, etc.), and then dealing with my own projects. Like I said in an earlier answer, I deal with a lot of the "new" and undefined business, so each and every day is different.
I'll try to grab dinner with different folks here (at any time of the year, SOME PART of Penny Arcade is in crunch mode... PAX events, site launches, CP events, merch launches, etc... people work late), and continue to work into the night.
If there's a game I'm playing actively with the office, I'll hop onto one of the TVs here to play between 9-10PM... that seems to be the magic hour for most folks here when we're playing on Live.
I'm usually out of here between midnight and 2 am.
Holy crap. He starts his day before 8am and leaves work between 12-2am? He's going to be dead in less than 5 years.
From around 17-25 I never slept more than 4hrs.... now? Any less than 6 and I'm a crabby bitch all day.... granted I'm usually a crabby bitch but less than 6hrs of sleep, more so.
I mean, I know people who don't need much sleep but that sounds like an unhealthy schedule to keep for a sustained period of time.
I randomly go through periods where i am wide awake after 5 hours whether I want to be or not. Since my kids have been on break I've been sleeping for 10, and I'm not quite sure why....... >.>


Staff member
I think it's based on whether you love what you do or not. If you get up and you get to go work with Penny Arcade, more or less on your own schedule, handling such interesting projects... Hell yeah it'd be awesome to get up for that. They're obviously all enjoying themselves since they play games and such at night.

He seems to have a perfect job.
I believe R Lee Ermy said it best, "What is your major malfunction, numb-nuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?"
If this asshat would show even one bit of remorse for what has happened I would be inclined to feel that there has been a collective overreaction here. But the only thing he is sorry for is that he got caught. He still feels he is in the right here, even going so far as to believe he's done N-control a favor. While I don't doubt the end result here will be a net gain for N-control, they will have had to do a LOT of work to negate the Christoforo effect. The fact that this guy is going down clawing & grasping all the while STILL making a last ditch cash grab.

To the best of my knowledge, he STILL has not apologized to "Dave" or any of the other "little people" - you know, the customers. He has made some apologies to the big people that he so desperately wants to be friends with (the PA folks, Kotaku EIC, etc), but those don't really count.

While I agree that any harassment of this guy's family crosses the line, I think one thing that should be the end result here is that this douche-nozzle should never make another cent in his chosen profession again. But I think we all know that won't happen. He'll lay low for a bit, change the name of his business, print up some new cards, maybe change his name a bit, & re-emerge. All this makes his current line of action more strange. Just go away, tail tucked between his legs & start the healing process.

In other news - why do we condemn this when the internet ruins a guy's life (Bad businessman, steroid abuser, wife beater & general all-around ass), but we have no problem when they do the same to a 14-year old girl?


the guy does have a great super villain name.

oooo or a really flamboyantly gay artist
I'm not defending the guy. I work in PR; what he did is my nightmare that every week I'm called upon to undo.

1) What Mike from PA did (posting the whole exchange to PA) was uncalled for. He either didn't know what kind of response would come out of it, making him an idiot. Or he knew and he's an asshole. Having seen him do similar things in the past, I'm leaning more towards he's an asshole. The internet is full of dumbshits who look for an excuse to be dumbshits.

2) Every dumb shit with a keyboard or a phone haranging Paul either through Twitter, phone calls/emails to his home, harassing his gf, etc. Yes, we get it; you were bullied by Steve in Grade 3 and now this is your chance to get even with anothe bully. You could have done something about it at the time, but instead you take the path of least resistance and wait 10, 15, 20 years to lob verbal grenades into a situation that you have no part to play in. But whatever gets your limp dick hard I guess. This is what admittedly motivated Mike from PA. Makes my stomach turn. Christoforo looking and sounding like a fucking meathead justifies the transference I suppose.

3) The thing that really pisses me off: the only person getting anything out of this is going to be Christoforo. Yes, he lost a job he was terrible at. And then he was interviewed by Forbes magazine, MSNBC, International Business Times with kid gloves. Victims sell. The victim here was Dave, who received rude emails from a customer support rep, and now it's Paul, who has been bombarded with everything from hate mail to phone stalking. Has Dave been interviewed by Forbes?

It's like the Streisand Effect in reverse.

I was going to respond after reading through this cluster-fuck of a story, but you sum up my feelings perfectly.

Can we say lingering bully issues. God, get over it people!

Mike and Paul are douchebags, that's all I'm seeing. Paul is horrible at his job, and was rightfully fired. Mike... where the hell does he come into all of this? White knight internet douche.

The real loser is Dave, who gets nothing out of the deal - unless you consider he's also got bully issues and is relishing in his 15 minutes of internet fame.
In fairness, Mike never claimed to not be an asshole. He fully admits that he was being a hypocrite, but wanted to do it anyway.

I love a good internet dramatrain fiasco.
Christoforo does something wrong, is unapologetic about it.

Mike publicly berates him, knowing that it will hurt, is unapologetic about it.

News at eleven.
Then of course Christoforo decides to top it off with a potential felony. There are precedents of people pulling that sort of cyber-extortion, and they end with (albiet small) amounts of jail time for "computer intrusion", apparently. In addition, since he's still handling their customer service email, he's committing a form of fraud by representing himself as an employee of the company that fired him.
I think the reason the story took off the way it did, is because the customer asked a reasonable question of customer service, was given contradictory and false answers, then basically told, "You're not important to us, so suck it." By the person whose job was to both take care of customers, and to help spread awareness of the product. Since it's a gaming product, that would imply having a necessary knowledge of the gamer market, which Penny Arcade most certainly figures into, not the least of which by having two major conventions. Mike's initial response is also not that bad - as one of the heads of PAX, he has every right to say, "Wow, that's some asshole customer service, we don't want them at our show." By responding to Christoforo, he was basically letting him know why. And that's where it took off to eleven. Christoforo basically proceeded to spit in the face of his own market, refer to his own customer as "some loser crybaby kid" and act like he's some kind of internet badass to someone that he honestly should not have fucked with. Now, calling in the internet goon squad is kind of shithead move, too, but at the same time, would doing anything less have gotten the guy fired, which he deserved?

I think the bad reviews on Amazon, and the personal threats to the guy's family are way beyond acceptable. That's your basic internet shithead pack frenzy in action.
I did it for nearly a decade.... it had some bad side effects to be sure though.
Polyphasic sleep is absolutely wonderful...when your schedule permits it.

Imagine what it would be like if every week were somewhere between 10-12 days long. That's about what it's like.

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