Skyrim Mods YOU Want!

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Sure... for you. It had that crap texture issue on the 360 though. PS3 version has some serious issues as well. I'm guessing they tripped something when they fixed those.
I shit on console gamers, they deserve nothing but a Dragon 2 experience as far as I care.

Because of console gamers, I get shitty UI interfaces and dumbed down controls to the point I sometimes need a 3rd party tool to map my keyboard to be usable.


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Reverting back isn't possible as far as I know....
If you uninstall and install an earlier version (say from a torrent), will it read the save files? I assume previous save files continued to work after the updates, so maybe they're backwards compatible.


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I haven't patched (though I assume I'll have to, since Steam) yet so I don't know how things will run, but this is why I hate updating things.
That mod looks amazing, I will have to try it out sometime.

Have a few more possible mod ideas involving Followers. This time focusing on adding to immersion. I already went over putting on protections to make sure it's impossible for them to die, adding "multiple follower" options, and making them scale with level, so I will ignore repeating those.

1) Followers can get badly injured but never die. Basically, after a few days of fighting like crazy a follower gets fatigued and his/her stats lower. If you don't send them home to recover, sooner or later they will get injured enough that they will say they are heading home. After a few recovery days (less if you send them home manually once they start to fatigue), they will be able to rejoin the Dragonborn. This is to promote cycling out Followers and trying out new ones. You can starve off this process with high-level restoration, allowing you to heal their fatigue. A powerful restoration caster should be able to keep his Follower with him indefinitely, giving a new powerful usage for the school.

2) Followers should go where I want them to go. So I travel with Lydia for days before deciding to send her home, problem is I am mainly doing missions near Solitude, and to get her back I need to travel all the way to Whiterun. With fast travel this is not a huge problem, but in the interests of immersion I would like the ability to tell my follower where to go when dismissed. So back to the Solitude example, I dismiss her and say "Meet me in Solitude." She then says she is heading out, and walks to Solitude, where I can find her either inside the Inn or wandering around the outside courtyard.

3) Followers can run side missions. We already know that when you send a follower "home", and never wait or fast travel, they will literally walk the entire distance back to the "home". Wouldn't it be neat if we could send them off on missions for money and loot? Maybe I have some big strong guy that used to be a miner, and I can send him to a nearby mine to collect ore. When I meet with him again a few days later he collected ore from the mine and put it in a chest for me. Not sure if I would want them to also clear the place of bandits or other baddies that may be spawned in those areas, but maybe involve the injury system and if you send them alone when the place is not mostly clear out, will lead to injury and no spoils. Maybe make it so you have to clear it first and then the followers can only kill the respawns.

4) Allow Followers to handle "crafts". Basically I think followers should handle certain crafts based on what profession they would realistically be. I have this mage that is supposedly good at enchanting? Why can't she enchant stuff for me? This is going off the whole fact NPCs don't give these options either, but if they ever do add such an option to NPCs, I hope they allow Followers to gain the same.

5) Allow me to get my Followers a horse. I am tired of my follower having to sprint behind me. If I have 1000g let me buy another horse and assign ownership to the follower. When I mount, they will mount. If I dismount, they dismount. When they are mounted they become passive and set to follow, so they won't engage enemies till I dismount. It will go a long way to helping with general travel.

6) Allow me to teach my followers Dragon Shouts. I don't know about you guys, but I have a good 30 dragon souls that are going unused. I think, after a quest or something with the Greybeards, they should teach you the ability to teach others the Shouts. It makes sense, since they obviously know how to teach them since Ulfric learned from them, and they teach me. Just allow me to expend the extra souls to teach those shouts. I have Lydia, I can teach her the force push shout and watch her knock back enemies. Maybe I bring that wood elf from Riverwood, and later teach him the befriend animal shout.

7) Allow Followers to use their unique abilities and powers. I get a little annoyed that, as a Nord, I have this great fear shout, but yet all the Nords I bring with me can never use it. Same with special traits, like the fact Aela, a werewolf, never becomes a werewolf. They really should be able to use the same powers as the players, and I have pretty much never seen that happen.

8) Give Followers the ability to have more autonomy. This is something I think I would like, even if it ends badly due to the rather questionable AI in Skyrim (so many bandits I kill in their own traps). I want the ability to tell my Followers to do whatever they want while in a dungeon. So I enter something and instead of having them follow me, I tell them we need to "split up" and they just walk around, killing and looting what they can. If they get overwhelmed they call for help and might get injured while attempting to return to me, so there is a risk, but I think it would make them feel a bit more alive then that "robot" that hugs my asshole. It should be an option so you can still have them follow you close if you want.

9) Give me a "Shout" designed to bring me aid from my Followers. We already have shouts that summon the ghosts of the dead or even a dragon to help you, but I think we need one designed to bring you the nearest (or at the least, preferred) Follower. So maybe I am out in the wilds and getting chased by a giant, I want help, so I "Shout" and within a few seconds my Follower(s) show up to help me. After a short while they leave unless I ask them to go with me again. Maybe expand this out to other things, like maybe a shout that calls allies from nearby camps or cities.

That is pretty much my hopes for an "Ultimate Follower" mod. Now back to work.


Staff member
Nice! Check this one out, guys! Not sure if it's ready for prime time yet, but it's a nice mod.

Spoilered because it's big and because it's a cut and paste that may not work well with dark themes.

Skyrim: Global Evolution

Influence the fate of Skyrim by taking part in an adventure unlike any other seen in the Elder Scrolls series. Build, manage, and rule your lands. Wage war on other rules and factions. Forge alliances and trade partners from all across Tamriel. With new skills, equipment, NPCs, creatures, and items, SGE will offer an unparalleled sandbox experience. Whether you create a small forest camp or a metropolis to rival the Imperial city, the choice will be yours.


Village Management
· Crime system with working jails.
· Guards can increase protection at increased cost.
· Treasury management, pay goes in and out.
· NPC schedules and homes.
· You can accept deliveries or trades from other provinces and jarls. But they will only aid you if you aid them. You give them ingots, they give you food.
· Defending the village from dragon, bandit, wolves, etc.
· Squabble system. Having things like clinics, wells, and sewer systems improve public health.
· Align with global factions(Bandits, Imperials, Stormcloaks, Aldmeri, Evil mages, vampires, necromancers, etc)

Engineering Skill
· New NPC, Engineer. He will sell you parts essential for engineering.
· Craft traps, contraptions, war engines, and dwemer construct companions and guards.

Construction Skill
· New NPCs, furniture makers and architects.
· New skill allows players to construct buildings and craft furniture.
· Tiered system like the other crafting.
· Expand to include things crafted from other systems.
· Construction is done by using a wooden, stone, iron or steel mallet. Wood taking the longest to build and steel the fastest. Building is done by striking/attacking the space in which the construction is taking place. Each strike at the space will advance the building in stages. 1st stage will have the framing, 2nd stage adds the actual material (cloth,wood,stone) and the 3rd stage is it complete. When buildings are in construction they have a construction bar. A wooden mallet may increase it by 1 point each strike and a steel mallet 10 points each strike. A tent may have 100 total points until its complete, but something like a stone house may have 10000 total points which will take someone 10000 strikes with a mallet to build. That is why it is essential to hire construction workers that can do this for you or with you if you want the experience points to level up your construction skill.

Trade and Economy
· NPCs with tradeskills that contribute to your village, ie hunters, miners, smiths, farmers, etc.
· Hire adventurers to seek magical items for you.
· Trade with other cities.
· Player driven economy.
· Caravans and expeditions into other provinces.
· Ships for coastal cities.
· Livestock.
· Farms.
· Harvest trees and stone.

Politics and War
· Prestige. Use the Radiant AI to recognize certain deeds of your town.
· Thanes can be added to your retinue.
· Retinue system, court mages, tinkerers, stewards, harems, etc.
· Family with kids.
· Aid from friendly Jarls.
· Civil Wars
· Become the High King.
· Foreign mercenaries.

Other Ideas
· Village raids and defense.
· Random events like disease, famine, and bad crops.
· Voice actors for custom NPCs.


Staff member
It's a wonder modders can do this shit without even having the creation kit.

I feel underwhelmed by Skyrim and think "They could have done better in so many places", but then I wonder if they just expect modders to do it, so they don't.
No matter how "overwhelming" a Bethseda game is, I know for a fact that it's not at it's "peak" till a good 6 months to a year after release of the creation kits to the community.

Oblivion and Fallout, were "overwhelming" for their time, but playing them today, with the right range of mods? They are an experience like no other.


Staff member
It's like Shegs said-- Oblivion was HOLY SHIT WAT THIS IS AMAZING when it came out. It was one of the first big games to use physics, have amazing graphics, etc. It was a ginormous leap for a gaming.

Skyrim is not. Skyrim is just Oblivion, but different. It doesn't have top-of-the-top graphics or amazing physics engine. Hell, there aren't even damn footprints in the snow.

When I played Fallout 3, that was also a huge leap. It was also amazing. When I played it, I never thought "This needs mods." I just played it, and it was good, and I did the things I wanted.

While playing Skyrim, I'm constantly underwhelmed by the things I can do. For example, the very second I found out I had a flame spell, I started trying to set shit on fire. I wanted the room I was in to burn. But it didn't. Fire has a limited 1 or 2 "burn squares" before switching over to the next "burn square". It was disappointing.

When I walk around, I see lanterns, and pots, and all these things and go, "Oh, what can I do with these?" "... Nothing? Oh. Okay then." Mods are making it so you can use lanterns to see, pots to cook, miscellaneous shit to melt down, etc.

I walk around and I see apple pies and grilled leeks, and I go, "Awesome! I want to cook a pie! Oh.. I can't? Well I understand, pies are kind of difficult I suppose. What about grilled leeks? That just needs fire. I can't make grilled leeks either?? Why not??"

"Why can't I pick up this one particular pot? I can pick up these other pots. I want to pick this one up."

"Aiming bows is weird. Oh, it auto-shoots to where your cursor is? That's no fun, I want to make my own amazing shots with my own skill like in Oblivion."

"Why can't I claim this horse as my own? I have to BUY a horse for it to be mine? What kind of outlaw am I if I go around buying horses??"

"I can only summon one creature? That's boring. Oh, two with this perk. And they last a few minutes. That's not fun, I want an army dammit."

"I sure miss the spellmaking days of Morrowind. Let us fly or crazy jump, you jerks!"

"They have oil traps now, that's kind of neat. Can I find vials of oil to throw? No?? What the fuck is the point then? 'Hey, you can set this on fire and hurt your enemies! Dur hur!' Woo."

And combat could be so much better! If anyone here hasn't played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, it has the BEST combat system in any fantasy game I've ever played. You can kick people over edges, shied bash them, burn them, burn the environment to burn them, freeze them, freeze them and smash them to bits, use every trap ever to hurt them (or yourself), use physics on objects to throw and hurt them or knock them down, crush them, use electricty in WATER to fry them, freeze water to create slippery surfaces, use oil to slip them up OR burn them, use oil on water to create fire on water, etc etc etc etc ETC! I just want Dark Messiah's combat engine in an Elder Scrolls game, and it would be infinitely better just for that.

This all may seem petty, but there are hundreds of little things I haven't mentioned that eventually just pile up into making the game make me wonder "why I can't" instead of appreciated what I can-- cuz really, it's actually fairly limited, in terms of what is possible.

I feel like Bethesda knows the modders are going to make the game amazing for them, so they just lay the groundwork and let the modders go at it.

Heck, for one, the game is too easy. I am constantly trying to make shit harder for myself, between reducing my auto-regen to nothing, giving arrows weight, etc. I shouldn't feel like a demi-god at such early levels, but I do.

Yes, Skyrim is a good game. But it isn't the most amazing game ever for me. I'd be disappinted if I had it on console. Mods made the game much much better for me, to the point that I become a modaholic.
I'm going to agree on the Dark Messiah's infinitely more amazing combat system.

There was a game that made you feel "strong" and "in command".
Well, as of right now, what I plan to do when the construction set comes out for modding is:

  1. Wait for somebody to come out with some good house mods for more storage, etc. You know it'll be fast for that. I may need to throw in the odd container myself, but it's doubtful.
  2. "Base skill perks" to be automatic. I dunno the exact name of this mod, but almost every skill has "something" that seems like "shouldn't I be getting that automatically?" and so I'll make it so that when you get 20 Light Armor, you automatically get the first two ranks of "Agile Defender" (the base perk). And when you get 25, 50, 75, etc of the magic skills, you get the appropriate half-cost in magicka for those spells. Again, the perks that "should be built-in" IMO. Thus freeing points for more powerful characters.
  3. From the other thread: The only thing is though, I wish that you didn't practically NEED to take enchanting and smithing to be competitive. I wish you could pay smiths and enchanting trainers to improve your stuff. This is something I have some ideas on how to script (even have the different levels of trainers show the difference on the result), but waiting for the construction set to try it. I.E. If I'm paying the master-level trainer for smithing, he'll charge more, but his stuff improves like your skill is 100, not 75 for an expert-level smith. And if I find the master enchanter, he'll be able to double-enchant. Given how "good" the potions are you can buy, I doubt I'll make an interface to get a potion maker to make stuff for you, but you just can't buy the same things you can do with the smith & enchant skills. I have a pretty decent idea how to do this one with scripting and temporary skill augments and reverting back to "trick" you into thinking that the NPC is doing it.
Maybe other stuff too, but that should keep me busy for a while!
The most amazing games I ever played were the Legacy of Kaine/Soul Reaver games. So much so that Kaine and Raziel's standards are going to be the first tattoos I get.

No matter how much graphics improve, or mechanics get updated, in my mind, I'm far more impressed by a great story and involving mythos. Hell, I still think Zork is one of the best games ever made and it doesn't even HAVE graphics.

That being said, you can nitpick Skyrim till the cows come home, but at the end of the day, it is a phenomenally good game. The best of all time? probably not. But still way up there.

DoomDragon, really you're listing a laundry list of things that YOU specifically want in a game. No game can be all things to all people.
Couldn't stand any but the last Soul Reaver game where Kain comes back as a playable. The first two Legacy's though... perfection.


Staff member
I don't think I ever said the game was bad anywhere in this thread? I think the most I said was that this one was less monumental and stunning than Oblivion.
Couldn't stand any but the last Soul Reaver game where Kain comes back as a playable. The first two Legacy's though... perfection.
You mean Legacy of Kain 2? The one that was considered so bad that it's story isn't canon with the rest of the series.
....Leek soup.

Realllllly Doom?

Am I really reading this?

Am I really here?


Jesus Christ are most of those issues petty as fuck.


Staff member
....Leek soup.

Realllllly Doom?

Am I really reading this?

Am I really here?

View attachment 3939

Jesus Christ are most of those issues petty as fuck.
You people act like I said that this was an awful game. I'm merely expressing things that take me out of the immersion and make me question the world I'm in. Yes, simple crap like seeing a food I can't cook.

Mammoths spawning in the sky and falling to their deaths do it too, but that's just hilarious.


You mean Legacy of Kain 2? The one that was considered so bad that it's story isn't canon with the rest of the series.
Actually the first two Legacy games would be Blood Omen 1 and Soul Reaver 1... They both have Legacy of Kain in the name at different ends...
You mean Legacy of Kain 2? The one that was considered so bad that it's story isn't canon with the rest of the series.
Actually the first two Legacy games would be Blood Omen 1 and Soul Reaver 1... They both have Legacy of Kain in the name at different ends...
To expand on this, the game you where talking about is Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2.

While the 1st game ever was actually called Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain!
So here are some modifications I am using on my new playthrough. Figured I would list them here in case others want to try them out.

Midas Magic - Spells of Skyrim - This mod simply adds some amazing new spells to the game, with much more destruction magic, more bound weapons including daggers and pickaxes, and even some new summons. It's still a bit buggy, but I am having a whole lot of fun with it.

Bellyaches Animal Pack - Simply the best mod for reskinnning the various animals and beasts that roam Skyrim. I am using Bellyaches Choice and am extremely happy with the color variations. If you like certain colors over others, he even designed it to be modular so you can download and install your favorites.

JaySuS Swords - Adds a silly amount of new sword models to the game that can be crafted in the standard blacksmithing menus. Have to go check out the images to get the scope of the amount of swords it adds. I love it.

Dragonebone Weapons - Ever felt it was silly that once you hit the final rank of Blacksmithing, that you can't make any new weapons from all those bones? Only armor? Well now you can!

Housecarls and Followers can wear zazz - Don't let the name fool you, this is actually a pretty well done mod. It makes all the followers Essential, removed the level-cap on Housecarls, gives Housecarls some healing abilities to make them more durable and better allies, reinstates the females Housecarls with the feminine animations, and even removes the armor locks so that when certain NPCs are lounging around, they will wear a normal clothing outfit rather then clunking around in armor all day. Want to give Lydia some Leather armor now? Go right ahead, she will wear it once you go romping off to fight. The Follower addon also improves some of the looks of other Followers, like giving Farkas the Greymane forged Wolf Armor rather then the generic armor he shared with his brother.

Realistic Lighting Without Post-Processing - Mentioned this in another thread, but it makes the light much more natural in color and casting, while making the darker parts of the game much more naturally dark. Traveling at night becomes more dangerous, and dungeons have dark shadowed corners where you have to watch out. Bringing a torch would be the best way to keep those critters from getting the jump on you, or maybe you should stay in town and sleep until the morning comes. Can use with Increase Torch Range if you need a bit more illumination, and/or Eternal Torch if you are tired of having to carry a bundle on you.

A Quality World Map - With Roads - One thing I always thought was silly about the map was it never showed the roads, which is one of the points of having a map in the first place. This corrects that by not only improving the general detail, but finally adding some drawn roads in the areas they technically should be on the game world. Now finding that pathway you need to get somewhere got a whole lot easier.

Realistic Ragdolls and Force - As satisfying as it can sometimes be to smash a guy and watch him fly a hundred yards backwards, it could get kind of silly sometimes. This system alters the general amount of "force" applied to certain spells and abilities. It does not stop forces applied from things like shouts, only from general abilities like some magic, arrows, and melee. There are even three variations, so you can have a version that still has a decent amount of pushback.

This is just a few of the ones I am using. If you have any others you can't live without, post them, would love to see what more people around here are using.
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