Okay... This is actually a little weird. It's been almost two weeks into the New Year, and despite the news that there wasn't any reduction in my tumors... I'm actually feeling pretty good.
Don't get me wrong, now. I'm still balder than Elmer Fudd and about as hairy as a Ken doll, I'm still running to the toilet 4-5 times a night because of the prostate... but besides all that, I'm actually feeling better than I have in a few months. It's the little things, really. My apetite's getting better, and even though I have to drink like a camel due to the antibiotics and then as a result pee like a race horse I've gotten that annoyance to a tolerable level. Still have trouble going to the movies and such but getting better. Radiotherapy starts next week, and I'm thinking of asking about possibilities to gather sperm before that. I wasn't offered the possibility before - I'm thinking the fact that I'm almost 29 and single had something to do with it - but since there's a fair chance the therapy will do a number on my reproductive capacity, I'd rather ask and see what the doctor says. A little worried about little things like that, you know... but I'm getting up earlier every morning, and I'm getting back on my feet. Hell, might even go and give the longbow a shot, weather permitting.
Okay, I guess I'm just rambling... anyway, all things considered the current mood is pretty okay.