Still among the living. Decided to start something of an Anti-Bucket List; things to keep me going, to look forward to. Seeing how I am currently tied to a piss bag with the need to get it rinsed three times a day and bandages changed twice a week, I'm somewhat restricted in things I can do with any kind of reason. The trip to New York, for instance, is pretty much not viable as long as I have this kidney drain. Well, not before I get a proper handle of it anyway.
But here's the List, going to keep updating it every now on then:
The Anti-Bucket List:
1. The
Hobbit premiere
2. Season 2 of
Game of Thrones
3. Using the upcoming Mayan apocalypse as a pick-up line.
4. Seeing my niece graduate.
5. Getting to Year 15 as a Medieval Market performer (currently going at Year 13)
6. Starting, reading and finishing
The Song of Ice and Fire - first five books purchased, will get to them eventually.
Getting comfortable enough with my drain to properly start archery. -
Started yesterday 
Hitting a bullseye. -
By a blind stoke of luck, admittedly.
9. Finishing the current Changeling: The Lost campaign with my friends.
10. Preparing a Pathfinder campaign.
11. Finding players for said campaign.
12. Ropecon in July.
13. Finishing the collection of Jeeves stories by Wodehouse that I've bought.
14. Attending the Medieval Market as a performer. -
Looking good, the only things that can put a stop to this is either getting sick and having to be at the hospital, or the doc deciding to change my chemo treatment so that I have to spend more than a few hours at a time at the ward. Here's hoping...
Avatar: The Legend of Korra - watching it, purchasing the DVD.
16. Replenishing my movie collection. Lost a lot of good films when the digibox crapped out on me last month.
17. Visiting the States, preferably New York.
18. Re-visiting London, now as an adult.
19. Finding a good Japanese restaurant within driving distance. -
Gah, such a pain in the ass, this one...
20. Failing #19, learning how to cook some decent Chicken Teriyaki.
21. Re-visiting Ireland, including the school where I spent two semesters as an exchange student.
22. Spending as much time outdoors as possible during the summer.
23. Meeting Gordon Ramsay.
24. Reading to the end of the
Order of the Stick. I remember Rich Burlew saying he's past the half-way mark in his saga...
25. Getting the
Order of the Stick completely in book form.