It ain't gay unless our balls touchKeep strong, North Ranger. A very manly* internet hug.
*(or not so manly)
I'm going to go on a limb here and take that first comment as a joke. No, not penile cancer. The pathologist's report is yet to come in, but the tumors are located in my bladder.What stage is this? You have penile cancer right?
Here's the game plan for you if it's Stage I-III: surgery to remove the tumor, some topical chemo/ radiation therapy for a couple months, and enjoy your 80% survival rate.
I know it's frustrating and scary, but it sounds you've got the type of cancer that you want to get if you have to get cancer.
I don't think anyones making jokes NR. Theres a couple folks going through some tough stuff on this board and its hard to keep it all straight.I'm going to go on a limb here and take that first comment as a joke.
I thought you said you had penile cancer in the rant thread? Oh well, my bad.I'm going to go on a limb here and take that first comment as a joke. No, not penile cancer. The pathologist's report is yet to come in, but the tumors are located in my bladder.
Fuck yeah.I was warned I'm gonna lose all my hair due to the treatment, so I decided to beat that to the punch. Next stop, the barber shop for a close shave.
I think that's the best news you could have gotten. Now it's just a mater of shrinking that bad boy until it's small enough to operate.there seems to be next to no metastasis.
That's good. You can usually tell that they are fake.Not thinking about getting a wig should I lose my current buzzcut
Is that better or worse than me hearing the Trololo-guy?Is it weird that I immediately have Justin Bieber music stuck in my head?
That would also necessitate me wearing tights, and I don't think I have the gams for 'em.Dude, you could totally bring back powdered wigs as a fashion statement!
Would you shave those pubes off your face already!!!!!Naaaahhh... with my luck I'd probably get some lame-ass powers like being able to talk to fish or being able to telekinetically control asparagus.
Gusto, there are times when I get the biggest hard on for you.Fuck yeah.
Dang brother. Keep fighting and never give up.Got a call from the hospital today.
They finally got a firm diagnosis of the cancer I have: Ewing's sarcoma. The bad news is that it's considered an aggressive kind of cancer, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that the CT scans won't show any metastasis.
The good news is that while rare, it is still much more well-known and well-documented than the initial diagnosis - including an internationally approved treatment plan including chemo, radiation therapy and eventually operating on the tumor. And considering that the previous diagnosis led to the doctor having to use a treatment plan that had been tested only briefly, this is indeed a piece of good news for me.
Otherwise, feeling pretty okay at the moment. I am getting more sleep, and while I still stress about going to chemo next week, I've kept my spirits up. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I thought about taking a walk downtown. Got me a 10% discount ticket to the local comic book store, and might hit the DVD stores for some good viewing material.
We are too!we're keeping our fingers crossed that the CT scans won't show any metastasis.
You'll always be North_Ranger to us, dude. Keep fighting, and vent as much as you like here.I already fear losing them due to them seeing only my cancer
You do that and I'll mail you some of the hair I shed today. Doused in my radioactive urineYou'll always be North_Ranger to us, dude. Keep fighting, and vent as much as you like here.
I hear sauna pants also help with cancer treatment. We'll start a fund and send you a pair just as soon as we stop getting distracted by shiny objects.
I wont lie to you. the road is hell and full of zombies. Best bring the shotguns and the buddies who can back you in a fight.That message was made twice the more awesome by you quoting GalaxyQuest, Chibi ya ol' fascist Asian dudeThanks, you cheered me up. As did Biannoshufu. Rest assured, pictures of contemplated coiffures will be posted in due time.
Groovy.I wont lie to you. the road is hell and full of zombies. Best bring the shotguns and the buddies who can back you in a fight.
What is that thing on your pelvis? looks like an alien.![]()
Just to give you guys a better idea that a porta-cath looks like. It is a shallow cylinder with a rubber gasket on top. It has a line leading out of it that threads into a vein in your chest.
Actually it is titanium. I thought mine was plastic too. Mine is painted pink which makes it look like plastic.
Even though I am done with my chemo, I get to keep mine at least two years. I still need to get PET/CT scans four times a year. I do not have the quality veins in my arms to handle getting that many shots. I'd never make it as a junkie.
Calm the fuck down. The thread title alone suggests this is going to be a bit graphic. He wants a place to vent, he can do that here. So it's time to revert to the "Don't like, don't click response."This is why I just wanted to ignore you.
You ever hear of the concept of too much information? You can say you went to the hospital for some tests due to issues. Do you really need to get into detail about pissing blood? This is why you make me rage all the friggin time. In general, no one cares or wants to hear about the gory details. You're like that fucking annoying co-worker who constantly talks in your ear about every mundane detail about their life. Trust me no one cares. People feel bad you have cancer. I do too, but get a blog if you want to piss in the wind.
No please, next time I want to hear every gory detail about your follow-up colonoscopy including pictures of the inside of your anus.
I would find that to be interesting info, even if my testicles try to run in fear just from reading about a vasectomy.^ This.
I actually find it interesting and I think it is perfectly fine to have details such as those in here. It is his thread about his condition. It is to be expected to be a bit 'graphic' at times. Though, honestly, it is not something I view as graphic at all. Just information about his medical wellbeing.
Maybe, just for shits and giggles, I'll do a "wacky surgery" thread next year and add all those graphic details which will make every male cringe in terror and fall to the floor in the fetal position; crying.
It is simply information that not only serves as an outlet, but can also serve as useful information for others who may stumble upon this thread in the future. Don't like it, don't read it.
Am I being graphic? Yes I am. Am I using this thread to vent out my frustrations, fears and the odd good news I have at being a cancer patient before I turn thirty? You can bet your lily-white ass* I am.Then again, it might be therapeutic to do this, and this way people who want to hear what's going on have a place to go, and people who don't give two shits about this can avoid this thread like the plague.
I tend to skip over the gory part, but I do support the therapy of writingMy apologies. Continue sharing with us the inner workings of your body. It seems you do in fact have an audience for it.
is it sad that I laughed at the color change comment? Been there, done that.I knew the worst was over when the colour turned from cherry red to chestnut brown
In other good news, any evening-time boredom will be negated by two picks from the local DVD retailer: Expendables and Thor.
Good to hear buddy. Personally this is YOUR thread. do what you like. I rather you tell us about it and make YOU feel better which is the main goalThanks, espy... I was a little uncertain about writing that, considering what happened the last time I did. I just don't have the desire to get into online pissing contests anymore.
Anyways, some good news: went to the hospital for some blood works to see if there was something seriously wrong. But no; the results were good, so at least there's nothing in my cardiovascular system that's causing this. Either the old infection is acting up or the tumor is breaking up/bleeding. But no need for blood transfusions or anything like that. I knew the worst was over when the colour turned from cherry red to chestnut brown
In other good news, any evening-time boredom will be negated by two picks from the local DVD retailer: Expendables and Thor.
Nope. In fact, I'm glad you laughed. I had to stop and thinking for a second, "Is this TMI?", but then I figured eh, like I'm the only person who sometimes see what colour they peeis it sad that I laughed at the color change comment? Been there, done that.
Heh. My family always tell me to make sure my pee are clear (which is a good sign)Nope. In fact, I'm glad you laughed. I had to stop and thinking for a second, "Is this TMI?", but then I figured eh, like I'm the only person who sometimes see what colour they pee![]()
Thanks, buddy. I admit, I don't always post here when I'm feeling pissed-off or otherwise stressed out (like in the last few days when I was afraid my temp would go up and I'd end up back in the hospital), because let's face it, there's enough ranting here as isHoly crap, I can't believe I missed this thread for over a month and a half...
I'm glad you're doing good under the circumstances, NR; and i'm impressed by your ability to keep a good attitude and a smile. I don't think I could do that. I'm pulling for you (as little as that might do), but you've got my thoughts and best wishes (as well as my axe).
Considering I'm gonna be on a cancer ward, that's kinda like threatening to throw loose body parts at someone in a leper colonyThreaten to pee on your room mate. Tell him it's cancer pee.
Just replying because I couldn't like the post twice.At least they fiddled with your heart before your rear. Some docs work too fast and just go straight for the rear without working up to it. Then they spout some nonsense like, "Don't hate the doctor, hate the game."
The pastiches.
I love those shows. (I promise I wont hijack the thread about it). I only like to watch Chopped on dvr though. When I watch, it goes, what are the ingredients- who is getting kicked off- repeat. I don't want to sit through the whole show. I love my dvr. The Sweet Genius judge is so fun and I look forward to referencing him a lot and having no one have any idea what I am saying.I think you just notice it more than usual since you are going with treatment, but stay strong buddy!
I love cooking shows too. My wife and I watch Chopped A LOT cause those guys put some of the weirdest stuff in the basket. A new show that is pretty cool is Sweet Genius.
Someone needs to draw this!fuckgoddamnmotherfuckercuntpicklelemonpartymeatspinqalbibnqalbvittusaatanaperkelejumalautaTimoSoiniperussuomalaisetjytkypötkälehijodeputacazzohelvetefittanMicheleBachmann!
Haven't I posted it before?I don't even know how one could draw something like that... except maybe a caricature of yours truly surrounded by a tornado of expletives.
Which, admittedly, sounds kinda cool.
I know I've posted this video before, but in this case it bears repeating... sorry if this isn't funny...thought you might get a giggle...Thanks, Seej. Unfortunately, I'm going in again the day after tomorrow. 'nother round of chemo.
Le sigh.
This wouldn't be so bad except that the tumor's in my bladder - which means that even when I'm out I have to stay within a dashing distance of the toilet. It makes Christmas shopping quite difficult...
That sounds like all good news to me. It's one thing to have a symptom of an unknown problem, but to have a known problem that can be treate. As well, excellent news on the lack of bladder tumour!Okay... some news...
Went to the doctor today to have my bladder checked with a lovely procedure that included a numbing gel and a camera mounted on a limber plastic tube. I'll leave the exact details of how that went about to your individual imaginations. But the point of all this was to see if there was something that could be done to keep me from peeing constantly (currently going at once every 1,5 hours, 24/7).
Aaaaand they found I have an inflamed prostate, that's actually pressing on my bladder and making it so that I have a constant need to urinate, even though there's little to pee. So in other words, I've got a problem that's usually the domain of old men (Hi Dave!).
The other piece of news is... the doctor couldn't find any sign of a tumor inside my bladder![]()
Liked just for this. Made me laugh.And to be honest, the problems I had with the plumbing also meant that the amusement park was also closed, if you know what I mean.
Should he screw the science guys before, during, or after masturbating into the bottle?Just masturbate into a bottle and stick it in the freezer. Screw those science guys!
I could give him a new mom simply by turning the page.I always found this incredibly silly. "Yes son, you were conceived by your dad jerking off to pornographic content."![]()
Heh, glad I could brighten your day, doom ol' boy. I just frankly consider this the best possible evidence against Intelligent Design. I mean, what kind of intelligence does it show that you have waste disposal and sex sharing the same facilities? If some civic engineer suggested something like that, they'd be laughed out of the city.Liked just for this. Made me laugh.
None, since he is a straight guy who just isn't interested in science guys. Unless they're Stephen Fry, because hell, the man's brilliant in whatever he does.Should he screw the science guys before, during, or after masturbating into the bottle?
I have to admit, I'm shy enough that I actually don't think I could manage the "donation" part. Hell, I mean can there be anything less sexy than a frickin' hospital? Kind of a moodkiller, if you ask meFunny story, when we did our first round of IVF, my part consisted purely of a donation. For this donation, they give you a little room with some reading material. I was fortunate enough to get the room where the only material was CHUBB, FATT and other similar genred pornography. LUCKY ME!
SIMILES?!Wow, Nick, your constantly insulting my face is starting to make me feel like shit.
Tell me about it. What's really bothersome is trying to get the blood of your blade after you've killed oneVikings, after all, are notoriously hard to kill.
My work here is doneAs an aside, whoop-de-perkele-doo has now been added to my lexicon.
Yeah... I'm just tired of that repeated sensation that things are going OK... and then being told there's something that's wrong. It eats ya... it eats ya fast.Those OK mornings are a good sign. Yeah the repercussions of taking in 2.5 liters of chemo/hydration and nearly 4 liters of non caffeinated drinks really tore me up last fall.
I know I'm really, really late to this party, and I'm sorry to hear about Lil' Ranger's blanks, but... ahem...Hell, I mean can there be anything less sexy than a frickin' hospital? Kind of a moodkiller, if you ask me![]()
Oooh yeah, boyeeeee. Let's get some nurse on nurse action going on in here.I know I'm really, really late to this party, and I'm sorry to hear about Lil' Ranger's blanks, but... ahem...
That is all.
Thanks, bhamv3... But there's some small matters that get in the way.I know I'm really, really late to this party, and I'm sorry to hear about Lil' Ranger's blanks, but... ahem...
That is all.
Trust me, with most of the nurses being in their forties or older, with hair styles and body types one mostly associates with bespectacled elementary school teachers that aren't getting any added to the constant discomfort, food one wouldn't feed to a pig and the prevailing atmosphere being a combination of soap and ass... I just can't find my hospital stays sexy in the least.They don't have to be. You just have to pretend they are.
The girls in porn aren't really enjoying the sex that much. You just have to pretend they are.
There aren't really guards in a place called Skyrim, who took arrows to knees. You just have to pretend there are.
There wasn't really a guy called Romeo and a girl called Juliet who ended up horribly dead. You just have to pretend there was. Or not, if you prefer Taylor Swift's version.
Point is, if you open up your mind and let your fantasies unwind, even hospitals can be sexy places.![]()
I'll help you out with your pickup line:There is at least one hot nurse in the ward![]()
You want some really bad heebie jeebies, Gared old boy? This will be the fourth time in seven months I'm getting stuff shoved up my John Thomas. I wonder if this qualifies me as bi-curious and failing at it? You know, getting stuffed through an 'exit only' male orifice, but the wrong one at thatHang in there, man. Hopefully the stent will be just the thing you need to drop those creatinine levels right the hell back down to where they're supposed to be, and get you some much needed relief from the "every 20 minutes must pee now" drama. Granted, just the idea of having a stent inserted gives me the heebie jeebies, but sometimes the benefits do outweigh the costs.
To meet Hot Nurse, one must be patient.The good news: I would alike to amend my previous statement. There is at least one hot nurse in the ward![]()
Don't look up "sounding".Ame, Allen, for the love of my sanity and being able to sleep tonight... don't give me specifics.
It's all about matching, man. Something to match the yellow. I suggest a colostomy bag.At least I can now call myself a metrosexual; I've got my very own accessory. Okay, it's plastic and filling with piss, but goddammit, that counts!
No no no, you're going about this all wrong... you should only need to carry oneIt's all about matching, man. Something to match the yellow. I suggest a colostomy bag.
Nah, I just accidentally pressed Enter before I could fill the listPretty depressing so far.
Love these!13. Finishing the collection of Jeeves stories by Wodehouse that I've bought.
Bitch, please. I have the whole damn series on DVDLove these!
Have you seen the miniseries with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie?
One time, I depressed a friend by mentioning that one of the reasons I wanted a girlfriend was so I could have somebody to drive me home after getting a medical procedure that required sedation.Pretty depressing so far.
Just not on camera.Trust me on this: I know the power of a good vent.
As mentioned earlier, I've got a kidney drain because the tumor is threatening to block the tract that leads urine from my kidney (the only good one) to my bladder. The drain itself had almost stopped working, and finally they got an operation time for it this morning. Yesterday, however, the tumor apparently started pressing the tract and the bladder so that I was constantly aching and could barely urinate - only a trickle of blood-laced stuff. My kidney values also started spiking, so after talking with the doctor they got a person from the urological ward to come look.
With just the barest howdoyoudo, I was told to lie back - and the damn nurse shoved a catether into my bladder.
As in "took a plastic tube and shoved it up my dick, all the way into the bladder".
This has been done to me once before, and then I had to wear that catether for three whole days - and I was in constant pain. Now the resurgent memory of those days, the feeling of a tube inside my tortured John Thomas and the sheer shock of this having been done to me just like that out of the blue, I probably would have lost it there and then if my Mom hadn't managed to calm me down. She said I looked in so much pain that my head was about to burst. No wonder, considering how fucking humiliating the whole process feels, on top of the pain.
Luckily the pain subsided with time and painkillers, and I managed to get some shut-eye. Today they changed the drain, and once satisfied it was working - meaning it had leaked out about a gallon of fluids in eight hours - they removed the catether. That wasn't as painful as I had remembered, probably because it only stayed there for about 24 hours. But the insertion, and the feeling of helplessness the first time you really need to urinate but can't... the blood that leaks out when you instinctively try to squeeze out that urine you have burning in your bladder... God, the horror...
I've had the joy of unexpectedly sliding down the trunk of a tree* while wearing only shorts WHILE I had urethral stitches . It's the sort of thing that lingers in your memory.Gusto - trust me... after something like that, you never take your Trouser Titan for granted again. EVER.
I'm not going to lie to you sir, having my mother there while someone put a catheter into me might be the worst nightmare I can think of.It is said that childbirth and being kicked in the balls are the greatest pains known to mankind. Yesterday, I was submitted to another procedure that, in my mind, completes the unholy trinity of OHMYGODTHATHURTSMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOOOOOOPP!!
Spoilered for the sake of sanity - except maybe for Shegokigo , who perhaps would consider this educational material for her future domination of the world:
As mentioned earlier, I've got a kidney drain because the tumor is threatening to block the tract that leads urine from my kidney (the only good one) to my bladder. The drain itself had almost stopped working, and finally they got an operation time for it this morning. Yesterday, however, the tumor apparently started pressing the tract and the bladder so that I was constantly aching and could barely urinate - only a trickle of blood-laced stuff. My kidney values also started spiking, so after talking with the doctor they got a person from the urological ward to come look.
With just the barest howdoyoudo, I was told to lie back - and the damn nurse shoved a catether into my bladder.
As in "took a plastic tube and shoved it up my dick, all the way into the bladder".
This has been done to me once before, and then I had to wear that catether for three whole days - and I was in constant pain. Now the resurgent memory of those days, the feeling of a tube inside my tortured John Thomas and the sheer shock of this having been done to me just like that out of the blue, I probably would have lost it there and then if my Mom hadn't managed to calm me down. She said I looked in so much pain that my head was about to burst. No wonder, considering how fucking humiliating the whole process feels, on top of the pain.
Luckily the pain subsided with time and painkillers, and I managed to get some shut-eye. Today they changed the drain, and once satisfied it was working - meaning it had leaked out about a gallon of fluids in eight hours - they removed the catether. That wasn't as painful as I had remembered, probably because it only stayed there for about 24 hours. But the insertion, and the feeling of helplessness the first time you really need to urinate but can't... the blood that leaks out when you instinctively try to squeeze out that urine you have burning in your bladder... God, the horror...
tl;dr/safe version: painful and humiliating procedure with associated memories. I am getting better now. Guys... Give your schlongs some love. Because when they're in horrid pain... there's absolutely nothing worse.
And I thought my vag stitches hurt.
That's the same reaction my husband had when he came out of his daze and saw it being done.AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
*runs around screaming*
Well, she was there because we have developed this system where she or my dad is always present when we go and meet the doctor. That way, I am spared the often unpleasant duty of reiterating to them what was said, thus keeping them in the know of what's going on - and there's another person there to ask questions if I fail to ask something that might be of importance.I'm not going to lie to you sir, having my mother there while someone put a catheter into me might be the worst nightmare I can think of.
That's terrifying.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure you now qualify as a cyborg. And that's an instant +150% in badassery.I am feeling better now, BTW. The kidney drain is working like a charm, meaning I only urinate the tiniest bit when I need to take a crap. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but that's passing. I'm still waiting for my lab results to come back, though; my kidney values were elevated (about 150, when for an adult it should be between 60 and 100), so they wanted me to come by today for some bloodworks. But considering how well the drain's working, I'll be damn surprised if they haven't started to go down again.
Fact: North Ranger is now a cyborg viking.
Goddamnit, I wish I had talent in drawing so I could draw that.
Yeah, one of my wisdom teeth had a curved root, and they sent me to an oral surgeon. He told me he was going to have to break away some of my jawbone. It's a really disturbing crunching noise, even when you can't feel it.Wow, sounds painful. A few years ago I had a bone graft operation on my jaw. The surgeon gave me a local anesthetic. It totally numbed my mouth but I could hear everything, including him scraping the bone. A few hours later, I was eating mashed potatoes and pudding when the painkillers wore off. It felt like a had a fire ant colony in my mouth.
Agreed, except I could feel it and let loose with a blood choked scream.Yeah, one of my wisdom teeth had a curved root, and they sent me to an oral surgeon. He told me he was going to have to break away some of my jawbone. It's a really disturbing crunching noise, even when you can't feel it.
I trained my soldiers to do foley catheters one day while in Iraq, I couldn't get a test subject so instead I had to train them as they did it on me. 6 catheters in 30 minutes....Fuck yeah!It is said that childbirth and being kicked in the balls are the greatest pains known to mankind. Yesterday, I was submitted to another procedure that, in my mind, completes the unholy trinity of OHMYGODTHATHURTSMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOOOOOOPP!!
Spoilered for the sake of sanity - except maybe for Shegokigo , who perhaps would consider this educational material for her future domination of the world:
As mentioned earlier, I've got a kidney drain because the tumor is threatening to block the tract that leads urine from my kidney (the only good one) to my bladder. The drain itself had almost stopped working, and finally they got an operation time for it this morning. Yesterday, however, the tumor apparently started pressing the tract and the bladder so that I was constantly aching and could barely urinate - only a trickle of blood-laced stuff. My kidney values also started spiking, so after talking with the doctor they got a person from the urological ward to come look.
With just the barest howdoyoudo, I was told to lie back - and the damn nurse shoved a catether into my bladder.
As in "took a plastic tube and shoved it up my dick, all the way into the bladder".
This has been done to me once before, and then I had to wear that catether for three whole days - and I was in constant pain. Now the resurgent memory of those days, the feeling of a tube inside my tortured John Thomas and the sheer shock of this having been done to me just like that out of the blue, I probably would have lost it there and then if my Mom hadn't managed to calm me down. She said I looked in so much pain that my head was about to burst. No wonder, considering how fucking humiliating the whole process feels, on top of the pain.
Luckily the pain subsided with time and painkillers, and I managed to get some shut-eye. Today they changed the drain, and once satisfied it was working - meaning it had leaked out about a gallon of fluids in eight hours - they removed the catether. That wasn't as painful as I had remembered, probably because it only stayed there for about 24 hours. But the insertion, and the feeling of helplessness the first time you really need to urinate but can't... the blood that leaks out when you instinctively try to squeeze out that urine you have burning in your bladder... God, the horror...
tl;dr/safe version: painful and humiliating procedure with associated memories. I am getting better now. Guys... Give your schlongs some love. Because when they're in horrid pain... there's absolutely nothing worse.
I weep for thy penis.I trained my soldiers to do foley catheters one day while in Iraq, I couldn't get a test subject so instead I had to train them as they did it on me. 6 catheters in 30 minutes....Fuck yeah!
And thus you became the "Throbbing Cock of Justice"...I trained my soldiers to do foley catheters one day while in Iraq, I couldn't get a test subject so instead I had to train them as they did it on me. 6 catheters in 30 minutes....Fuck yeah!
Going the extra mile, 6 inches (give or take) at a time.I trained my soldiers to do foley catheters one day while in Iraq, I couldn't get a test subject so instead I had to train them as they did it on me. 6 catheters in 30 minutes....Fuck yeah!
No no no... you're not supposed to measure from the asshole!Going the extra mile, 6 inches (give or take) at a time.
Vomit count so far: One, and that was at a hospital.If you have trouble with your appetite or nausea after chemo or radiation treatments smoking a little pot can help ease those side effects.
Just something weird that happened today: I went to the Market rehearsals today and met this one guy with whom I've talked a few times over the years. The guy's a complete looney, but hey, he's in professional theatre so that's pretty much given. When I mentioned my current medical predicament to him, his response was condolences and "You know, I've got some weed. Which you are perfectly welcome to. You're entitled."
I have to say, I was tempted to accept his proposal, were it not for my personal zero tolerance policy in the past and the fact that I seriously don't want to know what kind of a fucktard I'd turn into when I'm high. I mean, I turn morose when I'm drunk. I shudder to think what I'd be like high.
Also the fact that my Mom comes over three times a day to rinse my kidney drain might have been a factor why I decided to decline for now![]()
Ranger I love your attitude! You sir are impressive. Keep living well and I will keep hoping that they find a way to shrink then cure those damned tumors!Had a talk with the doctor today. There's been some slight changes visible in the scan - none of them particularly good. There are new tiny tumors in my lungs and some of the old ones have grown. The big one is unchanged. The initial reports were far more drastic, but apparently the specialists had a look at the pictures and found that whoever wrote the report had been overly dramatic. The changes aren't good, there's no denying that, but nowhere near critical or threatening to the overall treatment.
For the foreseeable future the treatment is palliative, meaning that they can't cure the cancer but the treatment will focus on containing the growth of the tumors. The doctor pretty much told me that they will essentially aim to make life as normal as possible for me. They can't offer curative treatments without serious danger, so now this is just something I need to learn to live with. I'm strangely okay with that; the doctor didn't tell me to start writing my will or nothing, and I understood that the overall changes in the past year have been few. And if the current treatment doesn't work, there are still two or three others they can try.
That's pretty much it for the time being. I'll likely have this monkey on my back for the rest of my life, but considering that overall I am still quite well, that's not as dramatic or short as it might sound like. I'll just keep on living and hope for the best.
What is killing me, however, is that signature, Bones ... My eyes keep jumping up to Pinkie Pie![]()
Dave you nailed it, more priorities running too fast in way the wrong damned direction when we should be focused on making it a better, freer, smarter world and making the most of it.That's...just...
Fuck cancer, man. Just fuck it. If we spent as much time trying to cure shit instead of denigrating science and spending countless billions of dollars on campaigning for a $400,000 a year job, maybe the world would be a better place.
Please god walk around singing his verse from ERB:And if nothing else, I can now probably go to Ropecon in a suit and say I'm cosplaying young Gorbachev![]()
There aren't too many threads where this response could be anything but creepy.Sorry to hear that it showed up but glad it came off cleanly
Yes, because a huge, purple, squishy knob of a unicorn horn was such a great fashion statement that I willed it into existence
Yes, because a huge, purple, squishy knob of a unicorn horn was such a great fashion statement that I willed it into existence![]()
I ripped my shirt this morning on the way to work and have been bitching all day about my stupid shirt. I think I'll stop complaining about it now.
Stay strong, buddy. You know we all love ya and are pulling for you.
He jokes, but not really.Err, Northy, dude, stop with the silly growths, okay?![]()
You need anything we can help with and we're here, man. Anything. I'll even make a video of myself twerking if it would help.
Oh man. How brutal. I am sorry to hear it, but looking forward to hear some positive progress. I hold out hope.[DOUBLEPOST=1377794578,1377794489][/DOUBLEPOST]Update.
Getting worse. Can not feel my hands, nor my legs. Fearful of all hell. Gonna get a new CT scan. Likely it has bled worse.
I'm scared.
Dictated to my mom on my iPad. My right hand is completely useless.
I love that you can still find the gross humour in it allI am forbidden to leave the bed even to take a dump. How I manage that without the use of adult diapers or by being Gary Busey... I'll leave that to your imagination.
I have a friend with a stoma due to the removal of their lower intestines and colon (f'in cancer). My imagination might be more than necessary in this case......I am forbidden to leave the bed even to take a dump. How I manage that without the use of adult diapers or by being Gary Busey... I'll leave that to your imagination.
I got your back, mangYou need anything we can help with and we're here, man. Anything. I'll even make a video of myself twerking if it would help.
"With a tumor, you gotta have humor".Oh man. How brutal. I am sorry to hear it, but looking forward to hear some positive progress. I hold out hope.[DOUBLEPOST=1377794578,1377794489][/DOUBLEPOST]
I love that you can still find the gross humour in it all![]()
I think that would be disastrous, Dave. The Internet still recovering from your flappy hooetiesYou need anything we can help with and we're here, man. Anything. I'll even make a video of myself twerking if it would help.
This is beautiful! My favourite part is that he's coyly looking back over his shoulder.I got your back, mang
This is beautiful! My favourite part is that he's coyly looking back over his shoulder.
@Dave got back.This is beautiful! My favourite part is that he's coyly looking back over his shoulder.
Signal boosted.I'm just going to link to this directly.
@Zappit is a class act and says what we all feel, better than I could. Best wishes, Mikko.
Now take the fist, and PUNCH CANCER IN ITS FACEQuick update from the stroke ward:
For the last two days, I have been unable to use my fingers. They simply have not responded to my signals.
Today, I managed to squueze my hand into a fist. There is yet hope.
Thank you for all the love you've sent my way. You folks are awesome.
Hope recovery happens better and faster than expected so you can get away from that definition of stroke and get back to the right one with both hands!Quick update from the stroke ward:
For the last two days, I have been unable to use my fingers. They simply have not responded to my signals.
Today, I managed to squueze my hand into a fist. There is yet hope.
Thank you for all the love you've sent my way. You folks are awesome.
The "like" is obviously not for still pain and discomfort, but for being able to post again and for keeping up the strength to try and get your good side up and running again. Go you!Not dead yet, so don't send any invitations for Chaz to return
Posting is merely slow and difficult, as I still have only limited functionality in my right hand, and I try to focus on "bothering" that side of my body instead of growing more proficient with my left side. The process is slower, but this way it is much more likely I will eventually regain at least a good portion of my original functionality.
Things are... odd at the moment. I'm getting some radiotherapy, but that's about it. Beyond that it is mostly just trying to cope with mom essentially living with me and helping out with most daily functions while also trying to regain some indepedence.
FtfyFYI you will probably need to start a routine where you check in about once every thirty minutes or something, or else our overactive imaginations will assume something is up.
I have not yet harnessed their natural talent for bending time and space. Yet....Hey! One picture, two pictures, no pictures! Someone's cheating, or these are DoomBlinkWeasels.
...If they are, we're all fucked.
Only if the second round's on me, Tommi my good man.Dude,
in 2018,
you, me, the summer Sun, and Svarte Rudolf.
My treat.
I'm...not sure that's how it works. I hope you meant to say bacterial infection.if they find traces of a viral infection, [it] can be treated with antibiotics.
and the doctor said that unless they keep rising, I could still be able to live on a few more years at least.