Enresshou , you mention sauna pants to me one more time and I will drain my piss bag into your beer

Other than that, thanks
Today's been... okay. I was told that I would be out after the operation, and the blood test values they took were pretty much the best they had been in months. The doctor put a somewhat thicker line in my side this time, hoping that it would not then clog so easily, and the nurse at the cancer ward reassured me that there's nothing to be worried about my situation. Usually the line has to be changed every three months, but there's a lot of individual variation; for some the drain works without a hitch for the three months with no effort at all, others can work their asses off to keep the line working and they still have to get it changed in less than half that time.
The only thing that really worries me is the chance of infection: my temp's just a tad higher than it usually is, and my side is somewhat aching, but I try to think positively and hope the ache is just the result of the doc poking the damn line up into my last functioning kidney

It'd be a shame if something went wrong, especially since tomorrow's the day for the Medieval Market actors' annual picnic. And I have cake
Thanks for all the well-wishes, especially you,
Dave . This is hard as hell but you're right, I keep trusting that there are better things to come in the horizon, and I've learned who are the people I can rely on when the shit hits the fan. As for surviving cancer...
I'm North_Ranger, third son of my family.
I've bested the university.
I am a Jaeger of the Satakunta Jaeger Brigade.
I've faced down classes of students, insufferable bureaucracy and idiotic principals.
I'm an actor, a lover, a joker and a fuckin' awesome person.
I'm the Dragon of the North, the creator of a thousand stories.
I will kick this cancer's ass.
I will live.
Deal with it, bitches.