[News] Anon goes to war.

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Apparently the addon likes to choose one and stick with it. It's not really supposed to work that way.
Did Anon take down the US government for busting people for committing fraud and copyright infringement on US soil yet
Did Rosa Parks fix the entire black inequality movement for refusing to move from the back of the bus yet?

Learn the meaning of protest before commenting on what you don't understand.

Figuring your attempt at looking so Hipster, you'd have known the meaning of it by now.
The fact that he got so close to the fire that his facial hair is smouldering suggests he has poor eyesight as well.
It's a pirate thing. Some folks like to put pieces of lit fuse in their beards, makes 'em look more intimidating.

Also, this is making the rounds.

This thread amuses me. Interestingly enough, I agree with Droll's post about a drop in the bucket but drops add up over time. I wasn't put out by the "outages" and didn't really keep up with it myself.
Not too up on my Federal Law Enforcement, but I believe as long as New Zealand will extradite to the US, then the FBI can cooperate with local LEOs to arrest the individual.

And, over 9000 hours of research on teh interwebs later, I have learned that as of December 8th 1970, New Zealand will extradite to the US. QED


Staff member
No, they're just cranky that some website based primarily in peddling stolen wares got shut down.


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Are you guys really positing that the US shouldn't be able to arrest people that commit crimes in the US but go to another country?
We were not aware of the extradition status of New Zealand. Given that certain other "allied" nations seem to refuse to extradite convicted rapists semi-regularly, it didn't seem like too much of a stretch.

If they went through normal channels and cooperated with the NZ government, then my primary concern is allayed.

And frankly, only sucker noobs used Megaupload for piracy. That's just begging for a virus, and a huge waste of time.

No, they're just cranky that some website based primarily in peddling stolen wares got shut down.
Christ, what's been with you these last few weeks? It's like Charlie's bad attitude fisted you so hard it continues to use you for a sockpuppet.


Staff member
Christ, what's been with you these last few weeks? It's like Charlie's bad attitude fisted you so hard it continues to use you for a sockpuppet.
Maybe it's my relocation to a pretty liberal city, or possibly it's my new calling as a teacher for emotionally, behaviorally and learning disabled urban youth, or quite possibly, the older I get, the more I eye roll at the intense amounts of bullshit that get passed off as internet tomfoolery and debate.

Also, if Charlie's not using my ass to make a sock puppet, I'm definitely still a bro'd out hipster. One of the three.
Just out of curiosity Charlie/Juski, do you think it was ok that they hurt and destroyed alot of small businesses and alot of teachers who used MegaUpload to host their personal files for both work and personal use by instantly deleting their entire archive without giving them time to save their work?
I'll be honest, if you're hosting your shit online without an external HD in this day and age, you deserve every hardship and more.


Staff member
Lol, that's like saying if I find it okay if arresting a bunch of drug dealers hurt my neighborhood's economy. There are plenty of legal alternatives for said process, if any teachers even fucking do that, anyway.
Added at: 00:45
"oh no megaupload is ruined, I guess you kids won't graduate this year"
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